Dear All... If you using joomla version 1.0.* then data retrive code will be like bellow... $query = "SELECT * FROM #__gallery LIMIT 10"; $database->setQuery($query); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($rows as $row){ print $row->title; } its a simple process. Before that you have to call a global variable global $database; Please spicify more if you need more help. S.M. Saidur Rahman Analyst Programmer SureSoft Technology Limited Work: +8801911731214 Mobile: +8801911731214 rana_0036@xxxxxxxxx Visit MyBlogLog and get a signature like this! ________________________________ From: kalai selvi <kalaikalki6484@xxxxxxxxx> To: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 5:13:47 PM Subject: joomla db retrieve records hi all plz send me how to retriev the records from DB into fetch in dynamic website using joomla only. i am new to joomla,so i dont now how to retrieve. i am creating one online university using joomla this i wanted to display (10 records) teachers avaliable for mathematics subject. so i want to display Like: Maths is coming from DB and Department proffessors available is static Maths Department proffessors available mathew hiden rajes kumar elsa thomas jacob madan uma thenas george paranthaman [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]