Hi Guys i wrote code for scheduler in corntab we wrote the fallowing code #mi h d m dow job comment 1 * * * * schduler.php # sendin mail for every one min. in schdeuler.php we wrote the fallowing code <?php // The message $message = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"; // In case any of our lines are larger than 70 characters, we should use wordwrap() $message = wordwrap($message, 70); // Send mail('malayappa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'Hellohai', $message); ?> we are accessing crontab using fallowing code $cronTab = dirname(__FILE__)."/cronjobs/crontab.txt"; it we print the cron tab we are getting fallowing output D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\Cellular-Phones/cronjobs/crontab.txt actually my file is located at D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\Cellular-Phones\cronjobs\crontab.txt if we chaged the crontab like this $cronTab = dirname(__FILE__)."\cronjobs\crontab.txt"; then not getting any taskobject or any thing please tell some solution Regards malayappa