Hi Nastya, i dont have Webmin, is there any other way to RUN CRON ? Thanks & Regards Prabakaran.D --------------------------------------------------------- Awake Arise And Stop Not Till you Reach your Goal --- On Mon, 30/6/08, Nastya <nastya@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: From: Nastya <nastya@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Cron Jobs help needed To: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Monday, 30 June, 2008, 7:24 PM hi i did it via webmin. if you have a webmin: you go to webmin -> system -> scheduled Cron Jobs -> Create a new scheduled cron job. then you have a form "Job Details" at "Command" field you put: wget http://www.yousite. com/the/url/ of/your/php at "When to execute" shoose minutes, hours, days, etc... Praba karan wrote: > > > Hi Folks, > > I am prabakar, i am also facing problem to RUN CRON JOBS > > My requirement is i want to run a PHP script at particular time daily > basis, that script is Email Notofication. i am using Ubuntu Server?.... > > Can anyone help me regarding this > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/ [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]