<?php include ('db_constants.php'); // File should include at three lines which set // database name, username, and password. // $db_name, $db_username, $db_password // The file should be secured 400 (owner=read, group=none, other=none) // Note that INSIDE of MySQL you need to grant FULL // access to the user which is performing the // backups - see the MySQL reference manual 'GRANT' command $fil_name = '/tmp/'.$db_name.'-'.date('Y_md_his'); $bak_file = $fil_name.'.sql'; // Backup File $err_file = $fil_name.'.err'; // File where errors are written $isok = system ("mysqldump --user ".$db_username.' --password='.$db_password.' '.$db_name.' > '.$back_file.' 2> '.$err_file); if ( ! $isok ) { echo "Something appears to have gone wrong, check the error file \n"; echo " ".$err_file."\n"; echo "for error messages.\n"; } ?>