Hi Rob Thanx for your resonse. we have an arrray <gallery> <item> <thumb>2.jpg</thumb> <img>2.jpg</img> </item> <item> <thumb>3.jpg</thumb> <img>3.jpg</img> </item> <item> <thumb>4.jpg</thumb> <img>4.jpg</img> </item> <item> <thumb>5.jpg</thumb> <img>5.jpg</img> </item> </gallery> it is a xml file we need to change the order of the arry. here is our code for getting xm as array and finding the element position. --------------------------- <?php if( ! ($fp = fopen( "./gallery.xml" , "r" )) ) die("Couldn't open xml file!"); $person_counter = 0; $person_data = array(); $xml_current_tag_state = ''; function startElementHandler( $parser, $element_name, $element_attribs ) { global $person_counter; global $person_data; global $xml_current_tag_state; if( $element_name == "ITEM" ) { // $person_data[$person_counter]["author"] = $element_attribs["AUTHOR"]; } else { $xml_current_tag_state = $element_name; } } function endElementHandler( $parser, $element_name ) { global $person_counter; global $person_data; global $xml_current_tag_state; $xml_current_tag_state = ''; if( $element_name == "ITEM" ) { $person_counter++; } } function characterDataHandler( $parser , $data ) { global $person_counter; global $person_data; global $xml_current_tag_state; if( $xml_current_tag_state == '' ) return; if( $xml_current_tag_state == "THUMB" ) { $person_data[$person_counter]["thumb"] = $data; } if( $xml_current_tag_state == "IMG" ) { $person_data[$person_counter]["img"] = $data; } /* if( $xml_current_tag_state == "ABSTRACT" ) { $person_data[$person_counter]["abstract"] = $data; } if( $xml_current_tag_state == "BODYTEXT" ) { $person_data[$person_counter]["bodytext"] = $data; }*/ } if( !($xml_parser = xml_parser_create()) ) die("Couldn't create XML parser!"); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementHandler", "endElementHandler"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterDataHandler"); while( $data = fread($fp, 4096) ) { if( !xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp)) ) { break; // get out of while loop if we're done with the file } } xml_parser_free($xml_parser); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $position= $_POST['t1'] ; $file= $_POST['t2']; echo "position is".$position ."<br>"; echo "file is". $file ."<br>"; echo "file is".$person_data[$position]['img']."<br>" ; $article = $file; echo "article is".$article; $thisPos = -1; $elementPos = 0; $filename = 'gallery.xml'; if (!$fp = fopen($filename, 'w+')) { print "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } $lengthOfArray = count($person_data); echo "length is". $lengthOfArray."<br>"; /*adding */ for( $i=0 ; $i < $lengthOfArray ; ++$i ) { $thisName = $person_data[$i]["thumb"]; //echo "this name is".$thisName . "<br>"; if ($thisName == $article) { echo "<b> match at position number: ". $i . "</b><br>"; $thisPos = $i; echo "our match happened at". $thisPos."<br>"; if ($thisPos==-1) { echo "$i;br>its NOT on the ARRAY thisPos value is $thisPos we need to append"; $elementPos = $lengthOfArray; } else { //echo "$i;br>it IS on the ARRAY at postion $thisPos we need to over write"; $elementPos = $thisPos; echo "elementpos".$elementPos."<br>"; } //echo "$i;br>---this is elementpos value $elementPos<br>"; echo "before if. <br>"; } } On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Atkinson, Robert <ratkinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > array_multisort() can be used to sort multi-dimensional arrays. If you > can > give us an idea of what the arrays look like and how you want to change > the > order, perhaps we can suggest a method? > > Rob. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <php-objects%40yahoogroups.com> [mailto: > php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <php-objects%40yahoogroups.com>] On > Behalf Of malayappa2000 > Sent: 30 April 2008 14:56 > To: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <php-objects%40yahoogroups.com> > Subject: how to chnage the elements positons in array > > Hi everybody > > my requirement is i have a mutlidimensonal array i need to change the > order of array elements .could you plz give me some solution how to > chage the order elements of array > Thanks®ards > > > *********************************************************************************** > Any opinions expressed in email are those of the individual and not > necessarily those of the company. 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