Re: Bulk mail in PHP 5

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Hello Manuel, 

I have a question. I have created a simple class for sending mail. Just a simple mail() and some headers:

 $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
 $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
 $headers .= "To: $to<$to>" . "\r\n";
 $headers .= "From:  $eMail<noreply@xxxxxxxxxx>" . "\r\n";

The problem is most often it send mail twice to Inbox folder, or sometimes it stores first on the BULK folder. How can I avoid that- store on BULK Folder?

Manuel Lemos <mlemos@xxxxxxx> wrote:                             Hello,
 on 04/09/2008 03:48 AM Balaji R said the following:
 > Hi friends,
 > I am using phpmailer class to send emails from web site. I want to send newsletters to the registered users, so, plz tell any one how to send bulk mail using mysql.
 I don't know about phpmailer because I do not use it.
 Instead I used the MIME message class that has several optimizations to
 work more efficiently in bulk mailing campaigns, like several levels of
 caching of message parts that do not change. Take a look at the
 test_personalized_bulk_mail.php example.
 Manuel Lemos
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