Good Sudhakar. In Thankyou.php: if (session_is_ registered( "firstnameis" )) { echo 'Dear '.$_SESSION['firstnameis'].' thank you'; session_unregister("firstnameis"); } Thanks & Regards Udayakumar Sarangapani Sr. PHP Developer CompIndia Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Chennai. "Science is nothing but logic..." ----- Original Message ---- From: sudhakar <finals27@xxxxxxxxx> To: udayakumaar@xxxxxxxxx Sent: Tuesday, 18 March, 2008 9:34:44 AM Subject: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: passing variables values using POST Note: forwarded message attached. thanks for letting me know. i will implement the code you mentioned about checking for session variable. should i unregister the session variable in thankyou.php the purpose of using session variable is to extract the value of the firstname from form.php and display in thankyou.php and after that i do not need the session variable at all. 1) i suppose this is the correct syntax = session_unregister(firstnameis); 2) i suppose this is not required = unset($_SESSION['firstnameis']); please advice. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. -----Inline Message Follows----- Hi Sudhakar, Your code is okay. Before using session_register function, you have to check the session variable whether it exists already or not. Follow the below code: In form.php: if (!session_is_ registered( "firstnameis" )) { session_register( "firstnameis" ); } In Thankyou.php: if (session_is_ registered( "firstnameis" )) { Dear <?php echo $_SESSION['firstnam eis']; ?> thank you } Always checking session variables before echoing is a good programming technique. Thanks & Regards Udayakumar Sarangapani Sr. PHP Developer CompIndia Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Chennai. "Science is nothing but logic..." ----- Original Message ---- From: sudhakar <finals27@yahoo. com> To: udayakumaar@ Sent: Tuesday, 18 March, 2008 4:37:09 AM Subject: Fwd: Re: passing variables values using POST Note: forwarded message attached. thanks for letting me know. i have used session and it works without adding the variable name and value in the url. just wanted to confirm what i am doing is correct. i have 2 files a) form.php which gathers information entered in the form and b) thankyou.php which extracts the value of firstname store in form.php as $fname and displays this $fname and a thankyou message. code in form.php ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= === session_start( ); // AS THE VERY FIRST LINE FOLLOWED BY session_register( "firstnameis" ); $fname = $_POST["fname" ]; $_SESSION['firstnam eis'] = $fname; // SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN THE CODE ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= === code in thankyou.php ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= === session_start( ); // AS THE VERY FIRST LINE Dear <?php echo $_SESSION['firstnam eis']; ?> thank you for registering etc... ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= === 1. do i need to destroy or unregister the session variable in thankyou.php and if so can i write that unregister statement after displaying <?php echo $_SESSION['firstnam eis']; ?> 2. i noticed that you mentioned $_SESSION['firstnam eis'] = $fname; just before header(Location: thankyou.php) ; however i have used $_SESSION['firstnam eis'] = $fname; in between the code even before header(Location: thankyou.php) ; and it works. please advice. thanks. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail. -----Inline Message Follows----- Hi Madhu, Sudhakar clearly mentioned not to use any form and javascript for posting. If you use form post then you have to submit the same form using javascript. But he does not want javascript code. Better he can use session variables for storing the firstname. Thanks & Regards Udayakumar Sarangapani Sr. PHP Developer CompIndia Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Chennai. "Science is nothing but logic..." ----- Original Message ---- From: madhu latha <darwaja_madhu@> To: php-objects@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Saturday, 15 March, 2008 8:21:56 PM Subject: Re: passing variables values using POST u can use hidden that u can get that variable value in POST . Sudhakar <finals27@yahoo. com> wrote: i am presently passing the value of a variable to a php file using GET after data has been inserted to the database. ex= $firstname = $_POST["firstname" ]; if(!$sqlconnection) { echo "error message"; } else { header("Location: thankyou.php? firstnameis= $firstname" ); } how can i send the value of $firstname using POST instead of GET as the value is presently appearing in the address bar. ideally i would like using POST. NOTE = please suggest techniques that does NOT involve javascript in order to pass $firstname using POST method, as i have done the entire validations using php and i have assumed that user has javascript turned off. please advice. thanks. " There are many languages in the world, but a SMILE speaks them all. Keep Smiling! " .......Madhu ------------ --------- --------- --- Meet people who discuss and share your passions. Join them now. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] <!-- #ygrp-mkp{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font- family:Arial; margin:14px 0px;padding: 0px 14px;} #ygrp-mkp hr{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #ygrp-mkp #hd{ color:#628c2a; font-size: 85%;font- weight:bold; line-height: 122%;margin: 10px 0px;} #ygrp-mkp #ads{ margin-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-mkp .ad{ padding:0 0;} #ygrp-mkp .ad a{ color:#0000ff; text-decoration: none;} --> <!-- #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{ font-family: Arial;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{ margin:10px 0px;font-weight: bold;font- size:78%; line-height: 122%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{ margin-bottom: 10px;padding: 0 0;} --> <!-- #ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit; font:100% ;} #ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;} #ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height: 1.22em;} #ygrp-text{ font-family: Georgia; } #ygrp-text p{ margin:0 0 1em 0;} #ygrp-tpmsgs{ font-family: Arial; clear:both;} #ygrp-vitnav{ padding-top: 10px;font- family:Verdana; font-size: 77%;margin: 0;} #ygrp-vitnav a{ padding:0 1px;} #ygrp-actbar{ clear:both;margin: 25px 0;white-space: nowrap;color: #666;text- align:right; } #ygrp-actbar .left{ float:left;white- space:nowrap; } .bld{font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-grft{ font-family: Verdana;font- size:77%; padding:15px 0;} #ygrp-ft{ font-family: verdana;font- size:77%; border-top: 1px solid #666; padding:5px 0; } #ygrp-mlmsg #logo{ padding-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-reco { margin-bottom: 20px;padding: 0px;} #ygrp-reco #reco-head { font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;} #reco-grpname{ font-weight: bold;margin- top:10px; } #reco-category{ font-size:77% ;} #reco-desc{ font-size:77% ;} #ygrp-vital{ background-color: #e0ecee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:2px 0 8px 8px;} #ygrp-vital #vithd{ font-size:77% ;font-family: Verdana;font- weight:bold; color:#333; text-transform: uppercase; } #ygrp-vital ul{ padding:0;margin: 2px 0;} #ygrp-vital ul li{ list-style-type: none;clear: both;border: 1px solid #e0ecee; } #ygrp-vital ul li .ct{ font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;float: right;width: 2em;text- align:right; padding-right: .5em;} #ygrp-vital ul li .cat{ font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-vital a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-vital a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor #hd{ color:#999;font- size:77%; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov{ padding:6px 13px;background- color:#e0ecee; margin-bottom: 20px;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov ul{ padding:0 0 0 8px;margin:0; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov li{ list-style-type: square;padding: 6px 0;font-size: 77%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov li a{ text-decoration: none;font- size:130% ;} #ygrp-sponsor #nc{ background-color: #eee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:0 8px;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad{ padding:8px 0;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{ font-family: Arial;font- weight:bold; color:#628c2a; font-size: 100%;line- height:122% ;} #ygrp-sponsor a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor .ad p{ margin:0;} o{font-size: 0;} .MsoNormal{ margin:0 0 0 0;} #ygrp-text tt{ font-size:120% ;} blockquote{margin: 0 0 0 4px;} .replbq{margin: 4;} --> Save all your chat conversations. Find them online at http://in.messenger webmessengerprom o.php [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] <!-- #ygrp-mkp{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font- family:Arial; margin:14px 0px;padding: 0px 14px;} #ygrp-mkp hr{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #ygrp-mkp #hd{ color:#628c2a; font-size: 85%;font- weight:bold; line-height: 122%;margin: 10px 0px;} #ygrp-mkp #ads{ margin-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-mkp .ad{ padding:0 0;} #ygrp-mkp .ad a{ color:#0000ff; text-decoration: none;} --> <!-- #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{ font-family: Arial;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{ margin:10px 0px;font-weight: bold;font- size:78%; line-height: 122%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{ margin-bottom: 10px;padding: 0 0;} --> <!-- #ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit; font:100% ;} #ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;} #ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height: 1.22em;} #ygrp-text{ font-family: Georgia; } #ygrp-text p{ margin:0 0 1em 0;} #ygrp-tpmsgs{ font-family: Arial; clear:both;} #ygrp-vitnav{ padding-top: 10px;font- family:Verdana; font-size: 77%;margin: 0;} #ygrp-vitnav a{ padding:0 1px;} #ygrp-actbar{ clear:both;margin: 25px 0;white-space: nowrap;color: #666;text- align:right; } #ygrp-actbar .left{ float:left;white- space:nowrap; } .bld{font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-grft{ font-family: Verdana;font- size:77%; padding:15px 0;} #ygrp-ft{ font-family: verdana;font- size:77%; border-top: 1px solid #666; padding:5px 0; } #ygrp-mlmsg #logo{ padding-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-reco { margin-bottom: 20px;padding: 0px;} #ygrp-reco #reco-head { font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;} #reco-grpname{ font-weight: bold;margin- top:10px; } #reco-category{ font-size:77% ;} #reco-desc{ font-size:77% ;} #ygrp-vital{ background-color: #e0ecee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:2px 0 8px 8px;} #ygrp-vital #vithd{ font-size:77% ;font-family: Verdana;font- weight:bold; color:#333; text-transform: uppercase; } #ygrp-vital ul{ padding:0;margin: 2px 0;} #ygrp-vital ul li{ list-style-type: none;clear: both;border: 1px solid #e0ecee; } #ygrp-vital ul li .ct{ font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;float: right;width: 2em;text- align:right; padding-right: .5em;} #ygrp-vital ul li .cat{ font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-vital a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-vital a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor #hd{ color:#999;font- size:77%; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov{ padding:6px 13px;background- color:#e0ecee; margin-bottom: 20px;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov ul{ padding:0 0 0 8px;margin:0; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov li{ list-style-type: square;padding: 6px 0;font-size: 77%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov li a{ text-decoration: none;font- size:130% ;} #ygrp-sponsor #nc{ background-color: #eee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:0 8px;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad{ padding:8px 0;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{ font-family: Arial;font- weight:bold; color:#628c2a; font-size: 100%;line- height:122% ;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor .ad p{ margin:0;} o{font-size: 0;} .MsoNormal{ margin:0 0 0 0;} #ygrp-text tt{ font-size:120% ;} blockquote{margin: 0 0 0 4px;} ..replbq{margin: 4;} --> Hi Madhu, Sudhakar clearly mentioned not to use any form and javascript for posting. If you use form post then you have to submit the same form using javascript. But he does not want javascript code. Better he can use session variables for storing the firstname. Thanks & Regards Udayakumar Sarangapani Sr.. PHP Developer CompIndia Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Chennai. "Science is nothing but logic..." ----- Original Message ---- From: madhu latha <darwaja_madhu@> To: php-objects@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Saturday, 15 March, 2008 8:21:56 PM Subject: Re: passing variables values using POST u can use hidden that u can get that variable value in POST . Sudhakar <finals27@yahoo. com> wrote: i am presently passing the value of a variable to a php file using GET after data has been inserted to the database. ex= $firstname = $_POST["firstname" ]; if(!$sqlconnection) { echo "error message"; } else { header("Location: thankyou.php? firstnameis= $firstname" ); } how can i send the value of $firstname using POST instead of GET as the value is presently appearing in the address bar. ideally i would like using POST. NOTE = please suggest techniques that does NOT involve javascript in order to pass $firstname using POST method, as i have done the entire validations using php and i have assumed that user has javascript turned off. please advice. thanks. " There are many languages in the world, but a SMILE speaks them all. Keep Smiling! " .......Madhu ------------ --------- --------- --- Meet people who discuss and share your passions. Join them now. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] <!-- #ygrp-mkp{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font- family:Arial; margin:14px 0px;padding: 0px 14px;} #ygrp-mkp hr{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #ygrp-mkp #hd{ color:#628c2a; font-size: 85%;font- weight:bold; line-height: 122%;margin: 10px 0px;} #ygrp-mkp #ads{ margin-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-mkp .ad{ padding:0 0;} #ygrp-mkp .ad a{ color:#0000ff; text-decoration: none;} --> <!-- #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{ font-family: Arial;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{ margin:10px 0px;font-weight: bold;font- size:78%; line-height: 122%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{ margin-bottom: 10px;padding: 0 0;} --> <!-- #ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit; font:100% ;} #ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;} #ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height: 1.22em;} #ygrp-text{ font-family: Georgia; } #ygrp-text p{ margin:0 0 1em 0;} #ygrp-tpmsgs{ font-family: Arial; clear:both;} #ygrp-vitnav{ padding-top: 10px;font- family:Verdana; font-size: 77%;margin: 0;} #ygrp-vitnav a{ padding:0 1px;} #ygrp-actbar{ clear:both;margin: 25px 0;white-space: nowrap;color: #666;text- align:right; } #ygrp-actbar .left{ float:left;white- space:nowrap; } .bld{font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-grft{ font-family: Verdana;font- size:77%; padding:15px 0;} #ygrp-ft{ font-family: verdana;font- size:77%; border-top: 1px solid #666; padding:5px 0; } #ygrp-mlmsg #logo{ padding-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-reco { margin-bottom: 20px;padding: 0px;} #ygrp-reco #reco-head { font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;} #reco-grpname{ font-weight: bold;margin- top:10px; } #reco-category{ font-size:77% ;} #reco-desc{ font-size:77% ;} #ygrp-vital{ background-color: #e0ecee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:2px 0 8px 8px;} #ygrp-vital #vithd{ font-size:77% ;font-family: Verdana;font- weight:bold; color:#333; text-transform: uppercase; } #ygrp-vital ul{ padding:0;margin: 2px 0;} #ygrp-vital ul li{ list-style-type: none;clear: both;border: 1px solid #e0ecee; } #ygrp-vital ul li .ct{ font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;float: right;width: 2em;text- align:right; padding-right: .5em;} #ygrp-vital ul li .cat{ font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-vital a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-vital a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor #hd{ color:#999;font- size:77%; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov{ padding:6px 13px;background- color:#e0ecee; margin-bottom: 20px;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov ul{ padding:0 0 0 8px;margin:0; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov li{ list-style-type: square;padding: 6px 0;font-size: 77%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov li a{ text-decoration: none;font- size:130% ;} #ygrp-sponsor #nc{ background-color: #eee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:0 8px;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad{ padding:8px 0;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{ font-family: Arial;font- weight:bold; color:#628c2a; font-size: 100%;line- height:122% ;} #ygrp-sponsor a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor .ad p{ margin:0;} o{font-size: 0;} .MsoNormal{ margin:0 0 0 0;} #ygrp-text tt{ font-size:120% ;} blockquote{margin: 0 0 0 4px;} .replbq{margin: 4;} --> Save all your chat conversations. Find them online at http://in.messenger webmessengerprom o.php [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] <!-- #ygrp-mkp{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font- family:Arial; margin:14px 0px;padding: 0px 14px;} #ygrp-mkp hr{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #ygrp-mkp #hd{ color:#628c2a; font-size: 85%;font- weight:bold; line-height: 122%;margin: 10px 0px;} #ygrp-mkp #ads{ margin-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-mkp .ad{ padding:0 0;} #ygrp-mkp .ad a{ color:#0000ff; text-decoration: none;} --> <!-- #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{ font-family: Arial;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{ margin:10px 0px;font-weight: bold;font- size:78%; line-height: 122%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{ margin-bottom: 10px;padding: 0 0;} --> <!-- #ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit; font:100% ;} #ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;} #ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height: 1.22em;} #ygrp-text{ font-family: Georgia; } #ygrp-text p{ margin:0 0 1em 0;} #ygrp-tpmsgs{ font-family: Arial; clear:both;} #ygrp-vitnav{ padding-top: 10px;font- family:Verdana; font-size: 77%;margin: 0;} #ygrp-vitnav a{ padding:0 1px;} #ygrp-actbar{ clear:both;margin: 25px 0;white-space: nowrap;color: #666;text- align:right; } #ygrp-actbar .left{ float:left;white- space:nowrap; } .bld{font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-grft{ font-family: Verdana;font- size:77%; padding:15px 0;} #ygrp-ft{ font-family: verdana;font- size:77%; border-top: 1px solid #666; padding:5px 0; } #ygrp-mlmsg #logo{ padding-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-reco { margin-bottom: 20px;padding: 0px;} #ygrp-reco #reco-head { font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;} #reco-grpname{ font-weight: bold;margin- top:10px; } #reco-category{ font-size:77% ;} #reco-desc{ font-size:77% ;} #ygrp-vital{ background-color: #e0ecee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:2px 0 8px 8px;} #ygrp-vital #vithd{ font-size:77% ;font-family: Verdana;font- weight:bold; color:#333; text-transform: uppercase; } #ygrp-vital ul{ padding:0;margin: 2px 0;} #ygrp-vital ul li{ list-style-type: none;clear: both;border: 1px solid #e0ecee; } #ygrp-vital ul li .ct{ font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;float: right;width: 2em;text- align:right; padding-right: .5em;} #ygrp-vital ul li .cat{ font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-vital a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-vital a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor #hd{ color:#999;font- size:77%; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov{ padding:6px 13px;background- color:#e0ecee; margin-bottom: 20px;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov ul{ padding:0 0 0 8px;margin:0; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov li{ list-style-type: square;padding: 6px 0;font-size: 77%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov li a{ text-decoration: none;font- size:130% ;} #ygrp-sponsor #nc{ background-color: #eee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:0 8px;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad{ padding:8px 0;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{ font-family: Arial;font- weight:bold; color:#628c2a; font-size: 100%;line- height:122% ;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor .ad p{ margin:0;} o{font-size: 0;} .MsoNormal{ margin:0 0 0 0;} #ygrp-text tt{ font-size:120% ;} blockquote{margin: 0 0 0 4px;} ..replbq{margin: 4;} --> Bring your gang together - do your thing. Go to http://in.promos. groups [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] <!-- #ygrp-mkp{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:14px 0px;padding:0px 14px;} #ygrp-mkp hr{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #ygrp-mkp #hd{ color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:bold;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0px;} #ygrp-mkp #ads{ margin-bottom:10px;} #ygrp-mkp .ad{ padding:0 0;} #ygrp-mkp .ad a{ color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;} --> <!-- #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{ font-family:Arial;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{ margin:10px 0px;font-weight:bold;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{ margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;} --> <!-- #ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;} #ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;} #ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;} #ygrp-text{ font-family:Georgia; } #ygrp-text p{ margin:0 0 1em 0;} #ygrp-tpmsgs{ font-family:Arial; clear:both;} #ygrp-vitnav{ padding-top:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-size:77%;margin:0;} #ygrp-vitnav a{ padding:0 1px;} #ygrp-actbar{ clear:both;margin:25px 0;white-space:nowrap;color:#666;text-align:right;} #ygrp-actbar .left{ float:left;white-space:nowrap;} .bld{font-weight:bold;} #ygrp-grft{ font-family:Verdana;font-size:77%;padding:15px 0;} #ygrp-ft{ font-family:verdana;font-size:77%;border-top:1px solid #666; padding:5px 0; } #ygrp-mlmsg #logo{ padding-bottom:10px;} #ygrp-reco { margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;} #ygrp-reco #reco-head { font-weight:bold;color:#ff7900;} #reco-grpname{ font-weight:bold;margin-top:10px;} #reco-category{ font-size:77%;} #reco-desc{ font-size:77%;} #ygrp-vital{ background-color:#e0ecee;margin-bottom:20px;padding:2px 0 8px 8px;} #ygrp-vital #vithd{ font-size:77%;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:bold;color:#333;text-transform:uppercase;} #ygrp-vital ul{ padding:0;margin:2px 0;} #ygrp-vital ul li{ list-style-type:none;clear:both;border:1px solid #e0ecee; } #ygrp-vital ul li .ct{ font-weight:bold;color:#ff7900;float:right;width:2em;text-align:right;padding-right:.5em;} #ygrp-vital ul li .cat{ font-weight:bold;} #ygrp-vital a{ text-decoration:none;} #ygrp-vital a:hover{ text-decoration:underline;} #ygrp-sponsor #hd{ color:#999;font-size:77%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov{ padding:6px 13px;background-color:#e0ecee;margin-bottom:20px;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov ul{ padding:0 0 0 8px;margin:0;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov li{ list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;font-size:77%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov li a{ text-decoration:none;font-size:130%;} #ygrp-sponsor #nc{ background-color:#eee;margin-bottom:20px;padding:0 8px;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad{ padding:8px 0;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{ font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;color:#628c2a;font-size:100%;line-height:122%;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a{ text-decoration:none;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a:hover{ text-decoration:underline;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad p{ margin:0;} o{font-size:0;} .MsoNormal{ margin:0 0 0 0;} #ygrp-text tt{ font-size:120%;} blockquote{margin:0 0 0 4px;} .replbq{margin:4;} --> Bring your gang together - do your thing. Go to [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]