Hello Sudhakar, I think you need to reformulate the logic as follows: (1) receive user input values. this is when a user submit the registration form. (2) check the values, if they qualify to be inserted in table1 of database1 then it means the same user values are qualifying to be inserted in table2 of database2. now insert the values (a) connect to database1 and insert your values (b) connect to database2 and insert your values. please note even if, the username and password for database1 is the same to database2. you need to connect to the database individually. thus u must call connection twice. otherwise i hope u can use the same queries with little modifications for conn1, database1 and conn2, database2 goodluck Sudhakar <finals27@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: i am building a registration page where a user register for a username. i am able to insert this into mysql. the situation is every time data is inserted into example table1 in mysql in database1 for example at the same time i would like to extract the username, password and email from table1 based on the last inserted row and insert these values into another table ex table2 in a different database called database2. the issue i am having is with the select query as it is not returning values from table1 for me to insert those values into table2 in database2. NOTE = the hostname, user name, password are the same for both the tables and databases and are physically in 1 server machine itself. presently my code is $conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $dbpassword); if(!$conn) { } else { mysql_select_db($database, $conn); $insertqueryresult = mysql_query($insertqueryfortable1); $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); $selectqueryoftable1 = "Select username, password, email from table1 where slno = '$lastid'"; slno is an autoincrement and primary key which is like a serial number $selectunempsq = mysql_query($selectqueryoftable1); while($rowunemps = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectunempsq)) { $unis = $rowunemps['username']; $psis = $rowunemps['password']; $emis = $rowunemps['email']; } $insertqueryfortable2 = "Insert into table2(username, password, email) VALUES ('$unis', '$psis', '$emis')"; $unpsemresult = mysql_query($insertqueryfortable2); the values in the 3 variables $unis, $psis, $emis are blank. i have tried a) while($rowunemps = mysql_fetch_array($selectunempsq)) b) creating the table2 in database1 itself to see if it works but both these methods is not working data is being inserted into table1 but i am not able to read the values stored in table1 and then insert into table2. i have used echoing the values of the 3 variables $unis, $psis, $emis however the values are blank. with the insertquery for table2 everytime the insert query is executed a new row is created but there are no values for the 3 fileds username, password, email in table2 initially i had $conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $dbpassword); 2 times as the tables were in different database now i have only 1 mysql_connect please advice how to fix this ideally both tables sitting in different databases. thanks. --------------------------------- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]