Re: web service

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thanks mate
thanks for the code.

abhijit murade <abhijitmurade@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:                               hi binoy,
 here with am sending some files which will help you to know working of
 run these file in php environment and change the wsdl path as per
 in these i have created WSDL which is required to access any webservice
 as u told client will be .Net, just u have to give web reference and paste
 WSDL url
 in address bar, simply call the method from your applicaion
 hope this will help u
 Abhijit Murade
 On 2/5/08, binoy <binoymvee@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 >   Hi Every one,
 > I want to write a web service.
 > server is php and cleint is .net.
 > my requirement is that i want to return product list (all the product or
 > single product -- that depend on the id we are getting from client machine )
 > from an oscommerce site.the client is .net and the server is php.
 > Actually i dont know anything abt the webservices. Can anybody help me.
 > With Regards
 > Binoy.M.V
 > ---------------------------------
 > 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here.
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Thanks & Regards,
 $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 NuSOAP - Web Services Toolkit for PHP
 Copyright (c) 2002 NuSphere Corporation
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Lesser General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 If you have any questions or comments, please email:
 Dietrich Ayala
 NuSphere Corporation
 /* load classes
 // necessary classes
 // transport classes
 // optional add-on classes
 // server class
 // class variable emulation
 // cf.
 $GLOBALS['_transient']['static']['nusoap_base']->globalDebugLevel = 9;
 * nusoap_base
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access   public
 class nusoap_base {
   * Identification for HTTP headers.
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $title = 'NuSOAP';
   * Version for HTTP headers.
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $version = '0.7.2';
   * CVS revision for HTTP headers.
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $revision = '$Revision: 1.94 $';
      * Current error string (manipulated by getError/setError)
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $error_str = '';
      * Current debug string (manipulated by debug/appendDebug/clearDebug/getDebug/getDebugAsXMLComment)
   * @var string
   * @access private
     var $debug_str = '';
   * toggles automatic encoding of special characters as entities
   * (should always be true, I think)
   * @var boolean
   * @access private
  var $charencoding = true;
   * the debug level for this instance
   * @var integer
   * @access private
  var $debugLevel;
  * set schema version
  * @var      string
  * @access   public
  var $XMLSchemaVersion = '';
  * charset encoding for outgoing messages
  * @var      string
  * @access   public
     var $soap_defencoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
  //var $soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8';
  * namespaces in an array of prefix => uri
  * this is "seeded" by a set of constants, but it may be altered by code
  * @var      array
  * @access   public
  var $namespaces = array(
   'SOAP-ENV' => '',
   'xsd' => '',
   'xsi' => '',
   'SOAP-ENC' => ''
  * namespaces used in the current context, e.g. during serialization
  * @var      array
  * @access   private
  var $usedNamespaces = array();
  * XML Schema types in an array of uri => (array of xml type => php type)
  * is this legacy yet?
  * no, this is used by the xmlschema class to verify type => namespace mappings.
  * @var      array
  * @access   public
  var $typemap = array(
  '' => array(
   // abstract "any" types
   // derived datatypes
  '' => array(
  '' => array(
  '' => array('SOAPStruct'=>'struct'),
  '' => array('base64'=>'string','array'=>'array','Array'=>'array'),
     '' => array('Map')
  * XML entities to convert
  * @var      array
  * @access   public
  * @deprecated
  * @see expandEntities
  var $xmlEntities = array('quot' => '"','amp' => '&',
   'lt' => '<','gt' => '>','apos' => "'");
  * constructor
  * @access public
  function nusoap_base() {
   $this->debugLevel = $GLOBALS['_transient']['static']['nusoap_base']->globalDebugLevel;
  * gets the global debug level, which applies to future instances
  * @return integer Debug level 0-9, where 0 turns off
  * @access public
  function getGlobalDebugLevel() {
   return $GLOBALS['_transient']['static']['nusoap_base']->globalDebugLevel;
  * sets the global debug level, which applies to future instances
  * @param int $level Debug level 0-9, where 0 turns off
  * @access public
  function setGlobalDebugLevel($level) {
   $GLOBALS['_transient']['static']['nusoap_base']->globalDebugLevel = $level;
  * gets the debug level for this instance
  * @return int Debug level 0-9, where 0 turns off
  * @access public
  function getDebugLevel() {
   return $this->debugLevel;
  * sets the debug level for this instance
  * @param int $level Debug level 0-9, where 0 turns off
  * @access public
  function setDebugLevel($level) {
   $this->debugLevel = $level;
  * adds debug data to the instance debug string with formatting
  * @param    string $string debug data
  * @access   private
  function debug($string){
   if ($this->debugLevel > 0) {
    $this->appendDebug($this->getmicrotime().' '.get_class($this).": $string\n");
  * adds debug data to the instance debug string without formatting
  * @param    string $string debug data
  * @access   public
  function appendDebug($string){
   if ($this->debugLevel > 0) {
    // it would be nice to use a memory stream here to use
    // memory more efficiently
    $this->debug_str .= $string;
  * clears the current debug data for this instance
  * @access   public
  function clearDebug() {
   // it would be nice to use a memory stream here to use
   // memory more efficiently
   $this->debug_str = '';
  * gets the current debug data for this instance
  * @return   debug data
  * @access   public
  function &getDebug() {
   // it would be nice to use a memory stream here to use
   // memory more efficiently
   return $this->debug_str;
  * gets the current debug data for this instance as an XML comment
  * this may change the contents of the debug data
  * @return   debug data as an XML comment
  * @access   public
  function &getDebugAsXMLComment() {
   // it would be nice to use a memory stream here to use
   // memory more efficiently
   while (strpos($this->debug_str, '--')) {
    $this->debug_str = str_replace('--', '- -', $this->debug_str);
      return "<!--\n" . $this->debug_str . "\n-->";
  * expands entities, e.g. changes '<' to '&lt;'.
  * @param string $val The string in which to expand entities.
  * @access private
  function expandEntities($val) {
   if ($this->charencoding) {
       $val = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $val);
       $val = str_replace("'", '&apos;', $val);
       $val = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $val);
       $val = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $val);
       $val = str_replace('>', '&gt;', $val);
      return $val;
  * returns error string if present
  * @return   mixed error string or false
  * @access   public
  function getError(){
   if($this->error_str != ''){
    return $this->error_str;
   return false;
  * sets error string
  * @return   boolean $string error string
  * @access   private
  function setError($str){
   $this->error_str = $str;
  * detect if array is a simple array or a struct (associative array)
  * @param mixed $val The PHP array
  * @return string (arraySimple|arrayStruct)
  * @access private
  function isArraySimpleOrStruct($val) {
         $keyList = array_keys($val);
   foreach ($keyList as $keyListValue) {
    if (!is_int($keyListValue)) {
     return 'arrayStruct';
   return 'arraySimple';
  * serializes PHP values in accordance w/ section 5. Type information is
  * not serialized if $use == 'literal'.
  * @param mixed $val The value to serialize
  * @param string $name The name (local part) of the XML element
  * @param string $type The XML schema type (local part) for the element
  * @param string $name_ns The namespace for the name of the XML element
  * @param string $type_ns The namespace for the type of the element
  * @param array $attributes The attributes to serialize as name=>value pairs
  * @param string $use The WSDL "use" (encoded|literal)
  * @return string The serialized element, possibly with child elements
     * @access public
  function serialize_val($val,$name=false,$type=false,$name_ns=false,$type_ns=false,$attributes=false,$use='encoded'){
   $this->debug("in serialize_val: name=$name, type=$type, name_ns=$name_ns, type_ns=$type_ns, use=$use");
   $this->appendDebug('value=' . $this->varDump($val));
   $this->appendDebug('attributes=' . $this->varDump($attributes));
      if(is_object($val) && get_class($val) == 'soapval'){
          return $val->serialize($use);
   // force valid name if necessary
   if (is_numeric($name)) {
    $name = '__numeric_' . $name;
   } elseif (! $name) {
    $name = 'noname';
   // if name has ns, add ns prefix to name
   $xmlns = '';
    $prefix = 'nu'.rand(1000,9999);
    $name = $prefix.':'.$name;
    $xmlns .= " xmlns:$prefix=\"$name_ns\"";
   // if type is prefixed, create type prefix
   if($type_ns != '' && $type_ns == $this->namespaces['xsd']){
    // need to fix this. shouldn't default to xsd if no ns specified
       // w/o checking against typemap
    $type_prefix = 'xsd';
   } elseif($type_ns){
    $type_prefix = 'ns'.rand(1000,9999);
    $xmlns .= " xmlns:$type_prefix=\"$type_ns\"";
   // serialize attributes if present
   $atts = '';
    foreach($attributes as $k => $v){
     $atts .= " $k=\"".$this->expandEntities($v).'"';
   // serialize null value
   if (is_null($val)) {
    if ($use == 'literal') {
     // TODO: depends on minOccurs
           return "<$name$xmlns $atts/>";
          } else {
     if (isset($type) && isset($type_prefix)) {
      $type_str = " xsi:type=\"$type_prefix:$type\"";
     } else {
      $type_str = '';
           return "<$name$xmlns$type_str $atts xsi:nil=\"true\"/>";
         // serialize if an xsd built-in primitive type
         if($type != '' && isset($this->typemap[$this->XMLSchemaVersion][$type])){
          if (is_bool($val)) {
           if ($type == 'boolean') {
            $val = $val ? 'true' : 'false';
           } elseif (! $val) {
            $val = 0;
    } else if (is_string($val)) {
     $val = $this->expandEntities($val);
    if ($use == 'literal') {
           return "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val</$name>";
          } else {
           return "<$name$xmlns $atts xsi:type=\"xsd:$type\">$val</$name>";
   // detect type and serialize
   $xml = '';
   switch(true) {
    case (is_bool($val) || $type == 'boolean'):
           if ($type == 'boolean') {
            $val = $val ? 'true' : 'false';
           } elseif (! $val) {
            $val = 0;
     if ($use == 'literal') {
      $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val</$name>";
     } else {
      $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:boolean\"$atts>$val</$name>";
    case (is_int($val) || is_long($val) || $type == 'int'):
     if ($use == 'literal') {
      $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val</$name>";
     } else {
      $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:int\"$atts>$val</$name>";
    case (is_float($val)|| is_double($val) || $type == 'float'):
     if ($use == 'literal') {
      $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val</$name>";
     } else {
      $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:float\"$atts>$val</$name>";
    case (is_string($val) || $type == 'string'):
     $val = $this->expandEntities($val);
     if ($use == 'literal') {
      $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val</$name>";
     } else {
      $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"$atts>$val</$name>";
    case is_object($val):
     if (! $name) {
      $name = get_class($val);
      $this->debug("In serialize_val, used class name $name as element name");
     } else {
      $this->debug("In serialize_val, do not override name $name for element name for class " . get_class($val));
     foreach(get_object_vars($val) as $k => $v){
      $pXml = isset($pXml) ? $pXml.$this->serialize_val($v,$k,false,false,false,false,$use) : $this->serialize_val($v,$k,false,false,false,false,$use);
     $xml .= '<'.$name.'>'.$pXml.'</'.$name.'>';
    case (is_array($val) || $type):
     // detect if struct or array
     $valueType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($val);
                 if($valueType=='arraySimple' || ereg('^ArrayOf',$type)){
      $i = 0;
      if(is_array($val) && count($val)> 0){
       foreach($val as $v){
                       if(is_object($v) && get_class($v) ==  'soapval'){
         $tt_ns = $v->type_ns;
         $tt = $v->type;
        } elseif (is_array($v)) {
         $tt = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($v);
        } else {
         $tt = gettype($v);
        $array_types[$tt] = 1;
        // TODO: for literal, the name should be $name
        $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v,'item',false,false,false,false,$use);
       if(count($array_types) > 1){
        $array_typename = 'xsd:anyType';
       } elseif(isset($tt) && isset($this->typemap[$this->XMLSchemaVersion][$tt])) {
        if ($tt == 'integer') {
         $tt = 'int';
        $array_typename = 'xsd:'.$tt;
       } elseif(isset($tt) && $tt == 'arraySimple'){
        $array_typename = 'SOAP-ENC:Array';
       } elseif(isset($tt) && $tt == 'arrayStruct'){
        $array_typename = 'unnamed_struct_use_soapval';
       } else {
        // if type is prefixed, create type prefix
        if ($tt_ns != '' && $tt_ns == $this->namespaces['xsd']){
          $array_typename = 'xsd:' . $tt;
        } elseif ($tt_ns) {
         $tt_prefix = 'ns' . rand(1000, 9999);
         $array_typename = "$tt_prefix:$tt";
         $xmlns .= " xmlns:$tt_prefix=\"$tt_ns\"";
        } else {
         $array_typename = $tt;
       $array_type = $i;
       if ($use == 'literal') {
        $type_str = '';
       } else if (isset($type) && isset($type_prefix)) {
        $type_str = " xsi:type=\"$type_prefix:$type\"";
       } else {
        $type_str = " xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\" SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"".$array_typename."[$array_type]\"";
      // empty array
      } else {
       if ($use == 'literal') {
        $type_str = '';
       } else if (isset($type) && isset($type_prefix)) {
        $type_str = " xsi:type=\"$type_prefix:$type\"";
       } else {
        $type_str = " xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\" SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"xsd:anyType[0]\"";
      // TODO: for array in literal, there is no wrapper here
      $xml = "<$name$xmlns$type_str$atts>".$xml."</$name>";
     } else {
      // got a struct
      if(isset($type) && isset($type_prefix)){
       $type_str = " xsi:type=\"$type_prefix:$type\"";
      } else {
       $type_str = '';
      if ($use == 'literal') {
       $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>";
      } else {
       $xml .= "<$name$xmlns$type_str$atts>";
      foreach($val as $k => $v){
       // Apache Map
       if ($type == 'Map' && $type_ns == '') {
        $xml .= '<item>';
        $xml .= $this->serialize_val($k,'key',false,false,false,false,$use);
        $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v,'value',false,false,false,false,$use);
        $xml .= '</item>';
       } else {
        $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v,$k,false,false,false,false,$use);
      $xml .= "</$name>";
     $xml .= 'not detected, got '.gettype($val).' for '.$val;
   return $xml;
     * serializes a message
     * @param string $body the XML of the SOAP body
     * @param mixed $headers optional string of XML with SOAP header content, or array of soapval objects for SOAP headers
     * @param array $namespaces optional the namespaces used in generating the body and headers
     * @param string $style optional (rpc|document)
     * @param string $use optional (encoded|literal)
     * @param string $encodingStyle optional (usually '' for encoded)
     * @return string the message
     * @access public
     function serializeEnvelope($body,$headers=false,$namespaces=array(),$style='rpc',$use='encoded',$encodingStyle=''){
     // TODO: add an option to automatically run utf8_encode on $body and $headers
     // if $this->soap_defencoding is UTF-8.  Not doing this automatically allows
     // one to send arbitrary UTF-8 characters, not just characters that map to ISO-8859-1
  $this->debug("In serializeEnvelope length=" . strlen($body) . " body (max 1000 characters)=" . substr($body, 0, 1000) . " style=$style use=$use encodingStyle=$encodingStyle");
  // serialize namespaces
     $ns_string = '';
  foreach(array_merge($this->namespaces,$namespaces) as $k => $v){
   $ns_string .= " xmlns:$k=\"$v\"";
  if($encodingStyle) {
   $ns_string = " SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=\"$encodingStyle\"$ns_string";
  // serialize headers
   if (is_array($headers)) {
    $xml = '';
    foreach ($headers as $header) {
     $xml .= $this->serialize_val($header, false, false, false, false, false, $use);
    $headers = $xml;
    $this->debug("In serializeEnvelope, serialzied array of headers to $headers");
   $headers = "<SOAP-ENV:Header>".$headers."</SOAP-ENV:Header>";
  // serialize envelope
  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$this->soap_defencoding .'"?'.">".
   * formats a string to be inserted into an HTML stream
   * @param string $str The string to format
   * @return string The formatted string
   * @access public
   * @deprecated
     function formatDump($str){
   $str = htmlspecialchars($str);
   return nl2br($str);
  * contracts (changes namespace to prefix) a qualified name
  * @param    string $qname qname
  * @return string contracted qname
  * @access   private
  function contractQname($qname){
   // get element namespace
   //$this->xdebug("Contract $qname");
   if (strrpos($qname, ':')) {
    // get unqualified name
    $name = substr($qname, strrpos($qname, ':') + 1);
    // get ns
    $ns = substr($qname, 0, strrpos($qname, ':'));
    $p = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns);
    if ($p) {
     return $p . ':' . $name;
    return $qname;
   } else {
    return $qname;
  * expands (changes prefix to namespace) a qualified name
  * @param    string $string qname
  * @return string expanded qname
  * @access   private
  function expandQname($qname){
   // get element prefix
   if(strpos($qname,':') && !ereg('^http://',$qname)){
    // get unqualified name
    $name = substr(strstr($qname,':'),1);
    // get ns prefix
    $prefix = substr($qname,0,strpos($qname,':'));
     return $this->namespaces[$prefix].':'.$name;
    } else {
     return $qname;
   } else {
    return $qname;
     * returns the local part of a prefixed string
     * returns the original string, if not prefixed
     * @param string $str The prefixed string
     * @return string The local part
     * @access public
  function getLocalPart($str){
   if($sstr = strrchr($str,':')){
    // get unqualified name
    return substr( $sstr, 1 );
   } else {
    return $str;
     * returns the prefix part of a prefixed string
     * returns false, if not prefixed
     * @param string $str The prefixed string
     * @return mixed The prefix or false if there is no prefix
     * @access public
  function getPrefix($str){
   if($pos = strrpos($str,':')){
    // get prefix
    return substr($str,0,$pos);
   return false;
     * pass it a prefix, it returns a namespace
     * @param string $prefix The prefix
     * @return mixed The namespace, false if no namespace has the specified prefix
     * @access public
  function getNamespaceFromPrefix($prefix){
   if (isset($this->namespaces[$prefix])) {
    return $this->namespaces[$prefix];
   //$this->setError("No namespace registered for prefix '$prefix'");
   return false;
     * returns the prefix for a given namespace (or prefix)
     * or false if no prefixes registered for the given namespace
     * @param string $ns The namespace
     * @return mixed The prefix, false if the namespace has no prefixes
     * @access public
  function getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) {
   foreach ($this->namespaces as $p => $n) {
    if ($ns == $n || $ns == $p) {
        $this->usedNamespaces[$p] = $n;
     return $p;
   return false;
     * returns the time in ODBC canonical form with microseconds
     * @return string The time in ODBC canonical form with microseconds
     * @access public
  function getmicrotime() {
   if (function_exists('gettimeofday')) {
    $tod = gettimeofday();
    $sec = $tod['sec'];
    $usec = $tod['usec'];
   } else {
    $sec = time();
    $usec = 0;
   return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $sec) . '.' . sprintf('%06d', $usec);
   * Returns a string with the output of var_dump
   * @param mixed $data The variable to var_dump
   * @return string The output of var_dump
   * @access public
     function varDump($data) {
   $ret_val = ob_get_contents();
   return $ret_val;
 // XML Schema Datatype Helper Functions
 //xsd:dateTime helpers
 * convert unix timestamp to ISO 8601 compliant date string
 * @param    string $timestamp Unix time stamp
 * @access   public
 function timestamp_to_iso8601($timestamp,$utc=true){
  $datestr = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO',$timestamp);
   $eregStr =
   '([0-9]{4})-'. // centuries & years CCYY-
   '([0-9]{2})-'. // months MM-
   '([0-9]{2})'. // days DD
   'T'.   // separator T
   '([0-9]{2}):'. // hours hh:
   '([0-9]{2}):'. // minutes mm:
   '([0-9]{2})(\.[0-9]*)?'. // seconds
   '(Z|[+\-][0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2})?'; // Z to indicate UTC, -/+HH:MM:SS.SS... for local tz's
    return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ',$regs[1],$regs[2],$regs[3],$regs[4],$regs[5],$regs[6]);
   return false;
  } else {
   return $datestr;
 * convert ISO 8601 compliant date string to unix timestamp
 * @param    string $datestr ISO 8601 compliant date string
 * @access   public
 function iso8601_to_timestamp($datestr){
  $eregStr =
  '([0-9]{4})-'. // centuries & years CCYY-
  '([0-9]{2})-'. // months MM-
  '([0-9]{2})'. // days DD
  'T'.   // separator T
  '([0-9]{2}):'. // hours hh:
  '([0-9]{2}):'. // minutes mm:
  '([0-9]{2})(\.[0-9]+)?'. // seconds
  '(Z|[+\-][0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2})?'; // Z to indicate UTC, -/+HH:MM:SS.SS... for local tz's
   // not utc
   if($regs[8] != 'Z'){
    $op = substr($regs[8],0,1);
    $h = substr($regs[8],1,2);
    $m = substr($regs[8],strlen($regs[8])-2,2);
    if($op == '-'){
     $regs[4] = $regs[4] + $h;
     $regs[5] = $regs[5] + $m;
    } elseif($op == '+'){
     $regs[4] = $regs[4] - $h;
     $regs[5] = $regs[5] - $m;
   return strtotime("$regs[1]-$regs[2]-$regs[3] $regs[4]:$regs[5]:$regs[6]Z");
  } else {
   return false;
 * sleeps some number of microseconds
 * @param    string $usec the number of microseconds to sleep
 * @access   public
 * @deprecated
 function usleepWindows($usec)
  $start = gettimeofday();
   $stop = gettimeofday();
   $timePassed = 1000000 * ($stop['sec'] - $start['sec'])
   + $stop['usec'] - $start['usec'];
  while ($timePassed < $usec);
 * Contains information for a SOAP fault.
 * Mainly used for returning faults from deployed functions
 * in a server instance.
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access public
 class soap_fault extends nusoap_base {
   * The fault code (client|server)
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $faultcode;
   * The fault actor
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $faultactor;
   * The fault string, a description of the fault
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $faultstring;
   * The fault detail, typically a string or array of string
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $faultdetail;
  * constructor
     * @param string $faultcode (client | server)
     * @param string $faultactor only used when msg routed between multiple actors
     * @param string $faultstring human readable error message
     * @param mixed $faultdetail detail, typically a string or array of string
  function soap_fault($faultcode,$faultactor='',$faultstring='',$faultdetail=''){
   $this->faultcode = $faultcode;
   $this->faultactor = $faultactor;
   $this->faultstring = $faultstring;
   $this->faultdetail = $faultdetail;
  * serialize a fault
  * @return string The serialization of the fault instance.
  * @access   public
  function serialize(){
   $ns_string = '';
   foreach($this->namespaces as $k => $v){
    $ns_string .= "\n  xmlns:$k=\"$v\"";
   $return_msg =
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$this->soap_defencoding.'"?>'.
    '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="";'.$ns_string.">\n".
      $this->serialize_val($this->faultcode, 'faultcode').
      $this->serialize_val($this->faultactor, 'faultactor').
      $this->serialize_val($this->faultstring, 'faultstring').
      $this->serialize_val($this->faultdetail, 'detail').
   return $return_msg;
 * parses an XML Schema, allows access to it's data, other utility methods
 * no validation... yet.
 * very experimental and limited. As is discussed on XML-DEV, I'm one of the people
 * that just doesn't have time to read the spec(s) thoroughly, and just have a couple of trusty
 * tutorials I refer to :)
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access   public
 class XMLSchema extends nusoap_base  {
  // files
  var $schema = '';
  var $xml = '';
  // namespaces
  var $enclosingNamespaces;
  // schema info
  var $schemaInfo = array();
  var $schemaTargetNamespace = '';
  // types, elements, attributes defined by the schema
  var $attributes = array();
  var $complexTypes = array();
  var $complexTypeStack = array();
  var $currentComplexType = null;
  var $elements = array();
  var $elementStack = array();
  var $currentElement = null;
  var $simpleTypes = array();
  var $simpleTypeStack = array();
  var $currentSimpleType = null;
  // imports
  var $imports = array();
  // parser vars
  var $parser;
  var $position = 0;
  var $depth = 0;
  var $depth_array = array();
  var $message = array();
  var $defaultNamespace = array();
  * constructor
  * @param    string $schema schema document URI
  * @param    string $xml xml document URI
  * @param string $namespaces namespaces defined in enclosing XML
  * @access   public
  function XMLSchema($schema='',$xml='',$namespaces=array()){
   $this->debug('xmlschema class instantiated, inside constructor');
   // files
   $this->schema = $schema;
   $this->xml = $xml;
   // namespaces
   $this->enclosingNamespaces = $namespaces;
   $this->namespaces = array_merge($this->namespaces, $namespaces);
   // parse schema file
   if($schema != ''){
    $this->debug('initial schema file: '.$schema);
    $this->parseFile($schema, 'schema');
   // parse xml file
   if($xml != ''){
    $this->debug('initial xml file: '.$xml);
    $this->parseFile($xml, 'xml');
     * parse an XML file
     * @param string $xml, path/URL to XML file
     * @param string $type, (schema | xml)
  * @return boolean
     * @access public
  function parseFile($xml,$type){
   // parse xml file
   if($xml != ""){
    $xmlStr = @join("",@file($xml));
    if($xmlStr == ""){
     $msg = 'Error reading XML from '.$xml;
    return false;
    } else {
     $this->debug("parsing $xml");
     $this->debug("done parsing $xml");
    return true;
   return false;
  * parse an XML string
  * @param    string $xml path or URL
     * @param string $type, (schema|xml)
  * @access   private
  function parseString($xml,$type){
   // parse xml string
   if($xml != ""){
       // Create an XML parser.
       $this->parser = xml_parser_create();
       // Set the options for parsing the XML data.
       xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
       // Set the object for the parser.
       xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
       // Set the element handlers for the parser.
    if($type == "schema"){
        xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'schemaStartElement','schemaEndElement');
    } elseif($type == "xml"){
     xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'xmlStartElement','xmlEndElement');
       // Parse the XML file.
    // Display an error message.
     $errstr = sprintf('XML error parsing XML schema on line %d: %s',
     $this->debug("XML payload:\n" . $xml);
   } else{
    $this->debug('no xml passed to parseString()!!');
    $this->setError('no xml passed to parseString()!!');
  * start-element handler
  * @param    string $parser XML parser object
  * @param    string $name element name
  * @param    string $attrs associative array of attributes
  * @access   private
  function schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
   // position in the total number of elements, starting from 0
   $pos = $this->position++;
   $depth = $this->depth++;
   // set self as current value for this depth
   $this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos;
   $this->message[$pos] = array('cdata' => ''); 
   if ($depth > 0) {
    $this->defaultNamespace[$pos] = $this->defaultNamespace[$this->depth_array[$depth - 1]];
   } else {
    $this->defaultNamespace[$pos] = false;
   // get element prefix
   if($prefix = $this->getPrefix($name)){
    // get unqualified name
    $name = $this->getLocalPart($name);
   } else {
          $prefix = '';
         // loop thru attributes, expanding, and registering namespace declarations
         if(count($attrs) > 0){
          foreach($attrs as $k => $v){
                 // if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces
                  //$this->xdebug("$k: $v");
                  //$this->xdebug('ns_prefix: '.$this->getPrefix($k));
                  if($ns_prefix = substr(strrchr($k,':'),1)){
                   //$this->xdebug("Add namespace[$ns_prefix] = $v");
       $this->namespaces[$ns_prefix] = $v;
      } else {
       $this->defaultNamespace[$pos] = $v;
       if (! $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($v)) {
        $this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $v;
      if($v == '' || $v == '' || $v == ''){
       $this->XMLSchemaVersion = $v;
       $this->namespaces['xsi'] = $v.'-instance';
          foreach($attrs as $k => $v){
                 // expand each attribute
                 $k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
                 $v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
           $eAttrs[$k] = $v;
          $attrs = $eAttrs;
         } else {
          $attrs = array();
   // find status, register data
    case 'all':   // (optional) compositor content for a complexType
    case 'choice':
    case 'group':
    case 'sequence':
     //$this->xdebug("compositor $name for currentComplexType: $this->currentComplexType and currentElement: $this->currentElement");
     $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['compositor'] = $name;
     //if($name == 'all' || $name == 'sequence'){
     // $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct';
    case 'attribute': // complexType attribute
              //$this->xdebug("parsing attribute $attrs[name] $attrs[ref] of value: ".$attrs['']);
              $this->xdebug("parsing attribute:");
     if (!isset($attrs['form'])) {
      $attrs['form'] = $this->schemaInfo['attributeFormDefault'];
              if (isset($attrs[''])) {
      $v = $attrs[''];
      if (!strpos($v, ':')) {
       // no namespace in arrayType attribute value...
       if ($this->defaultNamespace[$pos]) {
        // use the default
        $attrs[''] = $this->defaultNamespace[$pos] . ':' . $attrs[''];
      $this->attributes[$attrs['name']] = $attrs;
      $aname = $attrs['name'];
     } elseif(isset($attrs['ref']) && $attrs['ref'] == ''){
      if (isset($attrs[''])) {
                   $aname = $attrs[''];
                  } else {
                   $aname = '';
     } elseif(isset($attrs['ref'])){
      $aname = $attrs['ref'];
                     $this->attributes[$attrs['ref']] = $attrs;
     if($this->currentComplexType){ // This should *always* be
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['attrs'][$aname] = $attrs;
     // arrayType attribute
     if(isset($attrs['']) || $this->getLocalPart($aname) == 'arrayType'){
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array';
                  $prefix = $this->getPrefix($aname);
       $v = $attrs[''];
      } else {
       $v = '';
                         $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['multidimensional'] = true;
                     $v = substr($v,0,strpos($v,'[')); // clip the []
                     if(!strpos($v,':') && isset($this->typemap[$this->XMLSchemaVersion][$v])){
                         $v = $this->XMLSchemaVersion.':'.$v;
                     $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['arrayType'] = $v;
    case 'complexContent': // (optional) content for a complexType
    case 'complexType':
     array_push($this->complexTypeStack, $this->currentComplexType);
      $this->xdebug('processing named complexType '.$attrs['name']);
      //$this->currentElement = false;
      $this->currentComplexType = $attrs['name'];
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType] = $attrs;
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['typeClass'] = 'complexType';
      // This is for constructs like
      //           <complexType name="ListOfString" base="soap:Array">
      //                <sequence>
      //                    <element name="string" type="xsd:string"
      //                        minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
      //                </sequence>
      //            </complexType>
      if(isset($attrs['base']) && ereg(':Array$',$attrs['base'])){
       $this->xdebug('complexType is unusual array');
       $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array';
      } else {
       $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct';
      $this->xdebug('processing unnamed complexType for element '.$this->currentElement);
      $this->currentComplexType = $this->currentElement . '_ContainedType';
      //$this->currentElement = false;
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType] = $attrs;
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['typeClass'] = 'complexType';
      // This is for constructs like
      //           <complexType name="ListOfString" base="soap:Array">
      //                <sequence>
      //                    <element name="string" type="xsd:string"
      //                        minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
      //                </sequence>
      //            </complexType>
      if(isset($attrs['base']) && ereg(':Array$',$attrs['base'])){
       $this->xdebug('complexType is unusual array');
       $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array';
      } else {
       $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct';
    case 'element':
     array_push($this->elementStack, $this->currentElement);
     // elements defined as part of a complex type should
     // not really be added to $this->elements, but for some
     // reason, they are
     if (!isset($attrs['form'])) {
      $attrs['form'] = $this->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'];
      $this->xdebug("processing typed element ".$attrs['name']." of type ".$attrs['type']);
      if (! $this->getPrefix($attrs['type'])) {
       if ($this->defaultNamespace[$pos]) {
        $attrs['type'] = $this->defaultNamespace[$pos] . ':' . $attrs['type'];
        $this->xdebug('used default namespace to make type ' . $attrs['type']);
      // This is for constructs like
      //           <complexType name="ListOfString" base="soap:Array">
      //                <sequence>
      //                    <element name="string" type="xsd:string"
      //                        minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
      //                </sequence>
      //            </complexType>
      if ($this->currentComplexType && $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] == 'array') {
       $this->xdebug('arrayType for unusual array is ' . $attrs['type']);
       $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['arrayType'] = $attrs['type'];
      $this->currentElement = $attrs['name'];
      $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs;
      $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'element';
      $ename = $attrs['name'];
     } elseif(isset($attrs['ref'])){
      $this->xdebug("processing element as ref to ".$attrs['ref']);
      $this->currentElement = "ref to ".$attrs['ref'];
      $ename = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['ref']);
     } else {
      $this->xdebug("processing untyped element ".$attrs['name']);
      $this->currentElement = $attrs['name'];
      $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs;
      $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'element';
      $attrs['type'] = $this->schemaTargetNamespace . ':' . $attrs['name'] . '_ContainedType';
      $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]['type'] = $attrs['type'];
      $ename = $attrs['name'];
     if(isset($ename) && $this->currentComplexType){
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['elements'][$ename] = $attrs;
    case 'enumeration': // restriction value list member
     $this->xdebug('enumeration ' . $attrs['value']);
     if ($this->currentSimpleType) {
      $this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType]['enumeration'][] = $attrs['value'];
     } elseif ($this->currentComplexType) {
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['enumeration'][] = $attrs['value'];
    case 'extension': // simpleContent or complexContent type extension
     $this->xdebug('extension ' . $attrs['base']);
     if ($this->currentComplexType) {
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['extensionBase'] = $attrs['base'];
    case 'import':
        if (isset($attrs['schemaLocation'])) {
      //$this->xdebug('import namespace ' . $attrs['namespace'] . ' from ' . $attrs['schemaLocation']);
                     $this->imports[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => $attrs['schemaLocation'], 'loaded' => false);
     } else {
      //$this->xdebug('import namespace ' . $attrs['namespace']);
                     $this->imports[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
      if (! $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($attrs['namespace'])) {
       $this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $attrs['namespace'];
    case 'list': // simpleType value list
    case 'restriction': // simpleType, simpleContent or complexContent value restriction
     $this->xdebug('restriction ' . $attrs['base']);
      $this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType]['type'] = $attrs['base'];
     } elseif($this->currentComplexType){
      $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['restrictionBase'] = $attrs['base'];
      if(strstr($attrs['base'],':') == ':Array'){
       $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array';
    case 'schema':
     $this->schemaInfo = $attrs;
     $this->schemaInfo['schemaVersion'] = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($prefix);
     if (isset($attrs['targetNamespace'])) {
      $this->schemaTargetNamespace = $attrs['targetNamespace'];
     if (!isset($attrs['elementFormDefault'])) {
      $this->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'] = 'unqualified';
     if (!isset($attrs['attributeFormDefault'])) {
      $this->schemaInfo['attributeFormDefault'] = 'unqualified';
    case 'simpleContent': // (optional) content for a complexType
    case 'simpleType':
     array_push($this->simpleTypeStack, $this->currentSimpleType);
      $this->xdebug("processing simpleType for name " . $attrs['name']);
      $this->currentSimpleType = $attrs['name'];
      $this->simpleTypes[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs;
      $this->simpleTypes[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'simpleType';
      $this->simpleTypes[ $attrs['name'] ]['phpType'] = 'scalar';
     } else {
      $this->xdebug('processing unnamed simpleType for element '.$this->currentElement);
      $this->currentSimpleType = $this->currentElement . '_ContainedType';
      //$this->currentElement = false;
      $this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType] = $attrs;
      $this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType]['phpType'] = 'scalar';
    case 'union': // simpleType type list
     //$this->xdebug("do not have anything to do for element $name");
  * end-element handler
  * @param    string $parser XML parser object
  * @param    string $name element name
  * @access   private
  function schemaEndElement($parser, $name) {
   // bring depth down a notch
   // position of current element is equal to the last value left in depth_array for my depth
          $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth];
   // get element prefix
   if ($prefix = $this->getPrefix($name)){
    // get unqualified name
    $name = $this->getLocalPart($name);
   } else {
          $prefix = '';
   // move on...
   if($name == 'complexType'){
    $this->xdebug('done processing complexType ' . ($this->currentComplexType ? $this->currentComplexType : '(unknown)'));
    $this->currentComplexType = array_pop($this->complexTypeStack);
    //$this->currentElement = false;
   if($name == 'element'){
    $this->xdebug('done processing element ' . ($this->currentElement ? $this->currentElement : '(unknown)'));
    $this->currentElement = array_pop($this->elementStack);
   if($name == 'simpleType'){
    $this->xdebug('done processing simpleType ' . ($this->currentSimpleType ? $this->currentSimpleType : '(unknown)'));
    $this->currentSimpleType = array_pop($this->simpleTypeStack);
  * element content handler
  * @param    string $parser XML parser object
  * @param    string $data element content
  * @access   private
  function schemaCharacterData($parser, $data){
   $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth - 1];
   $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data;
  * serialize the schema
  * @access   public
  function serializeSchema(){
   $schemaPrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->XMLSchemaVersion);
   $xml = '';
   // imports
   if (sizeof($this->imports) > 0) {
    foreach($this->imports as $ns => $list) {
     foreach ($list as $ii) {
      if ($ii['location'] != '') {
       $xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:import location=\"" . $ii['location'] . '" namespace="' . $ns . "\" />\n";
      } else {
       $xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:import namespace=\"" . $ns . "\" />\n";
   // complex types
   foreach($this->complexTypes as $typeName => $attrs){
    $contentStr = '';
    // serialize child elements
    if(isset($attrs['elements']) && (count($attrs['elements']) > 0)){
     foreach($attrs['elements'] as $element => $eParts){
       $contentStr .= "   <$schemaPrefix:element ref=\"$element\"/>\n";
      } else {
       $contentStr .= "   <$schemaPrefix:element name=\"$element\" type=\"" . $this->contractQName($eParts['type']) . "\"";
       foreach ($eParts as $aName => $aValue) {
        // handle, e.g., abstract, default, form, minOccurs, maxOccurs, nillable
        if ($aName != 'name' && $aName != 'type') {
         $contentStr .= " $aName=\"$aValue\"";
       $contentStr .= "/>\n";
     // compositor wraps elements
     if (isset($attrs['compositor']) && ($attrs['compositor'] != '')) {
      $contentStr = "  <$schemaPrefix:$attrs[compositor]>\n".$contentStr."  </$schemaPrefix:$attrs[compositor]>\n";
    // attributes
    if(isset($attrs['attrs']) && (count($attrs['attrs']) >= 1)){
     foreach($attrs['attrs'] as $attr => $aParts){
      $contentStr .= "    <$schemaPrefix:attribute";
      foreach ($aParts as $a => $v) {
       if ($a == 'ref' || $a == 'type') {
        $contentStr .= " $a=\"".$this->contractQName($v).'"';
       } elseif ($a == '') {
        $this->usedNamespaces['wsdl'] = $this->namespaces['wsdl'];
        $contentStr .= ' wsdl:arrayType="'.$this->contractQName($v).'"';
       } else {
        $contentStr .= " $a=\"$v\"";
      $contentStr .= "/>\n";
    // if restriction
    if (isset($attrs['restrictionBase']) && $attrs['restrictionBase'] != ''){
     $contentStr = "   <$schemaPrefix:restriction base=\"".$this->contractQName($attrs['restrictionBase'])."\">\n".$contentStr."   </$schemaPrefix:restriction>\n";
     // complex or simple content
     if ((isset($attrs['elements']) && count($attrs['elements']) > 0) || (isset($attrs['attrs']) && count($attrs['attrs']) > 0)){
      $contentStr = "  <$schemaPrefix:complexContent>\n".$contentStr."  </$schemaPrefix:complexContent>\n";
    // finalize complex type
    if($contentStr != ''){
     $contentStr = " <$schemaPrefix:complexType name=\"$typeName\">\n".$contentStr." </$schemaPrefix:complexType>\n";
    } else {
     $contentStr = " <$schemaPrefix:complexType name=\"$typeName\"/>\n";
    $xml .= $contentStr;
   // simple types
   if(isset($this->simpleTypes) && count($this->simpleTypes) > 0){
    foreach($this->simpleTypes as $typeName => $eParts){
     $xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:simpleType name=\"$typeName\">\n  <$schemaPrefix:restriction base=\"".$this->contractQName($eParts['type'])."\"/>\n";
     if (isset($eParts['enumeration'])) {
      foreach ($eParts['enumeration'] as $e) {
       $xml .= "  <$schemaPrefix:enumeration value=\"$e\"/>\n";
     $xml .= " </$schemaPrefix:simpleType>";
   // elements
   if(isset($this->elements) && count($this->elements) > 0){
    foreach($this->elements as $element => $eParts){
     $xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:element name=\"$element\" type=\"".$this->contractQName($eParts['type'])."\"/>\n";
   // attributes
   if(isset($this->attributes) && count($this->attributes) > 0){
    foreach($this->attributes as $attr => $aParts){
     $xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:attribute name=\"$attr\" type=\"".$this->contractQName($aParts['type'])."\"\n/>";
   // finish 'er up
   $el = "<$schemaPrefix:schema targetNamespace=\"$this->schemaTargetNamespace\"\n";
   foreach (array_diff($this->usedNamespaces, $this->enclosingNamespaces) as $nsp => $ns) {
    $el .= " xmlns:$nsp=\"$ns\"\n";
   $xml = $el . ">\n".$xml."</$schemaPrefix:schema>\n";
   return $xml;
  * adds debug data to the clas level debug string
  * @param    string $string debug data
  * @access   private
  function xdebug($string){
   $this->debug('<' . $this->schemaTargetNamespace . '> '.$string);
     * get the PHP type of a user defined type in the schema
     * PHP type is kind of a misnomer since it actually returns 'struct' for assoc. arrays
     * returns false if no type exists, or not w/ the given namespace
     * else returns a string that is either a native php type, or 'struct'
     * @param string $type, name of defined type
     * @param string $ns, namespace of type
     * @return mixed
     * @access public
     * @deprecated
  function getPHPType($type,$ns){
    //print "found type '$type' and ns $ns in typemap<br>";
    return $this->typemap[$ns][$type];
   } elseif(isset($this->complexTypes[$type])){
    //print "getting type '$type' and ns $ns from complexTypes array<br>";
    return $this->complexTypes[$type]['phpType'];
   return false;
     * returns an associative array of information about a given type
     * returns false if no type exists by the given name
  * For a complexType typeDef = array(
  * 'restrictionBase' => '',
  * 'phpType' => '',
  * 'compositor' => '(sequence|all)',
  * 'elements' => array(), // refs to elements array
  * 'attrs' => array() // refs to attributes array
  * ... and so on (see addComplexType)
  * )
  *   For simpleType or element, the array has different keys.
     * @param string
     * @return mixed
     * @access public
     * @see addComplexType
     * @see addSimpleType
     * @see addElement
  function getTypeDef($type){
   //$this->debug("in getTypeDef for type $type");
    $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found complexType $type");
    return $this->complexTypes[$type];
   } elseif(isset($this->simpleTypes[$type])){
    $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found simpleType $type");
    if (!isset($this->simpleTypes[$type]['phpType'])) {
     // get info for type to tack onto the simple type
     // TODO: can this ever really apply (i.e. what is a simpleType really?)
     $uqType = substr($this->simpleTypes[$type]['type'], strrpos($this->simpleTypes[$type]['type'], ':') + 1);
     $ns = substr($this->simpleTypes[$type]['type'], 0, strrpos($this->simpleTypes[$type]['type'], ':'));
     $etype = $this->getTypeDef($uqType);
     if ($etype) {
      $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found type for simpleType $type:");
      if (isset($etype['phpType'])) {
       $this->simpleTypes[$type]['phpType'] = $etype['phpType'];
      if (isset($etype['elements'])) {
       $this->simpleTypes[$type]['elements'] = $etype['elements'];
    return $this->simpleTypes[$type];
   } elseif(isset($this->elements[$type])){
    $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found element $type");
    if (!isset($this->elements[$type]['phpType'])) {
     // get info for type to tack onto the element
     $uqType = substr($this->elements[$type]['type'], strrpos($this->elements[$type]['type'], ':') + 1);
     $ns = substr($this->elements[$type]['type'], 0, strrpos($this->elements[$type]['type'], ':'));
     $etype = $this->getTypeDef($uqType);
     if ($etype) {
      $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found type for element $type:");
      if (isset($etype['phpType'])) {
       $this->elements[$type]['phpType'] = $etype['phpType'];
      if (isset($etype['elements'])) {
       $this->elements[$type]['elements'] = $etype['elements'];
     } elseif ($ns == '') {
      $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, element $type is an XSD type");
      $this->elements[$type]['phpType'] = 'scalar';
    return $this->elements[$type];
   } elseif(isset($this->attributes[$type])){
    $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found attribute $type");
    return $this->attributes[$type];
   } elseif (ereg('_ContainedType$', $type)) {
    $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, have an untyped element $type");
    $typeDef['typeClass'] = 'simpleType';
    $typeDef['phpType'] = 'scalar';
    $typeDef['type'] = '';
    return $typeDef;
   $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, did not find $type");
   return false;
     * returns a sample serialization of a given type, or false if no type by the given name
     * @param string $type, name of type
     * @return mixed
     * @access public
     * @deprecated
     function serializeTypeDef($type){
      //print "in sTD() for type $type<br>";
  if($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($type)){
   $str .= '<'.$type;
   foreach($attrs as $attName => $data){
       $str .= " $attName=\"{type = ".$data['type']."}\"";
      $str .= " xmlns=\"".$this->schema['targetNamespace']."\"";
      if(count($typeDef['elements']) > 0){
   $str .= ">";
   foreach($typeDef['elements'] as $element => $eData){
       $str .= $this->serializeTypeDef($element);
   $str .= "</$type>";
      } elseif($typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
   $str .= "></$type>";
      } else {
   $str .= "/>";
    return $str;
      return false;
     * returns HTML form elements that allow a user
     * to enter values for creating an instance of the given type.
     * @param string $name, name for type instance
     * @param string $type, name of type
     * @return string
     * @access public
     * @deprecated
  function typeToForm($name,$type){
   // get typedef
   if($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($type)){
    // if struct
    if($typeDef['phpType'] == 'struct'){
     $buffer .= '<table>';
     foreach($typeDef['elements'] as $child => $childDef){
      $buffer .= "
      <tr><td align='right'>$childDef[name] (type: ".$this->getLocalPart($childDef['type'])."):</td>
      <td><input type='text' name='parameters[".$name."][$childDef[name]]'></td></tr>";
     $buffer .= '</table>';
    // if array
    } elseif($typeDef['phpType'] == 'array'){
     $buffer .= '<table>';
     for($i=0;$i < 3; $i++){
      $buffer .= "
      <tr><td align='right'>array item (type: $typeDef[arrayType]):</td>
      <td><input type='text' name='parameters[".$name."][]'></td></tr>";
     $buffer .= '</table>';
    // if scalar
    } else {
     $buffer .= "<input type='text' name='parameters[$name]'>";
   } else {
    $buffer .= "<input type='text' name='parameters[$name]'>";
   return $buffer;
  * adds a complex type to the schema
  * example: array
  * addType(
  *  'ArrayOfstring',
  *  'complexType',
  *  'array',
  *  '',
  *  'SOAP-ENC:Array',
  *  array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType'=>'string[]'),
  *  'xsd:string'
  * );
  * example: PHP associative array ( SOAP Struct )
  * addType(
  *  'SOAPStruct',
  *  'complexType',
  *  'struct',
  *  'all',
  *  array('myVar'=> array('name'=>'myVar','type'=>'string')
  * );
  * @param name
  * @param typeClass (complexType|simpleType|attribute)
  * @param phpType: currently supported are array and struct (php assoc array)
  * @param compositor (all|sequence|choice)
  * @param restrictionBase namespace:name (
  * @param elements = array ( name = array(name=>'',type=>'') )
  * @param attrs = array(
  *  array(
  *  'ref' => "";,
  *  ""; => "string[]"
  *  )
  * )
  * @param arrayType: namespace:name (
  * @access public
  * @see getTypeDef
  function addComplexType($name,$typeClass='complexType',$phpType='array',$compositor='',$restrictionBase='',$elements=array(),$attrs=array(),$arrayType=''){
   $this->complexTypes[$name] = array(
      'name'  => $name,
      'typeClass' => $typeClass,
      'phpType' => $phpType,
   'compositor'=> $compositor,
      'restrictionBase' => $restrictionBase,
   'elements' => $elements,
      'attrs'  => $attrs,
      'arrayType' => $arrayType
   $this->xdebug("addComplexType $name:");
  * adds a simple type to the schema
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $restrictionBase namespace:name (
  * @param string $typeClass (should always be simpleType)
  * @param string $phpType (should always be scalar)
  * @param array $enumeration array of values
  * @access public
  * @see xmlschema
  * @see getTypeDef
  function addSimpleType($name, $restrictionBase='', $typeClass='simpleType', $phpType='scalar', $enumeration=array()) {
   $this->simpleTypes[$name] = array(
      'name'   => $name,
      'typeClass'  => $typeClass,
      'phpType'  => $phpType,
      'type'   => $restrictionBase,
      'enumeration' => $enumeration
   $this->xdebug("addSimpleType $name:");
  * adds an element to the schema
  * @param array $attrs attributes that must include name and type
  * @see xmlschema
  * @access public
  function addElement($attrs) {
   if (! $this->getPrefix($attrs['type'])) {
    $attrs['type'] = $this->schemaTargetNamespace . ':' . $attrs['type'];
   $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs;
   $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'element';
   $this->xdebug("addElement " . $attrs['name']);
   $this->appendDebug($this->varDump($this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]));
 * For creating serializable abstractions of native PHP types.  This class
 * allows element name/namespace, XSD type, and XML attributes to be
 * associated with a value.  This is extremely useful when WSDL is not
 * used, but is also useful when WSDL is used with polymorphic types, including
 * xsd:anyType and user-defined types.
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access   public
 class soapval extends nusoap_base {
   * The XML element name
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $name;
   * The XML type name (string or false)
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $type;
   * The PHP value
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $value;
   * The XML element namespace (string or false)
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $element_ns;
   * The XML type namespace (string or false)
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $type_ns;
   * The XML element attributes (array or false)
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $attributes;
  * constructor
  * @param    string $name optional name
  * @param    mixed $type optional type name
  * @param mixed $value optional value
  * @param mixed $element_ns optional namespace of value
  * @param mixed $type_ns optional namespace of type
  * @param mixed $attributes associative array of attributes to add to element serialization
  * @access   public
    function soapval($name='soapval',$type=false,$value=-1,$element_ns=false,$type_ns=false,$attributes=false) {
   $this->name = $name;
   $this->type = $type;
   $this->value = $value;
   $this->element_ns = $element_ns;
   $this->type_ns = $type_ns;
   $this->attributes = $attributes;
  * return serialized value
  * @param string $use The WSDL use value (encoded|literal)
  * @return string XML data
  * @access   public
  function serialize($use='encoded') {
   return $this->serialize_val($this->value,$this->name,$this->type,$this->element_ns,$this->type_ns,$this->attributes,$use);
  * decodes a soapval object into a PHP native type
  * @return mixed
  * @access   public
  function decode(){
   return $this->value;
 * transport class for sending/receiving data via HTTP and HTTPS
 * NOTE: PHP must be compiled with the CURL extension for HTTPS support
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access public
 class soap_transport_http extends nusoap_base {
  var $url = '';
  var $uri = '';
  var $digest_uri = '';
  var $scheme = '';
  var $host = '';
  var $port = '';
  var $path = '';
  var $request_method = 'POST';
  var $protocol_version = '1.0';
  var $encoding = '';
  var $outgoing_headers = array();
  var $incoming_headers = array();
  var $incoming_cookies = array();
  var $outgoing_payload = '';
  var $incoming_payload = '';
  var $useSOAPAction = true;
  var $persistentConnection = false;
  var $ch = false; // cURL handle
  var $username = '';
  var $password = '';
  var $authtype = '';
  var $digestRequest = array();
  var $certRequest = array(); // keys must be cainfofile (optional), sslcertfile, sslkeyfile, passphrase, verifypeer (optional), verifyhost (optional)
         // cainfofile: certificate authority file, e.g. '$pathToPemFiles/rootca.pem'
         // sslcertfile: SSL certificate file, e.g. '$pathToPemFiles/mycert.pem'
         // sslkeyfile: SSL key file, e.g. '$pathToPemFiles/mykey.pem'
         // passphrase: SSL key password/passphrase
         // verifypeer: default is 1
         // verifyhost: default is 1
  * constructor
  function soap_transport_http($url){
   ereg('\$Revisio' . 'n: ([^ ]+)', $this->revision, $rev);
   $this->outgoing_headers['User-Agent'] = $this->title.'/'.$this->version.' ('.$rev[1].')';
   $this->debug('set User-Agent: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['User-Agent']);
  function setURL($url) {
   $this->url = $url;
   $u = parse_url($url);
   foreach($u as $k => $v){
    $this->debug("$k = $v");
    $this->$k = $v;
   // add any GET params to path
   if(isset($u['query']) && $u['query'] != ''){
             $this->path .= '?' . $u['query'];
   // set default port
    if($u['scheme'] == 'https'){
     $this->port = 443;
    } else {
     $this->port = 80;
   $this->uri = $this->path;
   $this->digest_uri = $this->uri;
   // build headers
   if (!isset($u['port'])) {
    $this->outgoing_headers['Host'] = $this->host;
   } else {
    $this->outgoing_headers['Host'] = $this->host.':'.$this->port;
   $this->debug('set Host: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['Host']);
   if (isset($u['user']) && $u['user'] != '') {
    $this->setCredentials(urldecode($u['user']), isset($u['pass']) ? urldecode($u['pass']) : '');
  function connect($connection_timeout=0,$response_timeout=30){
     // For PHP 4.3 with OpenSSL, change https scheme to ssl, then treat like
     // "regular" socket.
     // TODO: disabled for now because OpenSSL must be *compiled* in (not just
     //       loaded), and until PHP5 stream_get_wrappers is not available.
 //    if ($this->scheme == 'https') {
 //     if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0') >= 0) {
 //      if (extension_loaded('openssl')) {
 //       $this->scheme = 'ssl';
 //       $this->debug('Using SSL over OpenSSL');
 //      }
 //     }
 //  }
   $this->debug("connect connection_timeout $connection_timeout, response_timeout $response_timeout, scheme $this->scheme, host $this->host, port $this->port");
    if ($this->scheme == 'http' || $this->scheme == 'ssl') {
   // use persistent connection
   if($this->persistentConnection && isset($this->fp) && is_resource($this->fp)){
    if (!feof($this->fp)) {
     $this->debug('Re-use persistent connection');
     return true;
    $this->debug('Closed persistent connection at EOF');
   // munge host if using OpenSSL
   if ($this->scheme == 'ssl') {
    $host = 'ssl://' . $this->host;
   } else {
    $host = $this->host;
   $this->debug('calling fsockopen with host ' . $host . ' connection_timeout ' . $connection_timeout);
   // open socket
   if($connection_timeout > 0){
    $this->fp = @fsockopen( $host, $this->port, $this->errno, $this->error_str, $connection_timeout);
   } else {
    $this->fp = @fsockopen( $host, $this->port, $this->errno, $this->error_str);
   // test pointer
   if(!$this->fp) {
    $msg = 'Couldn\'t open socket connection to server ' . $this->url;
    if ($this->errno) {
     $msg .= ', Error ('.$this->errno.'): '.$this->error_str;
    } else {
     $msg .= ' prior to connect().  This is often a problem looking up the host name.';
    return false;
   // set response timeout
   $this->debug('set response timeout to ' . $response_timeout);
   socket_set_timeout( $this->fp, $response_timeout);
   $this->debug('socket connected');
   return true;
    } else if ($this->scheme == 'https') {
   if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
    $this->setError('CURL Extension, or OpenSSL extension w/ PHP version >= 4.3 is required for HTTPS');
    return false;
   $this->debug('connect using https');
   // init CURL
   $this->ch = curl_init();
   // set url
   $hostURL = ($this->port != '') ? "https://$this->host:$this->port" : "https://$this->host";
   // add path
   $hostURL .= $this->path;
   curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $hostURL);
   // follow location headers (re-directs)
   curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
   // ask for headers in the response output
   curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
   // ask for the response output as the return value
   curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
   // encode
   // We manage this ourselves through headers and encoding
 //  if(function_exists('gzuncompress')){
 //   curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'deflate');
 //  }
   // persistent connection
   if ($this->persistentConnection) {
    // The way we send data, we cannot use persistent connections, since
    // there will be some "junk" at the end of our request.
    //curl_setopt($this->ch, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, true);
    $this->persistentConnection = false;
    $this->outgoing_headers['Connection'] = 'close';
    $this->debug('set Connection: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['Connection']);
   // set timeout
   if ($connection_timeout != 0) {
    curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $connection_timeout);
   // TODO: cURL has added a connection timeout separate from the response timeout
   //if ($connection_timeout != 0) {
   // curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT, $connection_timeout);
   //if ($response_timeout != 0) {
   // curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $response_timeout);
   // recent versions of cURL turn on peer/host checking by default,
   // while PHP binaries are not compiled with a default location for the
   // CA cert bundle, so disable peer/host checking.
 //curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, 'f:\php-4.3.2-win32\extensions\curl-ca-bundle.crt');  
   curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
   curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
   // support client certificates (thanks Tobias Boes, Doug Anarino, Eryan Ariobowo)
   if ($this->authtype == 'certificate') {
    if (isset($this->certRequest['cainfofile'])) {
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $this->certRequest['cainfofile']);
    if (isset($this->certRequest['verifypeer'])) {
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->certRequest['verifypeer']);
    } else {
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
    if (isset($this->certRequest['verifyhost'])) {
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $this->certRequest['verifyhost']);
    } else {
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1);
    if (isset($this->certRequest['sslcertfile'])) {
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $this->certRequest['sslcertfile']);
    if (isset($this->certRequest['sslkeyfile'])) {
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $this->certRequest['sslkeyfile']);
    if (isset($this->certRequest['passphrase'])) {
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD , $this->certRequest['passphrase']);
   $this->debug('cURL connection set up');
   return true;
    } else {
   $this->setError('Unknown scheme ' . $this->scheme);
   $this->debug('Unknown scheme ' . $this->scheme);
   return false;
  * send the SOAP message via HTTP
  * @param    string $data message data
  * @param    integer $timeout set connection timeout in seconds
  * @param integer $response_timeout set response timeout in seconds
  * @param array $cookies cookies to send
  * @return string data
  * @access   public
  function send($data, $timeout=0, $response_timeout=30, $cookies=NULL) {
   $this->debug('entered send() with data of length: '.strlen($data));
   $this->tryagain = true;
   $tries = 0;
   while ($this->tryagain) {
    $this->tryagain = false;
    if ($tries++ < 2) {
     // make connnection
     if (!$this->connect($timeout, $response_timeout)){
      return false;
     // send request
     if (!$this->sendRequest($data, $cookies)){
      return false;
     // get response
     $respdata = $this->getResponse();
    } else {
     $this->setError('Too many tries to get an OK response');
   $this->debug('end of send()');
   return $respdata;
  * send the SOAP message via HTTPS 1.0 using CURL
  * @param    string $msg message data
  * @param    integer $timeout set connection timeout in seconds
  * @param integer $response_timeout set response timeout in seconds
  * @param array $cookies cookies to send
  * @return string data
  * @access   public
  function sendHTTPS($data, $timeout=0, $response_timeout=30, $cookies) {
   return $this->send($data, $timeout, $response_timeout, $cookies);
  * if authenticating, set user credentials here
  * @param    string $username
  * @param    string $password
  * @param string $authtype (basic, digest, certificate)
  * @param array $digestRequest (keys must be nonce, nc, realm, qop)
  * @param array $certRequest (keys must be cainfofile (optional), sslcertfile, sslkeyfile, passphrase, verifypeer (optional), verifyhost (optional): see corresponding options in cURL docs)
  * @access   public
  function setCredentials($username, $password, $authtype = 'basic', $digestRequest = array(), $certRequest = array()) {
   $this->debug("Set credentials for authtype $authtype");
   // cf. RFC 2617
   if ($authtype == 'basic') {
    $this->outgoing_headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '.base64_encode(str_replace(':','',$username).':'.$password);
   } elseif ($authtype == 'digest') {
    if (isset($digestRequest['nonce'])) {
     $digestRequest['nc'] = isset($digestRequest['nc']) ? $digestRequest['nc']++ : 1;
     // calculate the Digest hashes (calculate code based on digest implementation found at:
     // A1 = unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd
     $A1 = $username. ':' . (isset($digestRequest['realm']) ? $digestRequest['realm'] : '') . ':' . $password;
     // H(A1) = MD5(A1)
     $HA1 = md5($A1);
     // A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value
     $A2 = 'POST:' . $this->digest_uri;
     // H(A2)
     $HA2 =  md5($A2);
     // KD(secret, data) = H(concat(secret, ":", data))
     // if qop == auth:
     // request-digest  = <"> < KD ( H(A1),     unq(nonce-value)
     //                              ":" nc-value
     //                              ":" unq(cnonce-value)
     //                              ":" unq(qop-value)
     //                              ":" H(A2)
     //                            ) <">
     // if qop is missing,
     // request-digest  = <"> < KD ( H(A1), unq(nonce-value) ":" H(A2) ) > <">
     $unhashedDigest = '';
     $nonce = isset($digestRequest['nonce']) ? $digestRequest['nonce'] : '';
     $cnonce = $nonce;
     if ($digestRequest['qop'] != '') {
      $unhashedDigest = $HA1 . ':' . $nonce . ':' . sprintf("%08d", $digestRequest['nc']) . ':' . $cnonce . ':' . $digestRequest['qop'] . ':' . $HA2;
     } else {
      $unhashedDigest = $HA1 . ':' . $nonce . ':' . $HA2;
     $hashedDigest = md5($unhashedDigest);
     $this->outgoing_headers['Authorization'] = 'Digest username="' . $username . '", realm="' . $digestRequest['realm'] . '", nonce="' . $nonce . '", uri="' . $this->digest_uri . '", cnonce="' . $cnonce . '", nc=' . sprintf("%08x", $digestRequest['nc']) . ', qop="' . $digestRequest['qop'] . '", response="' . $hashedDigest . '"';
   } elseif ($authtype == 'certificate') {
    $this->certRequest = $certRequest;
   $this->username = $username;
   $this->password = $password;
   $this->authtype = $authtype;
   $this->digestRequest = $digestRequest;
   if (isset($this->outgoing_headers['Authorization'])) {
    $this->debug('set Authorization: ' . substr($this->outgoing_headers['Authorization'], 0, 12) . '...');
   } else {
    $this->debug('Authorization header not set');
  * set the soapaction value
  * @param    string $soapaction
  * @access   public
  function setSOAPAction($soapaction) {
   $this->outgoing_headers['SOAPAction'] = '"' . $soapaction . '"';
   $this->debug('set SOAPAction: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['SOAPAction']);
  * use http encoding
  * @param    string $enc encoding style. supported values: gzip, deflate, or both
  * @access   public
  function setEncoding($enc='gzip, deflate') {
   if (function_exists('gzdeflate')) {
    $this->protocol_version = '1.1';
    $this->outgoing_headers['Accept-Encoding'] = $enc;
    $this->debug('set Accept-Encoding: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['Accept-Encoding']);
    if (!isset($this->outgoing_headers['Connection'])) {
     $this->outgoing_headers['Connection'] = 'close';
     $this->persistentConnection = false;
     $this->debug('set Connection: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['Connection']);
    // deprecated
    $this->encoding = $enc;
  * set proxy info here
  * @param    string $proxyhost
  * @param    string $proxyport
  * @param string $proxyusername
  * @param string $proxypassword
  * @access   public
  function setProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername = '', $proxypassword = '') {
   $this->uri = $this->url;
   $this->host = $proxyhost;
   $this->port = $proxyport;
   if ($proxyusername != '' && $proxypassword != '') {
    $this->outgoing_headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = ' Basic '.base64_encode($proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword);
    $this->debug('set Proxy-Authorization: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['Proxy-Authorization']);
  * decode a string that is encoded w/ "chunked' transfer encoding
   * as defined in RFC2068 19.4.6
  * @param    string $buffer
  * @param    string $lb
  * @returns string
  * @access   public
  * @deprecated
  function decodeChunked($buffer, $lb){
   // length := 0
   $length = 0;
   $new = '';
   // read chunk-size, chunk-extension (if any) and CRLF
   // get the position of the linebreak
   $chunkend = strpos($buffer, $lb);
   if ($chunkend == FALSE) {
    $this->debug('no linebreak found in decodeChunked');
    return $new;
   $temp = substr($buffer,0,$chunkend);
   $chunk_size = hexdec( trim($temp) );
   $chunkstart = $chunkend + strlen($lb);
   // while (chunk-size > 0) {
   while ($chunk_size > 0) {
    $this->debug("chunkstart: $chunkstart chunk_size: $chunk_size");
    $chunkend = strpos( $buffer, $lb, $chunkstart + $chunk_size);
    // Just in case we got a broken connection
      if ($chunkend == FALSE) {
          $chunk = substr($buffer,$chunkstart);
     // append chunk-data to entity-body
        $new .= $chunk;
          $length += strlen($chunk);
      // read chunk-data and CRLF
      $chunk = substr($buffer,$chunkstart,$chunkend-$chunkstart);
      // append chunk-data to entity-body
      $new .= $chunk;
      // length := length + chunk-size
      $length += strlen($chunk);
      // read chunk-size and CRLF
      $chunkstart = $chunkend + strlen($lb);
      $chunkend = strpos($buffer, $lb, $chunkstart) + strlen($lb);
    if ($chunkend == FALSE) {
     break; //Just in case we got a broken connection
    $temp = substr($buffer,$chunkstart,$chunkend-$chunkstart);
    $chunk_size = hexdec( trim($temp) );
    $chunkstart = $chunkend;
   return $new;
   * Writes payload, including HTTP headers, to $this->outgoing_payload.
  function buildPayload($data, $cookie_str = '') {
   // add content-length header
   $this->outgoing_headers['Content-Length'] = strlen($data);
   $this->debug('set Content-Length: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['Content-Length']);
   // start building outgoing payload:
   $req = "$this->request_method $this->uri HTTP/$this->protocol_version";
   $this->debug("HTTP request: $req");
   $this->outgoing_payload = "$req\r\n";
   // loop thru headers, serializing
   foreach($this->outgoing_headers as $k => $v){
    $hdr = $k.': '.$v;
    $this->debug("HTTP header: $hdr");
    $this->outgoing_payload .= "$hdr\r\n";
   // add any cookies
   if ($cookie_str != '') {
    $hdr = 'Cookie: '.$cookie_str;
    $this->debug("HTTP header: $hdr");
    $this->outgoing_payload .= "$hdr\r\n";
   // header/body separator
   $this->outgoing_payload .= "\r\n";
   // add data
   $this->outgoing_payload .= $data;
  function sendRequest($data, $cookies = NULL) {
   // build cookie string
   $cookie_str = $this->getCookiesForRequest($cookies, (($this->scheme == 'ssl') || ($this->scheme == 'https')));
   // build payload
   $this->buildPayload($data, $cookie_str);
    if ($this->scheme == 'http' || $this->scheme == 'ssl') {
   // send payload
   if(!fputs($this->fp, $this->outgoing_payload, strlen($this->outgoing_payload))) {
    $this->setError('couldn\'t write message data to socket');
    $this->debug('couldn\'t write message data to socket');
    return false;
   $this->debug('wrote data to socket, length = ' . strlen($this->outgoing_payload));
   return true;
    } else if ($this->scheme == 'https') {
   // set payload
   // TODO: cURL does say this should only be the verb, and in fact it
   // turns out that the URI and HTTP version are appended to this, which
   // some servers refuse to work with
   //curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->outgoing_payload);
   foreach($this->outgoing_headers as $k => $v){
    $curl_headers[] = "$k: $v";
   if ($cookie_str != '') {
    $curl_headers[] = 'Cookie: ' . $cookie_str;
   curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $curl_headers);
   if ($this->request_method == "POST") {
      curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
      curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
     } else {
   $this->debug('set cURL payload');
   return true;
  function getResponse(){
   $this->incoming_payload = '';
    if ($this->scheme == 'http' || $this->scheme == 'ssl') {
      // loop until headers have been retrieved
      $data = '';
      while (!isset($lb)){
    // We might EOF during header read.
    if(feof($this->fp)) {
     $this->incoming_payload = $data;
     $this->debug('found no headers before EOF after length ' . strlen($data));
     $this->debug("received before EOF:\n" . $data);
     $this->setError('server failed to send headers');
     return false;
    $tmp = fgets($this->fp, 256);
    $tmplen = strlen($tmp);
    $this->debug("read line of $tmplen bytes: " . trim($tmp));
    if ($tmplen == 0) {
     $this->incoming_payload = $data;
     $this->debug('socket read of headers timed out after length ' . strlen($data));
     $this->debug("read before timeout: " . $data);
     $this->setError('socket read of headers timed out');
     return false;
    $data .= $tmp;
    $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");
    if($pos > 1){
     $lb = "\r\n";
    } else {
     $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n");
     if($pos > 1){
      $lb = "\n";
    // remove 100 header
    if(isset($lb) && ereg('^HTTP/1.1 100',$data)){
     $data = '';
   // store header data
   $this->incoming_payload .= $data;
   $this->debug('found end of headers after length ' . strlen($data));
   // process headers
   $header_data = trim(substr($data,0,$pos));
   $header_array = explode($lb,$header_data);
   $this->incoming_headers = array();
   $this->incoming_cookies = array();
   foreach($header_array as $header_line){
    $arr = explode(':',$header_line, 2);
    if(count($arr) > 1){
     $header_name = strtolower(trim($arr[0]));
     $this->incoming_headers[$header_name] = trim($arr[1]);
     if ($header_name == 'set-cookie') {
      // TODO: allow multiple cookies from parseCookie
      $cookie = $this->parseCookie(trim($arr[1]));
      if ($cookie) {
       $this->incoming_cookies[] = $cookie;
       $this->debug('found cookie: ' . $cookie['name'] . ' = ' . $cookie['value']);
      } else {
       $this->debug('did not find cookie in ' . trim($arr[1]));
    } else if (isset($header_name)) {
     // append continuation line to previous header
     $this->incoming_headers[$header_name] .= $lb . ' ' . $header_line;
   // loop until msg has been received
   if (isset($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) && strtolower($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) == 'chunked') {
    $content_length =  2147483647; // ignore any content-length header
    $chunked = true;
    $this->debug("want to read chunked content");
   } elseif (isset($this->incoming_headers['content-length'])) {
    $content_length = $this->incoming_headers['content-length'];
    $chunked = false;
    $this->debug("want to read content of length $content_length");
   } else {
    $content_length =  2147483647;
    $chunked = false;
    $this->debug("want to read content to EOF");
   $data = '';
   do {
    if ($chunked) {
     $tmp = fgets($this->fp, 256);
     $tmplen = strlen($tmp);
     $this->debug("read chunk line of $tmplen bytes");
     if ($tmplen == 0) {
      $this->incoming_payload = $data;
      $this->debug('socket read of chunk length timed out after length ' . strlen($data));
      $this->debug("read before timeout:\n" . $data);
      $this->setError('socket read of chunk length timed out');
      return false;
     $content_length = hexdec(trim($tmp));
     $this->debug("chunk length $content_length");
    $strlen = 0;
       while (($strlen < $content_length) && (!feof($this->fp))) {
        $readlen = min(8192, $content_length - $strlen);
     $tmp = fread($this->fp, $readlen);
     $tmplen = strlen($tmp);
     $this->debug("read buffer of $tmplen bytes");
     if (($tmplen == 0) && (!feof($this->fp))) {
      $this->incoming_payload = $data;
      $this->debug('socket read of body timed out after length ' . strlen($data));
      $this->debug("read before timeout:\n" . $data);
      $this->setError('socket read of body timed out');
      return false;
     $strlen += $tmplen;
     $data .= $tmp;
    if ($chunked && ($content_length > 0)) {
     $tmp = fgets($this->fp, 256);
     $tmplen = strlen($tmp);
     $this->debug("read chunk terminator of $tmplen bytes");
     if ($tmplen == 0) {
      $this->incoming_payload = $data;
      $this->debug('socket read of chunk terminator timed out after length ' . strlen($data));
      $this->debug("read before timeout:\n" . $data);
      $this->setError('socket read of chunk terminator timed out');
      return false;
   } while ($chunked && ($content_length > 0) && (!feof($this->fp)));
   if (feof($this->fp)) {
    $this->debug('read to EOF');
   $this->debug('read body of length ' . strlen($data));
   $this->incoming_payload .= $data;
   $this->debug('received a total of '.strlen($this->incoming_payload).' bytes of data from server');
   // close filepointer
    (isset($this->incoming_headers['connection']) && strtolower($this->incoming_headers['connection']) == 'close') || 
    (! $this->persistentConnection) || feof($this->fp)){
    $this->fp = false;
    $this->debug('closed socket');
   // connection was closed unexpectedly
   if($this->incoming_payload == ''){
    $this->setError('no response from server');
    return false;
   // decode transfer-encoding
 //  if(isset($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) && strtolower($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) == 'chunked'){
 //   if(!$data = $this->decodeChunked($data, $lb)){
 //    $this->setError('Decoding of chunked data failed');
 //    return false;
 //   }
    //print "<pre>\nde-chunked:\n---------------\n$data\n\n---------------\n</pre>";
    // set decoded payload
 //   $this->incoming_payload = $header_data.$lb.$lb.$data;
 //  }
    } else if ($this->scheme == 'https') {
   // send and receive
   $this->debug('send and receive with cURL');
   $this->incoming_payload = curl_exec($this->ch);
   $data = $this->incoming_payload;
         $cErr = curl_error($this->ch);
   if ($cErr != '') {
          $err = 'cURL ERROR: '.curl_errno($this->ch).': '.$cErr.'<br>';
          // TODO: there is a PHP bug that can cause this to SEGV for CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE
    foreach(curl_getinfo($this->ch) as $k => $v){
     $err .= "$k: $v<br>";
       return false;
   } else {
    //echo '<pre>';
    //echo '</pre>';
   // close curl
   $this->debug('No cURL error, closing cURL');
   // remove 100 header(s)
   while (ereg('^HTTP/1.1 100',$data)) {
    if ($pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n")) {
     $data = ltrim(substr($data,$pos));
    } elseif($pos = strpos($data,"\n\n") ) {
     $data = ltrim(substr($data,$pos));
   // separate content from HTTP headers
   if ($pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n")) {
    $lb = "\r\n";
   } elseif( $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n")) {
    $lb = "\n";
   } else {
    $this->debug('no proper separation of headers and document');
    $this->setError('no proper separation of headers and document');
    return false;
   $header_data = trim(substr($data,0,$pos));
   $header_array = explode($lb,$header_data);
   $data = ltrim(substr($data,$pos));
   $this->debug('found proper separation of headers and document');
   $this->debug('cleaned data, stringlen: '.strlen($data));
   // clean headers
   foreach ($header_array as $header_line) {
    $arr = explode(':',$header_line,2);
    if(count($arr) > 1){
     $header_name = strtolower(trim($arr[0]));
     $this->incoming_headers[$header_name] = trim($arr[1]);
     if ($header_name == 'set-cookie') {
      // TODO: allow multiple cookies from parseCookie
      $cookie = $this->parseCookie(trim($arr[1]));
      if ($cookie) {
       $this->incoming_cookies[] = $cookie;
       $this->debug('found cookie: ' . $cookie['name'] . ' = ' . $cookie['value']);
      } else {
       $this->debug('did not find cookie in ' . trim($arr[1]));
    } else if (isset($header_name)) {
     // append continuation line to previous header
     $this->incoming_headers[$header_name] .= $lb . ' ' . $header_line;
   $arr = explode(' ', $header_array[0], 3);
   $http_version = $arr[0];
   $http_status = intval($arr[1]);
   $http_reason = count($arr) > 2 ? $arr[2] : '';
    // see if we need to resend the request with http digest authentication
    if (isset($this->incoming_headers['location']) && $http_status == 301) {
     $this->debug("Got 301 $http_reason with Location: " . $this->incoming_headers['location']);
    $this->tryagain = true;
    return false;
    // see if we need to resend the request with http digest authentication
    if (isset($this->incoming_headers['www-authenticate']) && $http_status == 401) {
     $this->debug("Got 401 $http_reason with WWW-Authenticate: " . $this->incoming_headers['www-authenticate']);
     if (strstr($this->incoming_headers['www-authenticate'], "Digest ")) {
      $this->debug('Server wants digest authentication');
      // remove "Digest " from our elements
      $digestString = str_replace('Digest ', '', $this->incoming_headers['www-authenticate']);
      // parse elements into array
      $digestElements = explode(',', $digestString);
      foreach ($digestElements as $val) {
       $tempElement = explode('=', trim($val), 2);
       $digestRequest[$tempElement[0]] = str_replace("\"", '', $tempElement[1]);
     // should have (at least) qop, realm, nonce
      if (isset($digestRequest['nonce'])) {
       $this->setCredentials($this->username, $this->password, 'digest', $digestRequest);
       $this->tryagain = true;
       return false;
    $this->debug('HTTP authentication failed');
    $this->setError('HTTP authentication failed');
    return false;
   if (
    ($http_status >= 300 && $http_status <= 307) ||
    ($http_status >= 400 && $http_status <= 417) ||
    ($http_status >= 501 && $http_status <= 505)
      ) {
    $this->setError("Unsupported HTTP response status $http_status $http_reason (soapclient->response has contents of the response)");
    return false;
   // decode content-encoding
   if(isset($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) && $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] != ''){
    if(strtolower($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) == 'deflate' || strtolower($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) == 'gzip'){
        // if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded
      //$timer->setMarker('starting decoding of gzip/deflated content');
      // IIS 5 requires gzinflate instead of gzuncompress (similar to IE 5 and gzdeflate v. gzcompress)
      // this means there are no Zlib headers, although there should be
      $this->debug('The gzinflate function exists');
      $datalen = strlen($data);
      if ($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate') {
       if ($degzdata = @gzinflate($data)) {
           $data = $degzdata;
           $this->debug('The payload has been inflated to ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes');
           if (strlen($data) < $datalen) {
            // test for the case that the payload has been compressed twice
            $this->debug('The inflated payload is smaller than the gzipped one; try again');
         if ($degzdata = @gzinflate($data)) {
             $data = $degzdata;
             $this->debug('The payload has been inflated again to ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes');
          } else {
           $this->debug('Error using gzinflate to inflate the payload');
           $this->setError('Error using gzinflate to inflate the payload');
      } elseif ($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') {
       if ($degzdata = @gzinflate(substr($data, 10))) { // do our best
        $data = $degzdata;
           $this->debug('The payload has been un-gzipped to ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes');
           if (strlen($data) < $datalen) {
            // test for the case that the payload has been compressed twice
            $this->debug('The un-gzipped payload is smaller than the gzipped one; try again');
         if ($degzdata = @gzinflate(substr($data, 10))) {
             $data = $degzdata;
             $this->debug('The payload has been un-gzipped again to ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes');
          } else {
           $this->debug('Error using gzinflate to un-gzip the payload');
        $this->setError('Error using gzinflate to un-gzip the payload');
      //$timer->setMarker('finished decoding of gzip/deflated content');
      //print "<xmp>\nde-inflated:\n---------------\n$data\n-------------\n</xmp>";
      // set decoded payload
      $this->incoming_payload = $header_data.$lb.$lb.$data;
        } else {
      $this->debug('The server sent compressed data. Your php install must have the Zlib extension compiled in to support this.');
      $this->setError('The server sent compressed data. Your php install must have the Zlib extension compiled in to support this.');
    } else {
     $this->debug('Unsupported Content-Encoding ' . $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']);
     $this->setError('Unsupported Content-Encoding ' . $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']);
   } else {
    $this->debug('No Content-Encoding header');
   if(strlen($data) == 0){
    $this->debug('no data after headers!');
    $this->setError('no data present after HTTP headers');
    return false;
   return $data;
  function setContentType($type, $charset = false) {
   $this->outgoing_headers['Content-Type'] = $type . ($charset ? '; charset=' . $charset : '');
   $this->debug('set Content-Type: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['Content-Type']);
  function usePersistentConnection(){
   if (isset($this->outgoing_headers['Accept-Encoding'])) {
    return false;
   $this->protocol_version = '1.1';
   $this->persistentConnection = true;
   $this->outgoing_headers['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive';
   $this->debug('set Connection: ' . $this->outgoing_headers['Connection']);
   return true;
   * parse an incoming Cookie into it's parts
   * @param string $cookie_str content of cookie
   * @return array with data of that cookie
   * @access private
   * TODO: allow a Set-Cookie string to be parsed into multiple cookies
  function parseCookie($cookie_str) {
   $cookie_str = str_replace('; ', ';', $cookie_str) . ';';
   $data = split(';', $cookie_str);
   $value_str = $data[0];
   $cookie_param = 'domain=';
   $start = strpos($cookie_str, $cookie_param);
   if ($start > 0) {
    $domain = substr($cookie_str, $start + strlen($cookie_param));
    $domain = substr($domain, 0, strpos($domain, ';'));
   } else {
    $domain = '';
   $cookie_param = 'expires=';
   $start = strpos($cookie_str, $cookie_param);
   if ($start > 0) {
    $expires = substr($cookie_str, $start + strlen($cookie_param));
    $expires = substr($expires, 0, strpos($expires, ';'));
   } else {
    $expires = '';
   $cookie_param = 'path=';
   $start = strpos($cookie_str, $cookie_param);
   if ( $start > 0 ) {
    $path = substr($cookie_str, $start + strlen($cookie_param));
    $path = substr($path, 0, strpos($path, ';'));
   } else {
    $path = '/';
   $cookie_param = ';secure;';
   if (strpos($cookie_str, $cookie_param) !== FALSE) {
    $secure = true;
   } else {
    $secure = false;
   $sep_pos = strpos($value_str, '=');
   if ($sep_pos) {
    $name = substr($value_str, 0, $sep_pos);
    $value = substr($value_str, $sep_pos + 1);
    $cookie= array( 'name' => $name,
                    'value' => $value,
        'domain' => $domain,
        'path' => $path,
        'expires' => $expires,
        'secure' => $secure
    return $cookie;
   return false;
   * sort out cookies for the current request
   * @param array $cookies array with all cookies
   * @param boolean $secure is the send-content secure or not?
   * @return string for Cookie-HTTP-Header
   * @access private
  function getCookiesForRequest($cookies, $secure=false) {
   $cookie_str = '';
   if ((! is_null($cookies)) && (is_array($cookies))) {
    foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
     if (! is_array($cookie)) {
        $this->debug("check cookie for validity: ".$cookie['name'].'='.$cookie['value']);
     if ((isset($cookie['expires'])) && (! empty($cookie['expires']))) {
      if (strtotime($cookie['expires']) <= time()) {
       $this->debug('cookie has expired');
     if ((isset($cookie['domain'])) && (! empty($cookie['domain']))) {
      $domain = preg_quote($cookie['domain']);
      if (! preg_match("'.*$domain$'i", $this->host)) {
       $this->debug('cookie has different domain');
     if ((isset($cookie['path'])) && (! empty($cookie['path']))) {
      $path = preg_quote($cookie['path']);
      if (! preg_match("'^$path.*'i", $this->path)) {
       $this->debug('cookie is for a different path');
     if ((! $secure) && (isset($cookie['secure'])) && ($cookie['secure'])) {
      $this->debug('cookie is secure, transport is not');
     $cookie_str .= $cookie['name'] . '=' . $cookie['value'] . '; ';
        $this->debug('add cookie to Cookie-String: ' . $cookie['name'] . '=' . $cookie['value']);
   return $cookie_str;
 * soap_server allows the user to create a SOAP server
 * that is capable of receiving messages and returning responses
 * NOTE: WSDL functionality is experimental
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access   public
 class soap_server extends nusoap_base {
   * HTTP headers of request
   * @var array
   * @access private
  var $headers = array();
   * HTTP request
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $request = '';
   * SOAP headers from request (incomplete namespace resolution; special characters not escaped) (text)
   * @var string
   * @access public
  var $requestHeaders = '';
   * SOAP body request portion (incomplete namespace resolution; special characters not escaped) (text)
   * @var string
   * @access public
  var $document = '';
   * SOAP payload for request (text)
   * @var string
   * @access public
  var $requestSOAP = '';
   * requested method namespace URI
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $methodURI = '';
   * name of method requested
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $methodname = '';
   * method parameters from request
   * @var array
   * @access private
  var $methodparams = array();
   * SOAP Action from request
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $SOAPAction = '';
   * character set encoding of incoming (request) messages
   * @var string
   * @access public
  var $xml_encoding = '';
   * toggles whether the parser decodes element content w/ utf8_decode()
   * @var boolean
   * @access public
     var $decode_utf8 = true;
   * HTTP headers of response
   * @var array
   * @access public
  var $outgoing_headers = array();
   * HTTP response
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $response = '';
   * SOAP headers for response (text)
   * @var string
   * @access public
  var $responseHeaders = '';
   * SOAP payload for response (text)
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $responseSOAP = '';
   * method return value to place in response
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $methodreturn = false;
   * whether $methodreturn is a string of literal XML
   * @var boolean
   * @access public
  var $methodreturnisliteralxml = false;
   * SOAP fault for response (or false)
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $fault = false;
   * text indication of result (for debugging)
   * @var string
   * @access private
  var $result = 'successful';
   * assoc array of operations => opData; operations are added by the register()
   * method or by parsing an external WSDL definition
   * @var array
   * @access private
  var $operations = array();
   * wsdl instance (if one)
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $wsdl = false;
   * URL for WSDL (if one)
   * @var mixed
   * @access private
  var $externalWSDLURL = false;
   * whether to append debug to response as XML comment
   * @var boolean
   * @access public
  var $debug_flag = false;
  * constructor
     * the optional parameter is a path to a WSDL file that you'd like to bind the server instance to.
     * @param mixed $wsdl file path or URL (string), or wsdl instance (object)
  * @access   public
  function soap_server($wsdl=false){
   // turn on debugging?
   global $debug;
   global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
   if (isset($_SERVER)) {
    $this->debug("_SERVER is defined:");
   } elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
    $this->debug("HTTP_SERVER_VARS is defined:");
   } else {
    $this->debug("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is defined.");
   if (isset($debug)) {
    $this->debug("In soap_server, set debug_flag=$debug based on global flag");
    $this->debug_flag = $debug;
   } elseif (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
    $qs = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    foreach ($qs as $v) {
     if (substr($v, 0, 6) == 'debug=') {
      $this->debug("In soap_server, set debug_flag=" . substr($v, 6) . " based on query string #1");
      $this->debug_flag = substr($v, 6);
   } elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'])) {
    $qs = explode('&', $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING']);
    foreach ($qs as $v) {
     if (substr($v, 0, 6) == 'debug=') {
      $this->debug("In soap_server, set debug_flag=" . substr($v, 6) . " based on query string #2");
      $this->debug_flag = substr($v, 6);
   // wsdl
    $this->debug("In soap_server, WSDL is specified");
    if (is_object($wsdl) && (get_class($wsdl) == 'wsdl')) {
     $this->wsdl = $wsdl;
     $this->externalWSDLURL = $this->wsdl->wsdl;
     $this->debug('Use existing wsdl instance from ' . $this->externalWSDLURL);
    } else {
     $this->debug('Create wsdl from ' . $wsdl);
     $this->wsdl = new wsdl($wsdl);
     $this->externalWSDLURL = $wsdl;
    if($err = $this->wsdl->getError()){
     die('WSDL ERROR: '.$err);
  * processes request and returns response
  * @param    string $data usually is the value of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA
  * @access   public
  function service($data){
   global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
   if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
    $qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
   } elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'])) {
   } else {
    $qs = '';
   $this->debug("In service, query string=$qs");
   if (ereg('wsdl', $qs) ){
    $this->debug("In service, this is a request for WSDL");
               if (strpos($this->externalWSDLURL,"://")!==false) { // assume URL
     header('Location: '.$this->externalWSDLURL);
               } else { // assume file
                 header("Content-Type: text/xml\r\n");
                 $fp = fopen($this->externalWSDLURL, 'r');
    } elseif ($this->wsdl) {
     header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n");
     print $this->wsdl->serialize($this->debug_flag);
     if ($this->debug_flag) {
      print $this->getDebugAsXMLComment();
    } else {
     header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n");
     print "This service does not provide WSDL";
   } elseif ($data == '' && $this->wsdl) {
    $this->debug("In service, there is no data, so return Web description");
    print $this->wsdl->webDescription();
   } else {
    $this->debug("In service, invoke the request");
    if (! $this->fault) {
    if (! $this->fault) {
  * parses HTTP request headers.
  * The following fields are set by this function (when successful)
  * headers
  * request
  * xml_encoding
  * SOAPAction
  * @access   private
  function parse_http_headers() {
   global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
   $this->request = '';
   $this->SOAPAction = '';
    $this->debug("In parse_http_headers, use getallheaders");
    $headers = getallheaders();
    foreach($headers as $k=>$v){
     $k = strtolower($k);
     $this->headers[$k] = $v;
     $this->request .= "$k: $v\r\n";
     $this->debug("$k: $v");
    // get SOAPAction header
     $this->SOAPAction = str_replace('"','',$this->headers['soapaction']);
    // get the character encoding of the incoming request
    if(isset($this->headers['content-type']) && strpos($this->headers['content-type'],'=')){
     $enc = str_replace('"','',substr(strstr($this->headers["content-type"],'='),1));
      $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
     } else {
      $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
    } else {
     // should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
     $this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
   } elseif(isset($_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER)){
    $this->debug("In parse_http_headers, use _SERVER");
    foreach ($_SERVER as $k => $v) {
     if (substr($k, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') {
      $k = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($k, 5))));                                           $k = strtolower(substr($k, 5));
     } else {
      $k = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $k)));                                           $k = strtolower($k);
     if ($k == 'soapaction') {
      // get SOAPAction header
      $k = 'SOAPAction';
      $v = str_replace('"', '', $v);
      $v = str_replace('\\', '', $v);
      $this->SOAPAction = $v;
     } else if ($k == 'content-type') {
      // get the character encoding of the incoming request
      if (strpos($v, '=')) {
       $enc = substr(strstr($v, '='), 1);
       $enc = str_replace('"', '', $enc);
       $enc = str_replace('\\', '', $enc);
       if (eregi('^(ISO-8859-1|US-ASCII|UTF-8)$', $enc)) {
        $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
       } else {
        $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
      } else {
       // should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
       $this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
     $this->headers[$k] = $v;
     $this->request .= "$k: $v\r\n";
     $this->debug("$k: $v");
   } elseif (is_array($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
    $this->debug("In parse_http_headers, use HTTP_SERVER_VARS");
    foreach ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS as $k => $v) {
     if (substr($k, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') {
      $k = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($k, 5))));                                           $k = strtolower(substr($k, 5));
     } else {
      $k = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $k)));                                           $k = strtolower($k);
     if ($k == 'soapaction') {
      // get SOAPAction header
      $k = 'SOAPAction';
      $v = str_replace('"', '', $v);
      $v = str_replace('\\', '', $v);
      $this->SOAPAction = $v;
     } else if ($k == 'content-type') {
      // get the character encoding of the incoming request
      if (strpos($v, '=')) {
       $enc = substr(strstr($v, '='), 1);
       $enc = str_replace('"', '', $enc);
       $enc = str_replace('\\', '', $enc);
       if (eregi('^(ISO-8859-1|US-ASCII|UTF-8)$', $enc)) {
        $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
       } else {
        $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
      } else {
       // should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
       $this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
     $this->headers[$k] = $v;
     $this->request .= "$k: $v\r\n";
     $this->debug("$k: $v");
   } else {
    $this->debug("In parse_http_headers, HTTP headers not accessible");
    $this->setError("HTTP headers not accessible");
  * parses a request
  * The following fields are set by this function (when successful)
  * headers
  * request
  * xml_encoding
  * SOAPAction
  * request
  * requestSOAP
  * methodURI
  * methodname
  * methodparams
  * requestHeaders
  * document
  * This sets the fault field on error
  * @param    string $data XML string
  * @access   private
  function parse_request($data='') {
   $this->debug('entering parse_request()');
   $this->debug('got character encoding: '.$this->xml_encoding);
   // uncompress if necessary
   if (isset($this->headers['content-encoding']) && $this->headers['content-encoding'] != '') {
    $this->debug('got content encoding: ' . $this->headers['content-encoding']);
    if ($this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' || $this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') {
        // if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded
     if (function_exists('gzuncompress')) {
      if ($this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data)) {
       $data = $degzdata;
      } elseif ($this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip' && $degzdata = gzinflate(substr($data, 10))) {
       $data = $degzdata;
      } else {
       $this->fault('Client', 'Errors occurred when trying to decode the data');
     } else {
      $this->fault('Client', 'This Server does not support compressed data');
   $this->request .= "\r\n".$data;
   $data = $this->parseRequest($this->headers, $data);
   $this->requestSOAP = $data;
   $this->debug('leaving parse_request');
  * invokes a PHP function for the requested SOAP method
  * The following fields are set by this function (when successful)
  * methodreturn
  * Note that the PHP function that is called may also set the following
  * fields to affect the response sent to the client
  * responseHeaders
  * outgoing_headers
  * This sets the fault field on error
  * @access   private
  function invoke_method() {
   $this->debug('in invoke_method, methodname=' . $this->methodname . ' methodURI=' . $this->methodURI . ' SOAPAction=' . $this->SOAPAction);
   if ($this->wsdl) {
    if ($this->opData = $this->wsdl->getOperationData($this->methodname)) {
     $this->debug('in invoke_method, found WSDL operation=' . $this->methodname);
     $this->appendDebug('opData=' . $this->varDump($this->opData));
    } elseif ($this->opData = $this->wsdl->getOperationDataForSoapAction($this->SOAPAction)) {
     // Note: hopefully this case will only be used for doc/lit, since rpc services should have wrapper element
     $this->debug('in invoke_method, found WSDL soapAction=' . $this->SOAPAction . ' for operation=' . $this->opData['name']);
     $this->appendDebug('opData=' . $this->varDump($this->opData));
     $this->methodname = $this->opData['name'];
    } else {
     $this->debug('in invoke_method, no WSDL for operation=' . $this->methodname);
     $this->fault('Client', "Operation '" . $this->methodname . "' is not defined in the WSDL for this service");
   } else {
    $this->debug('in invoke_method, no WSDL to validate method');
   // if a . is present in $this->methodname, we see if there is a class in scope,
   // which could be referred to. We will also distinguish between two deliminators,
   // to allow methods to be called a the class or an instance
   $class = '';
   $method = '';
   if (strpos($this->methodname, '..') > 0) {
    $delim = '..';
   } else if (strpos($this->methodname, '.') > 0) {
    $delim = '.';
   } else {
    $delim = '';
   if (strlen($delim) > 0 && substr_count($this->methodname, $delim) == 1 &&
    class_exists(substr($this->methodname, 0, strpos($this->methodname, $delim)))) {
    // get the class and method name
    $class = substr($this->methodname, 0, strpos($this->methodname, $delim));
    $method = substr($this->methodname, strpos($this->methodname, $delim) + strlen($delim));
    $this->debug("in invoke_method, class=$class method=$method delim=$delim");
   // does method exist?
   if ($class == '') {
    if (!function_exists($this->methodname)) {
     $this->debug("in invoke_method, function '$this->methodname' not found!");
     $this->result = 'fault: method not found';
     $this->fault('Client',"method '$this->methodname' not defined in service");
   } else {
    $method_to_compare = (substr(phpversion(), 0, 2) == '4.') ? strtolower($method) : $method;
    if (!in_array($method_to_compare, get_class_methods($class))) {
     $this->debug("in invoke_method, method '$this->methodname' not found in class '$class'!");
     $this->result = 'fault: method not found';
     $this->fault('Client',"method '$this->methodname' not defined in service");
   // evaluate message, getting back parameters
   // verify that request parameters match the method's signature
   if(! $this->verify_method($this->methodname,$this->methodparams)){
    // debug
    $this->debug('ERROR: request not verified against method signature');
    $this->result = 'fault: request failed validation against method signature';
    // return fault
    $this->fault('Client',"Operation '$this->methodname' not defined in service.");
   // if there are parameters to pass
   $this->debug('in invoke_method, params:');
   $this->debug("in invoke_method, calling '$this->methodname'");
   if (!function_exists('call_user_func_array')) {
    if ($class == '') {
     $this->debug('in invoke_method, calling function using eval()');
     $funcCall = "\$this->methodreturn = $this->methodname(";
    } else {
     if ($delim == '..') {
      $this->debug('in invoke_method, calling class method using eval()');
      $funcCall = "\$this->methodreturn = ".$class."::".$method."(";
     } else {
      $this->debug('in invoke_method, calling instance method using eval()');
      // generate unique instance name
      $instname = "\$inst_".time();
      $funcCall = $instname." = new ".$class."(); ";
      $funcCall .= "\$this->methodreturn = ".$instname."->".$method."(";
    if ($this->methodparams) {
     foreach ($this->methodparams as $param) {
      if (is_array($param)) {
       $this->fault('Client', 'NuSOAP does not handle complexType parameters correctly when using eval; call_user_func_array must be available');
      $funcCall .= "\"$param\",";
     $funcCall = substr($funcCall, 0, -1);
    $funcCall .= ');';
    $this->debug('in invoke_method, function call: '.$funcCall);
   } else {
    if ($class == '') {
     $this->debug('in invoke_method, calling function using call_user_func_array()');
     $call_arg = "$this->methodname"; // straight assignment changes $this->methodname to lower case after call_user_func_array()
    } elseif ($delim == '..') {
     $this->debug('in invoke_method, calling class method using call_user_func_array()');
     $call_arg = array ($class, $method);
    } else {
     $this->debug('in invoke_method, calling instance method using call_user_func_array()');
     $instance = new $class ();
     $call_arg = array(&$instance, $method);
    $this->methodreturn = call_user_func_array($call_arg, $this->methodparams);
         $this->debug('in invoke_method, methodreturn:');
   $this->debug("in invoke_method, called method $this->methodname, received $this->methodreturn of type ".gettype($this->methodreturn));
  * serializes the return value from a PHP function into a full SOAP Envelope
  * The following fields are set by this function (when successful)
  * responseSOAP
  * This sets the fault field on error
  * @access   private
  function serialize_return() {
   $this->debug('Entering serialize_return methodname: ' . $this->methodname . ' methodURI: ' . $this->methodURI);
   // if fault
   if (isset($this->methodreturn) && (get_class($this->methodreturn) == 'soap_fault')) {
    $this->debug('got a fault object from method');
    $this->fault = $this->methodreturn;
   } elseif ($this->methodreturnisliteralxml) {
    $return_val = $this->methodreturn;
   // returned value(s)
   } else {
    $this->debug('got a(n) '.gettype($this->methodreturn).' from method');
    $this->debug('serializing return value');
     // weak attempt at supporting multiple output params
     if(sizeof($this->opData['output']['parts']) > 1){
         $opParams = $this->methodreturn;
        } else {
         // TODO: is this really necessary?
         $opParams = array($this->methodreturn);
        $return_val = $this->wsdl->serializeRPCParameters($this->methodname,'output',$opParams);
     if($errstr = $this->wsdl->getError()){
      $this->debug('got wsdl error: '.$errstr);
      $this->fault('Server', 'unable to serialize result');
    } else {
     if (isset($this->methodreturn)) {
      $return_val = $this->serialize_val($this->methodreturn, 'return');
     } else {
      $return_val = '';
      $this->debug('in absence of WSDL, assume void return for backward compatibility');
   $this->debug('return value:');
   $this->debug('serializing response');
   if ($this->wsdl) {
    $this->debug('have WSDL for serialization: style is ' . $this->opData['style']);
    if ($this->opData['style'] == 'rpc') {
     $this->debug('style is rpc for serialization: use is ' . $this->opData['output']['use']);
     if ($this->opData['output']['use'] == 'literal') {
      $payload = '<'.$this->methodname.'Response xmlns="'.$this->methodURI.'">'.$return_val.'</'.$this->methodname."Response>";
     } else {
      $payload = '<ns1:'.$this->methodname.'Response xmlns:ns1="'.$this->methodURI.'">'.$return_val.'</ns1:'.$this->methodname."Response>";
    } else {
     $this->debug('style is not rpc for serialization: assume document');
     $payload = $return_val;
   } else {
    $this->debug('do not have WSDL for serialization: assume rpc/encoded');
    $payload = '<ns1:'.$this->methodname.'Response xmlns:ns1="'.$this->methodURI.'">'.$return_val.'</ns1:'.$this->methodname."Response>";
   $this->result = 'successful';
             // }
    if (isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle'])) {
     $encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
    } else {
     $encodingStyle = '';
    // Added: In case we use a WSDL, return a serialized env. WITH the usedNamespaces.
    $this->responseSOAP = $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->responseHeaders,$this->wsdl->usedNamespaces,$this->opData['style'],$encodingStyle);
   } else {
    $this->responseSOAP = $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->responseHeaders);
   $this->debug("Leaving serialize_return");
  * sends an HTTP response
  * The following fields are set by this function (when successful)
  * outgoing_headers
  * response
  * @access   private
  function send_response() {
   $this->debug('Enter send_response');
   if ($this->fault) {
    $payload = $this->fault->serialize();
    $this->outgoing_headers[] = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error";
    $this->outgoing_headers[] = "Status: 500 Internal Server Error";
   } else {
    $payload = $this->responseSOAP;
    // Some combinations of PHP+Web server allow the Status
    // to come through as a header.  Since OK is the default
    // just do nothing.
    // $this->outgoing_headers[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK";
    // $this->outgoing_headers[] = "Status: 200 OK";
         // add debug data if in debug mode
   if(isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag){
          $payload .= $this->getDebugAsXMLComment();
   $this->outgoing_headers[] = "Server: $this->title Server v$this->version";
   ereg('\$Revisio' . 'n: ([^ ]+)', $this->revision, $rev);
   $this->outgoing_headers[] = "X-SOAP-Server: $this->title/$this->version (".$rev[1].")";
   // Let the Web server decide about this
   //$this->outgoing_headers[] = "Connection: Close\r\n";
   $payload = $this->getHTTPBody($payload);
   $type = $this->getHTTPContentType();
   $charset = $this->getHTTPContentTypeCharset();
   $this->outgoing_headers[] = "Content-Type: $type" . ($charset ? '; charset=' . $charset : '');
   //begin code to compress payload - by John
   // NOTE: there is no way to know whether the Web server will also compress
   // this data.
   if (strlen($payload) > 1024 && isset($this->headers) && isset($this->headers['accept-encoding'])) { 
    if (strstr($this->headers['accept-encoding'], 'gzip')) {
     if (function_exists('gzencode')) {
      if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) {
       $payload .= "<!-- Content being gzipped -->";
      $this->outgoing_headers[] = "Content-Encoding: gzip";
      $payload = gzencode($payload);
     } else {
      if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) {
       $payload .= "<!-- Content will not be gzipped: no gzencode -->";
    } elseif (strstr($this->headers['accept-encoding'], 'deflate')) {
     // Note: MSIE requires gzdeflate output (no Zlib header and checksum),
     // instead of gzcompress output,
     // which conflicts with HTTP 1.1 spec (
     if (function_exists('gzdeflate')) {
      if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) {
       $payload .= "<!-- Content being deflated -->";
      $this->outgoing_headers[] = "Content-Encoding: deflate";
      $payload = gzdeflate($payload);
     } else {
      if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) {
       $payload .= "<!-- Content will not be deflated: no gzcompress -->";
   //end code
   $this->outgoing_headers[] = "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload);
   foreach($this->outgoing_headers as $hdr){
    header($hdr, false);
   print $payload;
   $this->response = join("\r\n",$this->outgoing_headers)."\r\n\r\n".$payload;
  * takes the value that was created by parsing the request
  * and compares to the method's signature, if available.
  * @param string $operation The operation to be invoked
  * @param array $request The array of parameter values
  * @return boolean Whether the operation was found
  * @access   private
  function verify_method($operation,$request){
   if(isset($this->wsdl) && is_object($this->wsdl)){
     return true;
      } elseif(isset($this->operations[$operation])){
    return true;
   return false;
  * processes SOAP message received from client
  * @param array $headers The HTTP headers
  * @param string $data  unprocessed request data from client
  * @return mixed value of the message, decoded into a PHP type
  * @access   private
     function parseRequest($headers, $data) {
   $this->debug('Entering parseRequest() for data of length ' . strlen($data) . ' and type ' . $headers['content-type']);
   if (!strstr($headers['content-type'], 'text/xml')) {
    $this->setError('Request not of type text/xml');
    return false;
   if (strpos($headers['content-type'], '=')) {
    $enc = str_replace('"', '', substr(strstr($headers["content-type"], '='), 1));
    $this->debug('Got response encoding: ' . $enc);
     $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
    } else {
     $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
   } else {
    // should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
    $this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
   $this->debug('Use encoding: ' . $this->xml_encoding . ' when creating soap_parser');
   // parse response, get soap parser obj
   $parser = new soap_parser($data,$this->xml_encoding,'',$this->decode_utf8);
   // parser debug
   $this->debug("parser debug: \n".$parser->getDebug());
   // if fault occurred during message parsing
   if($err = $parser->getError()){
    $this->result = 'fault: error in msg parsing: '.$err;
    $this->fault('Client',"error in msg parsing:\n".$err);
   // else successfully parsed request into soapval object
   } else {
    // get/set methodname
    $this->methodURI = $parser->root_struct_namespace;
    $this->methodname = $parser->root_struct_name;
    $this->debug('methodname: '.$this->methodname.' methodURI: '.$this->methodURI);
    $this->debug('calling parser->get_response()');
    $this->methodparams = $parser->get_response();
    // get SOAP headers
    $this->requestHeaders = $parser->getHeaders();
             // add document for doclit support
             $this->document = $parser->document;
  * gets the HTTP body for the current response.
  * @param string $soapmsg The SOAP payload
  * @return string The HTTP body, which includes the SOAP payload
  * @access private
  function getHTTPBody($soapmsg) {
   return $soapmsg;
  * gets the HTTP content type for the current response.
  * Note: getHTTPBody must be called before this.
  * @return string the HTTP content type for the current response.
  * @access private
  function getHTTPContentType() {
   return 'text/xml';
  * gets the HTTP content type charset for the current response.
  * returns false for non-text content types.
  * Note: getHTTPBody must be called before this.
  * @return string the HTTP content type charset for the current response.
  * @access private
  function getHTTPContentTypeCharset() {
   return $this->soap_defencoding;
  * add a method to the dispatch map (this has been replaced by the register method)
  * @param    string $methodname
  * @param    string $in array of input values
  * @param    string $out array of output values
  * @access   public
  * @deprecated
  function add_to_map($methodname,$in,$out){
    $this->operations[$methodname] = array('name' => $methodname,'in' => $in,'out' => $out);
  * register a service function with the server
  * @param    string $name the name of the PHP function, class.method or class..method
  * @param    array $in assoc array of input values: key = param name, value = param type
  * @param    array $out assoc array of output values: key = param name, value = param type
  * @param mixed $namespace the element namespace for the method or false
  * @param mixed $soapaction the soapaction for the method or false
  * @param mixed $style optional (rpc|document) or false Note: when 'document' is specified, parameter and return wrappers are created for you automatically
  * @param mixed $use optional (encoded|literal) or false
  * @param string $documentation optional Description to include in WSDL
  * @param string $encodingStyle optional (usually '' for encoded)
  * @access   public
  function register($name,$in=array(),$out=array(),$namespace=false,$soapaction=false,$style=false,$use=false,$documentation='',$encodingStyle=''){
   global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
    die('You cannot bind to an external WSDL file, and register methods outside of it! Please choose either WSDL or no WSDL.');
   if (! $name) {
    die('You must specify a name when you register an operation');
   if (!is_array($in)) {
    die('You must provide an array for operation inputs');
   if (!is_array($out)) {
    die('You must provide an array for operation outputs');
   if(false == $namespace) {
   if(false == $soapaction) {
    if (isset($_SERVER)) {
    } elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
    } else {
     $this->setError("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is available");
    $soapaction = "http://$SERVER_NAME$SCRIPT_NAME/$name";;
   if(false == $style) {
    $style = "rpc";
   if(false == $use) {
    $use = "encoded";
   if ($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle = '') {
    $encodingStyle = '';
   $this->operations[$name] = array(
      'name' => $name,
      'in' => $in,
      'out' => $out,
      'namespace' => $namespace,
      'soapaction' => $soapaction,
      'style' => $style);
   return true;
  * Specify a fault to be returned to the client.
  * This also acts as a flag to the server that a fault has occured.
  * @param string $faultcode
  * @param string $faultstring
  * @param string $faultactor
  * @param string $faultdetail
  * @access   public
  function fault($faultcode,$faultstring,$faultactor='',$faultdetail=''){
   if ($faultdetail == '' && $this->debug_flag) {
    $faultdetail = $this->getDebug();
   $this->fault = new soap_fault($faultcode,$faultactor,$faultstring,$faultdetail);
   $this->fault->soap_defencoding = $this->soap_defencoding;
     * Sets up wsdl object.
     * Acts as a flag to enable internal WSDL generation
     * @param string $serviceName, name of the service
     * @param mixed $namespace optional 'tns' service namespace or false
     * @param mixed $endpoint optional URL of service endpoint or false
     * @param string $style optional (rpc|document) WSDL style (also specified by operation)
     * @param string $transport optional SOAP transport
     * @param mixed $schemaTargetNamespace optional 'types' targetNamespace for service schema or false
     function configureWSDL($serviceName,$namespace = false,$endpoint = false,$style='rpc', $transport = '', $schemaTargetNamespace = false)
      global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
   if (isset($_SERVER)) {
    $HTTPS=((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']))?$_SERVER['HTTPS'] : 'no'); 
   } elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
   } else {
    $this->setError("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is available");
   if ($SERVER_PORT == 80) {
    $SERVER_PORT = '';
   } else {
         if(false == $namespace) {
             $namespace = "http://$SERVER_NAME/soap/$serviceName";;
         if(false == $endpoint) {
          if ($HTTPS == '1' || $HTTPS == 'on') {
           $SCHEME = 'https';
          } else {
           $SCHEME = 'http';
             $endpoint = "$SCHEME://$SERVER_NAME$SERVER_PORT$SCRIPT_NAME";
         if(false == $schemaTargetNamespace) {
             $schemaTargetNamespace = $namespace;
   $this->wsdl = new wsdl;
   $this->wsdl->serviceName = $serviceName;
         $this->wsdl->endpoint = $endpoint;
   $this->wsdl->namespaces['tns'] = $namespace;
   $this->wsdl->namespaces['soap'] = '';
   $this->wsdl->namespaces['wsdl'] = '';
   if ($schemaTargetNamespace != $namespace) {
    $this->wsdl->namespaces['types'] = $schemaTargetNamespace;
         $this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0] = new xmlschema('', '', $this->wsdl->namespaces);
         $this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->schemaTargetNamespace = $schemaTargetNamespace;
         $this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->imports[''][0] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
         $this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->imports[''][0] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
         $this->wsdl->bindings[$serviceName.'Binding'] = array(
         $this->wsdl->ports[$serviceName.'Port'] = array(
 * parses a WSDL file, allows access to it's data, other utility methods
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access public 
 class wsdl extends nusoap_base {
  // URL or filename of the root of this WSDL
     var $wsdl; 
     // define internal arrays of bindings, ports, operations, messages, etc.
     var $schemas = array();
     var $currentSchema;
     var $message = array();
     var $complexTypes = array();
     var $messages = array();
     var $currentMessage;
     var $currentOperation;
     var $portTypes = array();
     var $currentPortType;
     var $bindings = array();
     var $currentBinding;
     var $ports = array();
     var $currentPort;
     var $opData = array();
     var $status = '';
     var $documentation = false;
     var $endpoint = ''; 
     // array of wsdl docs to import
     var $import = array(); 
     // parser vars
     var $parser;
     var $position = 0;
     var $depth = 0;
     var $depth_array = array();
  // for getting wsdl
  var $proxyhost = '';
     var $proxyport = '';
  var $proxyusername = '';
  var $proxypassword = '';
  var $timeout = 0;
  var $response_timeout = 30;
      * constructor
      * @param string $wsdl WSDL document URL
   * @param string $proxyhost
   * @param string $proxyport
   * @param string $proxyusername
   * @param string $proxypassword
   * @param integer $timeout set the connection timeout
   * @param integer $response_timeout set the response timeout
      * @access public 
     function wsdl($wsdl = '',$proxyhost=false,$proxyport=false,$proxyusername=false,$proxypassword=false,$timeout=0,$response_timeout=30){
         $this->wsdl = $wsdl;
         $this->proxyhost = $proxyhost;
         $this->proxyport = $proxyport;
   $this->proxyusername = $proxyusername;
   $this->proxypassword = $proxypassword;
   $this->timeout = $timeout;
   $this->response_timeout = $response_timeout;
         // parse wsdl file
         if ($wsdl != "") {
             $this->debug('initial wsdl URL: ' . $wsdl);
         // imports
         // TODO: handle imports more properly, grabbing them in-line and nesting them
          $imported_urls = array();
          $imported = 1;
          while ($imported > 0) {
           $imported = 0;
           // Schema imports
           foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
            foreach ($list as $xs) {
       $wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); // this is bogusly simple!
                foreach ($xs->imports as $ns2 => $list2) {
                    for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($list2); $ii++) {
                     if (! $list2[$ii]['loaded']) {
                      $this->schemas[$ns]->imports[$ns2][$ii]['loaded'] = true;
                      $url = $list2[$ii]['location'];
          if ($url != '') {
           $urlparts = parse_url($url);
           if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) {
            $url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] . (isset($wsdlparts['port']) ? ':' .$wsdlparts['port'] : '') .
              substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path'];
           if (! in_array($url, $imported_urls)) {
                        $imported_urls[] = $url;
          } else {
           $this->debug("Unexpected scenario: empty URL for unloaded import");
           // WSDL imports
     $wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); // this is bogusly simple!
              foreach ($this->import as $ns => $list) {
                  for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($list); $ii++) {
                   if (! $list[$ii]['loaded']) {
                    $this->import[$ns][$ii]['loaded'] = true;
                    $url = $list[$ii]['location'];
        if ($url != '') {
         $urlparts = parse_url($url);
         if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) {
          $url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] . (isset($wsdlparts['port']) ? ':' . $wsdlparts['port'] : '') .
            substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path'];
         if (! in_array($url, $imported_urls)) {
                      $imported_urls[] = $url;
        } else {
         $this->debug("Unexpected scenario: empty URL for unloaded import");
         // add new data to operation data
         foreach($this->bindings as $binding => $bindingData) {
             if (isset($bindingData['operations']) && is_array($bindingData['operations'])) {
                 foreach($bindingData['operations'] as $operation => $data) {
                     $this->debug('post-parse data gathering for ' . $operation);
                     $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'] = 
       isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']) ? 
       array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input']) :
       $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input'];
                     $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'] = 
       isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']) ?
       array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output']) :
       $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output'];
                     if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ])){
       $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ];
      if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ])){
                      $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ];
      if (isset($bindingData['style'])) {
                         $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['style'] = $bindingData['style'];
                     $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['transport'] = isset($bindingData['transport']) ? $bindingData['transport'] : '';
                     $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['documentation'] = isset($this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation']) ? $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation'] : '';
                     $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['endpoint'] = isset($bindingData['endpoint']) ? $bindingData['endpoint'] : '';
      * parses the wsdl document
      * @param string $wsdl path or URL
      * @access private 
     function parseWSDL($wsdl = '')
         if ($wsdl == '') {
             $this->debug('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!');
             $this->setError('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!');
             return false;
         // parse $wsdl for url format
         $wsdl_props = parse_url($wsdl);
         if (isset($wsdl_props['scheme']) && ($wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'http' || $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'https')) {
             $this->debug('getting WSDL http(s) URL ' . $wsdl);
          // get wsdl
          $tr = new soap_transport_http($wsdl);
    $tr->request_method = 'GET';
    $tr->useSOAPAction = false;
    if($this->proxyhost && $this->proxyport){
    $tr->setEncoding('gzip, deflate');
    $wsdl_string = $tr->send('', $this->timeout, $this->response_timeout);
    //$this->debug("WSDL request\n" . $tr->outgoing_payload);
    //$this->debug("WSDL response\n" . $tr->incoming_payload);
    // catch errors
    if($err = $tr->getError() ){
     $errstr = 'HTTP ERROR: '.$err;
              return false;
    $this->debug("got WSDL URL");
         } else {
             // $wsdl is not http(s), so treat it as a file URL or plain file path
          if (isset($wsdl_props['scheme']) && ($wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'file') && isset($wsdl_props['path'])) {
           $path = isset($wsdl_props['host']) ? ($wsdl_props['host'] . ':' . $wsdl_props['path']) : $wsdl_props['path'];
          } else {
           $path = $wsdl;
             $this->debug('getting WSDL file ' . $path);
             if ($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) {
                 $wsdl_string = '';
                 while ($data = fread($fp, 32768)) {
                     $wsdl_string .= $data;
             } else {
              $errstr = "Bad path to WSDL file $path";
                 return false;
         $this->debug('Parse WSDL');
         // end new code added
         // Create an XML parser.
         $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); 
         // Set the options for parsing the XML data.
         // xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
         xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); 
         // Set the object for the parser.
         xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); 
         // Set the element handlers for the parser.
         xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element', 'end_element');
         xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'character_data');
         // Parse the XML file.
         if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $wsdl_string, true)) {
             // Display an error message.
             $errstr = sprintf(
     'XML error parsing WSDL from %s on line %d: %s',
    $this->debug("XML payload:\n" . $wsdl_string);
             return false;
   // free the parser
         $this->debug('Parsing WSDL done');
   // catch wsdl parse errors
    return false;
         return true;
      * start-element handler
      * @param string $parser XML parser object
      * @param string $name element name
      * @param string $attrs associative array of attributes
      * @access private 
     function start_element($parser, $name, $attrs)
         if ($this->status == 'schema') {
             $this->currentSchema->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs);
         } elseif (ereg('schema$', $name)) {
          $this->debug('Parsing WSDL schema');
             // $this->debug("startElement for $name ($attrs[name]). status = $this->status (".$this->getLocalPart($name).")");
             $this->status = 'schema';
             $this->currentSchema = new xmlschema('', '', $this->namespaces);
             $this->currentSchema->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs);
         } else {
             // position in the total number of elements, starting from 0
             $pos = $this->position++;
             $depth = $this->depth++; 
             // set self as current value for this depth
             $this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos;
             $this->message[$pos] = array('cdata' => ''); 
             // process attributes
             if (count($attrs) > 0) {
     // register namespace declarations
                 foreach($attrs as $k => $v) {
                     if (ereg("^xmlns", $k)) {
                         if ($ns_prefix = substr(strrchr($k, ':'), 1)) {
                             $this->namespaces[$ns_prefix] = $v;
                         } else {
                             $this->namespaces['ns' . (count($this->namespaces) + 1)] = $v;
                         if ($v == '' || $v == '' || $v == '') {
                             $this->XMLSchemaVersion = $v;
                             $this->namespaces['xsi'] = $v . '-instance';
                 // expand each attribute prefix to its namespace
                 foreach($attrs as $k => $v) {
                     $k = strpos($k, ':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
                     if ($k != 'location' && $k != 'soapAction' && $k != 'namespace') {
                         $v = strpos($v, ':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
                     $eAttrs[$k] = $v;
                 $attrs = $eAttrs;
             } else {
                 $attrs = array();
             // get element prefix, namespace and name
             if (ereg(':', $name)) {
                 // get ns prefix
                 $prefix = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, ':')); 
                 // get ns
                 $namespace = isset($this->namespaces[$prefix]) ? $this->namespaces[$prefix] : ''; 
                 // get unqualified name
                 $name = substr(strstr($name, ':'), 1);
    // process attributes, expanding any prefixes to namespaces
             // find status, register data
             switch ($this->status) {
                 case 'message':
                     if ($name == 'part') {
                if (isset($attrs['type'])) {
                       $this->debug("msg " . $this->currentMessage . ": found part $attrs[name]: " . implode(',', $attrs));
                       $this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['type'];
                if (isset($attrs['element'])) {
                       $this->debug("msg " . $this->currentMessage . ": found part $attrs[name]: " . implode(',', $attrs));
                    $this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['element'];
        case 'portType':
            switch ($name) {
                case 'operation':
                    $this->currentPortOperation = $attrs['name'];
                    $this->debug("portType $this->currentPortType operation: $this->currentPortOperation");
                    if (isset($attrs['parameterOrder'])) {
                     $this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$attrs['name']]['parameterOrder'] = $attrs['parameterOrder'];
          case 'documentation':
              $this->documentation = true;
          // merge input/output data
              $m = isset($attrs['message']) ? $this->getLocalPart($attrs['message']) : '';
              $this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation][$name]['message'] = $m;
     case 'binding':
         switch ($name) {
             case 'binding': 
                 // get ns prefix
                 if (isset($attrs['style'])) {
                 $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['prefix'] = $prefix;
           $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding], $attrs);
       case 'header':
           $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus]['headers'][] = $attrs;
       case 'operation':
           if (isset($attrs['soapAction'])) {
               $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['soapAction'] = $attrs['soapAction'];
           if (isset($attrs['style'])) {
               $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['style'] = $attrs['style'];
           if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
               $this->currentOperation = $attrs['name'];
               $this->debug("current binding operation: $this->currentOperation");
               $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['name'] = $attrs['name'];
               $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['binding'] = $this->currentBinding;
               $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['endpoint'] = isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint']) ? $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint'] : '';
       case 'input':
           $this->opStatus = 'input';
       case 'output':
           $this->opStatus = 'output';
       case 'body':
           if (isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus])) {
               $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus], $attrs);
           } else {
               $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = $attrs;
     case 'service':
      switch ($name) {
          case 'port':
              $this->currentPort = $attrs['name'];
              $this->debug('current port: ' . $this->currentPort);
              $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['binding']);
          case 'address':
              $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['location'] = $attrs['location'];
              $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['bindingType'] = $namespace;
              $this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['bindingType'] = $namespace;
              $this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['endpoint'] = $attrs['location'];
   // set status
   switch ($name) {
    case 'import':
        if (isset($attrs['location'])) {
                     $this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => $attrs['location'], 'loaded' => false);
                     $this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - ' . $attrs['location'] . ' (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')');
     } else {
                     $this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
      if (! $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($attrs['namespace'])) {
       $this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $attrs['namespace'];
                     $this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - [no location] (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')');
    //wait for schema
    //case 'types':
    // $this->status = 'schema';
    // break;
    case 'message':
     $this->status = 'message';
     $this->messages[$attrs['name']] = array();
     $this->currentMessage = $attrs['name'];
    case 'portType':
     $this->status = 'portType';
     $this->portTypes[$attrs['name']] = array();
     $this->currentPortType = $attrs['name'];
    case "binding":
     if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
     // get binding name
      if (strpos($attrs['name'], ':')) {
          $this->currentBinding = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['name']);
      } else {
          $this->currentBinding = $attrs['name'];
      $this->status = 'binding';
      $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['portType'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['type']);
      $this->debug("current binding: $this->currentBinding of portType: " . $attrs['type']);
    case 'service':
     $this->serviceName = $attrs['name'];
     $this->status = 'service';
     $this->debug('current service: ' . $this->serviceName);
    case 'definitions':
     foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) {
      $this->wsdl_info[$name] = $value;
  * end-element handler
  * @param string $parser XML parser object
  * @param string $name element name
  * @access private 
  function end_element($parser, $name){ 
   // unset schema status
   if (/*ereg('types$', $name) ||*/ ereg('schema$', $name)) {
    $this->status = "";
    $this->schemas[$this->currentSchema->schemaTargetNamespace][] = $this->currentSchema;
          $this->debug('Parsing WSDL schema done');
   if ($this->status == 'schema') {
    $this->currentSchema->schemaEndElement($parser, $name);
   } else {
    // bring depth down a notch
   // end documentation
   if ($this->documentation) {
    //TODO: track the node to which documentation should be assigned; it can be a part, message, etc.
    //$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation]['documentation'] = $this->documentation;
    $this->documentation = false;
   * element content handler
   * @param string $parser XML parser object
   * @param string $data element content
   * @access private 
  function character_data($parser, $data)
   $pos = isset($this->depth_array[$this->depth]) ? $this->depth_array[$this->depth] : 0;
   if (isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata'])) {
    $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data;
   if ($this->documentation) {
    $this->documentation .= $data;
  function getBindingData($binding)
   if (is_array($this->bindings[$binding])) {
    return $this->bindings[$binding];
   * returns an assoc array of operation names => operation data
   * @param string $bindingType eg: soap, smtp, dime (only soap is currently supported)
   * @return array 
   * @access public 
  function getOperations($bindingType = 'soap')
   $ops = array();
   if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
    $bindingType = '';
   // loop thru ports
   foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
    // binding type of port matches parameter
    if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
     //$this->debug("getOperations for port $port");
     //$this->debug("port data: " . $this->varDump($portData));
     //$this->debug("bindings: " . $this->varDump($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]));
     // merge bindings
     if (isset($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'])) {
      $ops = array_merge ($ops, $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']);
   return $ops;
   * returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation
   * @param string $operation , name of operation
   * @param string $bindingType , type of binding eg: soap
   * @return array 
   * @access public 
  function getOperationData($operation, $bindingType = 'soap')
   if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
    $bindingType = '';
   // loop thru ports
   foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
    // binding type of port matches parameter
    if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
     // get binding
     //foreach($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'] as $bOperation => $opData) {
     foreach(array_keys($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']) as $bOperation) {
      // note that we could/should also check the namespace here
      if ($operation == $bOperation) {
       $opData = $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'][$operation];
          return $opData;
   * returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation
   * @param string $soapAction soapAction for operation
   * @param string $bindingType type of binding eg: soap
   * @return array 
   * @access public 
  function getOperationDataForSoapAction($soapAction, $bindingType = 'soap') {
   if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
    $bindingType = '';
   // loop thru ports
   foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
    // binding type of port matches parameter
    if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
     // loop through operations for the binding
     foreach ($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'] as $bOperation => $opData) {
      if ($opData['soapAction'] == $soapAction) {
          return $opData;
     * returns an array of information about a given type
     * returns false if no type exists by the given name
  *  typeDef = array(
  *  'elements' => array(), // refs to elements array
  * 'restrictionBase' => '',
  * 'phpType' => '',
  * 'order' => '(sequence|all)',
  * 'attrs' => array() // refs to attributes array
  * )
     * @param $type string the type
     * @param $ns string namespace (not prefix) of the type
     * @return mixed
     * @access public
     * @see xmlschema
  function getTypeDef($type, $ns) {
   $this->debug("in getTypeDef: type=$type, ns=$ns");
   if ((! $ns) && isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
    $ns = $this->namespaces['tns'];
    $this->debug("in getTypeDef: type namespace forced to $ns");
   if (isset($this->schemas[$ns])) {
    $this->debug("in getTypeDef: have schema for namespace $ns");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->schemas[$ns]); $i++) {
     $xs = &$this->schemas[$ns][$i];
     $t = $xs->getTypeDef($type);
     if ($t) {
      if (!isset($t['phpType'])) {
       // get info for type to tack onto the element
       $uqType = substr($t['type'], strrpos($t['type'], ':') + 1);
       $ns = substr($t['type'], 0, strrpos($t['type'], ':'));
       $etype = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns);
       if ($etype) {
        $this->debug("found type for [element] $type:");
        if (isset($etype['phpType'])) {
         $t['phpType'] = $etype['phpType'];
        if (isset($etype['elements'])) {
         $t['elements'] = $etype['elements'];
        if (isset($etype['attrs'])) {
         $t['attrs'] = $etype['attrs'];
      return $t;
   } else {
    $this->debug("in getTypeDef: do not have schema for namespace $ns");
   return false;
     * prints html description of services
     * @access private
     function webDescription(){
      global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
   if (isset($_SERVER)) {
   } elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
   } else {
    $this->setError("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is available");
   $b = '
   <html><head><title>NuSOAP: '.$this->serviceName.'</title>
   <style type="text/css">
       body    { font-family: arial; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }
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   function b_writeIt(text){
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   //Shows the messages
   var oDesc;
   function popup(divid){
       if(oDesc = new makeObj(divid)){
    oDesc.css.visibility = "visible"
   function popout(){ // Hides message
       if(oDesc) oDesc.css.visibility = "hidden"
   <div class=content>
    <div class=title>'.$this->serviceName.'</div>
    <div class=nav>
     <p>View the <a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?wsdl">WSDL</a> for the service.
     Click on an operation name to view it&apos;s details.</p>
     foreach($this->getOperations() as $op => $data){
         $b .= "<li><a href='#' onclick=\"popout();popup('$op')\">$op</a></li>";
         // create hidden div
         $b .= "<div id='$op' class='hidden'>
         <a href='#' onclick='popout()'><font color='#ffffff'>Close</font></a><br><br>";
         foreach($data as $donnie => $marie){ // loop through opdata
       if($donnie == 'input' || $donnie == 'output'){ // show input/output data
           $b .= "<font color='white'>".ucfirst($donnie).':</font><br>';
           foreach($marie as $captain => $tenille){ // loop through data
         if($captain == 'parts'){ // loop thru parts
             $b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;$captain:<br>";
              foreach($tenille as $joanie => $chachi){
            $b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$joanie: $chachi<br>";
         } else {
             $b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;$captain: $tenille<br>";
       } else {
           $b .= "<font color='white'>".ucfirst($donnie).":</font> $marie<br>";
      $b .= '</div>';
     $b .= '
   return $b;
  * serialize the parsed wsdl
  * @param mixed $debug whether to put debug=1 in endpoint URL
  * @return string serialization of WSDL
  * @access public 
  function serialize($debug = 0)
   $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
   $xml .= "\n<definitions";
   foreach($this->namespaces as $k => $v) {
    $xml .= " xmlns:$k=\"$v\"";
   // 10.9.02 - add poulter fix for wsdl and tns declarations
   if (isset($this->namespaces['wsdl'])) {
    $xml .= " xmlns=\"" . $this->namespaces['wsdl'] . "\"";
   if (isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
    $xml .= " targetNamespace=\"" . $this->namespaces['tns'] . "\"";
   $xml .= '>'; 
   // imports
   if (sizeof($this->import) > 0) {
    foreach($this->import as $ns => $list) {
     foreach ($list as $ii) {
      if ($ii['location'] != '') {
       $xml .= '<import location="' . $ii['location'] . '" namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
      } else {
       $xml .= '<import namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
   // types
   if (count($this->schemas)>=1) {
    $xml .= "\n<types>";
    foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
     foreach ($list as $xs) {
      $xml .= $xs->serializeSchema();
    $xml .= '</types>';
   // messages
   if (count($this->messages) >= 1) {
    foreach($this->messages as $msgName => $msgParts) {
     $xml .= "\n<message name=\"" . $msgName . '">';
      foreach($msgParts as $partName => $partType) {
       // print 'serializing '.$partType.', sv: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
       if (strpos($partType, ':')) {
           $typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($partType));
       } elseif (isset($this->typemap[$this->namespaces['xsd']][$partType])) {
           // print 'checking typemap: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
           $typePrefix = 'xsd';
       } else {
           foreach($this->typemap as $ns => $types) {
               if (isset($types[$partType])) {
                   $typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns);
           if (!isset($typePrefix)) {
               die("$partType has no namespace!");
       $ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($typePrefix);
       $typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($this->getLocalPart($partType), $ns);
       if ($typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
        $elementortype = 'element';
       } else {
        $elementortype = 'type';
       $xml .= '<part name="' . $partName . '" ' . $elementortype . '="' . $typePrefix . ':' . $this->getLocalPart($partType) . '" />';
     $xml .= '</message>';
   // bindings & porttypes
   if (count($this->bindings) >= 1) {
    $binding_xml = '';
    $portType_xml = '';
    foreach($this->bindings as $bindingName => $attrs) {
     $binding_xml .= "\n<binding name=\"" . $bindingName . '" type="tns:' . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
     $binding_xml .= '<soap:binding style="' . $attrs['style'] . '" transport="' . $attrs['transport'] . '"/>';
     $portType_xml .= "\n<portType name=\"" . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
     foreach($attrs['operations'] as $opName => $opParts) {
      $binding_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opName . '">';
      $binding_xml .= '<soap:operation soapAction="' . $opParts['soapAction'] . '" style="'. $opParts['style'] . '"/>';
      if (isset($opParts['input']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
       $enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
      } else {
       $enc_style = '';
      $binding_xml .= '<input><soap:body use="' . $opParts['input']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['input']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></input>';
      if (isset($opParts['output']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
       $enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
      } else {
       $enc_style = '';
      $binding_xml .= '<output><soap:body use="' . $opParts['output']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['output']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></output>';
      $binding_xml .= '</operation>';
      $portType_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opParts['name'] . '"';
      if (isset($opParts['parameterOrder'])) {
          $portType_xml .= ' parameterOrder="' . $opParts['parameterOrder'] . '"';
      $portType_xml .= '>';
      if(isset($opParts['documentation']) && $opParts['documentation'] != '') {
       $portType_xml .= '<documentation>' . htmlspecialchars($opParts['documentation']) . '</documentation>';
      $portType_xml .= '<input message="tns:' . $opParts['input']['message'] . '"/>';
      $portType_xml .= '<output message="tns:' . $opParts['output']['message'] . '"/>';
      $portType_xml .= '</operation>';
     $portType_xml .= '</portType>';
     $binding_xml .= '</binding>';
    $xml .= $portType_xml . $binding_xml;
   // services
   $xml .= "\n<service name=\"" . $this->serviceName . '">';
   if (count($this->ports) >= 1) {
    foreach($this->ports as $pName => $attrs) {
     $xml .= '<port name="' . $pName . '" binding="tns:' . $attrs['binding'] . '">';
     $xml .= '<soap:address location="' . $attrs['location'] . ($debug ? '?debug=1' : '') . '"/>';
     $xml .= '</port>';
   $xml .= '</service>';
   return $xml . "\n</definitions>";
   * serialize PHP values according to a WSDL message definition
   * TODO
   * - multi-ref serialization
   * - validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid
   * @param string $operation operation name
   * @param string $direction (input|output)
   * @param mixed $parameters parameter value(s)
   * @return mixed parameters serialized as XML or false on error (e.g. operation not found)
   * @access public
  function serializeRPCParameters($operation, $direction, $parameters)
   $this->debug("in serializeRPCParameters: operation=$operation, direction=$direction, XMLSchemaVersion=$this->XMLSchemaVersion"); 
   $this->appendDebug('parameters=' . $this->varDump($parameters));
   if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
    $this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
    $this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
    return false;
   if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) {
    $this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
    $this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
    return false;
   // Get encoding style for output and set to current
   $encodingStyle = '';
   if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) {
    $encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
    $enc_style = $encodingStyle;
   // set input params
   $xml = '';
   if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
    $use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
    $this->debug('have ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s) to serialize');
    if (is_array($parameters)) {
     $parametersArrayType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($parameters);
     $this->debug('have ' . count($parameters) . ' parameter(s) provided as ' . $parametersArrayType . ' to serialize');
     foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
      $this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"');
      // Track encoding style
      if (isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
       $encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];   
       $enc_style = $encodingStyle;
      } else {
       $enc_style = false;
      // NOTE: add error handling here
      // if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
      if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
       $p = array_shift($parameters);
       $this->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
       $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
      } elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
       $this->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
       $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
      } else {
       // TODO: only send nillable
       $this->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
       $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
    } else {
     $this->debug('no parameters passed.');
   $this->debug("serializeRPCParameters returning: $xml");
   return $xml;
   * serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition
   * TODO
   * - multi-ref serialization
   * - validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid
   * @param string $ type name
   * @param mixed $ param value
   * @return mixed new param or false if initial value didn't validate
   * @access public
   * @deprecated
  function serializeParameters($operation, $direction, $parameters)
   $this->debug("in serializeParameters: operation=$operation, direction=$direction, XMLSchemaVersion=$this->XMLSchemaVersion"); 
   $this->appendDebug('parameters=' . $this->varDump($parameters));
   if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
    $this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
    $this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
    return false;
   if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) {
    $this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
    $this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
    return false;
   // Get encoding style for output and set to current
   $encodingStyle = '';
   if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) {
    $encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
    $enc_style = $encodingStyle;
   // set input params
   $xml = '';
   if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
    $use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
    $this->debug('got ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s)');
    if (is_array($parameters)) {
     $parametersArrayType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($parameters);
     $this->debug('have ' . $parametersArrayType . ' parameters');
     foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
      $this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"');
      // Track encoding style
      if(isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
       $encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];   
       $enc_style = $encodingStyle;
      } else {
       $enc_style = false;
      // NOTE: add error handling here
      // if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
      if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
       $p = array_shift($parameters);
       $this->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
       $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
      } elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
       $this->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
       $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
      } else {
       // TODO: only send nillable
       $this->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
       $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
    } else {
     $this->debug('no parameters passed.');
   $this->debug("serializeParameters returning: $xml");
   return $xml;
   * serializes a PHP value according a given type definition
   * @param string $name name of value (part or element)
   * @param string $type XML schema type of value (type or element)
   * @param mixed $value a native PHP value (parameter value)
   * @param string $use use for part (encoded|literal)
   * @param string $encodingStyle SOAP encoding style for the value (if different than the enclosing style)
   * @param boolean $unqualified a kludge for what should be XML namespace form handling
   * @return string value serialized as an XML string
   * @access private
  function serializeType($name, $type, $value, $use='encoded', $encodingStyle=false, $unqualified=false)
   $this->debug("in serializeType: name=$name, type=$type, use=$use, encodingStyle=$encodingStyle, unqualified=" . ($unqualified ? "unqualified" : "qualified"));
   $this->appendDebug("value=" . $this->varDump($value));
   if($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle) {
    $encodingStyle = ' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="' . $encodingStyle . '"';
   // if a soapval has been supplied, let its type override the WSDL
      if (is_object($value) && get_class($value) == 'soapval') {
       if ($value->type_ns) {
        $type = $value->type_ns . ':' . $value->type;
        $forceType = true;
        $this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides type to $type");
       } elseif ($value->type) {
        $type = $value->type;
        $forceType = true;
        $this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides type to $type");
       } else {
        $forceType = false;
        $this->debug("in serializeType: soapval does not override type");
       $attrs = $value->attributes;
       $value = $value->value;
       $this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides value to $value");
       if ($attrs) {
        if (!is_array($value)) {
         $value['!'] = $value;
        foreach ($attrs as $n => $v) {
         $value['!' . $n] = $v;
        $this->debug("in serializeType: soapval provides attributes");
         } else {
          $forceType = false;
   $xml = '';
   if (strpos($type, ':')) {
    $uqType = substr($type, strrpos($type, ':') + 1);
    $ns = substr($type, 0, strrpos($type, ':'));
    $this->debug("in serializeType: got a prefixed type: $uqType, $ns");
    if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
     $ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
     $this->debug("in serializeType: expanded prefixed type: $uqType, $ns");
    if($ns == $this->XMLSchemaVersion || $ns == ''){
     $this->debug('in serializeType: type namespace indicates XML Schema or SOAP Encoding type');
     if ($unqualified  && $use == 'literal') {
      $elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
     } else {
      $elementNS = '';
     if (is_null($value)) {
      if ($use == 'literal') {
       // TODO: depends on minOccurs
       $xml = "<$name$elementNS/>";
      } else {
       // TODO: depends on nillable, which should be checked before calling this method
       $xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"/>";
      $this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
      return $xml;
        if ($uqType == 'boolean') {
         if ((is_string($value) && $value == 'false') || (! $value)) {
       $value = 'false';
      } else {
       $value = 'true';
     if ($uqType == 'string' && gettype($value) == 'string') {
      $value = $this->expandEntities($value);
     if (($uqType == 'long' || $uqType == 'unsignedLong') && gettype($value) == 'double') {
      $value = sprintf("%.0lf", $value);
     // it's a scalar
     // TODO: what about null/nil values?
     // check type isn't a custom type extending xmlschema namespace
     if (!$this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
      if ($use == 'literal') {
       if ($forceType) {
        $xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">$value</$name>";
       } else {
        $xml = "<$name$elementNS>$value</$name>";
      } else {
       $xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value</$name>";
      $this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
      return $xml;
     $this->debug('custom type extends XML Schema or SOAP Encoding namespace (yuck)');
    } else if ($ns == '') {
     $this->debug('in serializeType: appears to be Apache SOAP type');
     if ($uqType == 'Map') {
      $tt_prefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('');
      if (! $tt_prefix) {
       $this->debug('in serializeType: Add namespace for Apache SOAP type');
       $tt_prefix = 'ns' . rand(1000, 9999);
       $this->namespaces[$tt_prefix] = '';
       // force this to be added to usedNamespaces
       $tt_prefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('');
      $contents = '';
      foreach($value as $k => $v) {
       $this->debug("serializing map element: key $k, value $v");
       $contents .= '<item>';
       $contents .= $this->serialize_val($k,'key',false,false,false,false,$use);
       $contents .= $this->serialize_val($v,'value',false,false,false,false,$use);
       $contents .= '</item>';
      if ($use == 'literal') {
       if ($forceType) {
        $xml = "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $tt_prefix . ":$uqType\">$contents</$name>";
       } else {
        $xml = "<$name>$contents</$name>";
      } else {
       $xml = "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $tt_prefix . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$contents</$name>";
      $this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
      return $xml;
     $this->debug('in serializeType: Apache SOAP type, but only support Map');
   } else {
    // TODO: should the type be compared to types in XSD, and the namespace
    // set to XSD if the type matches?
    $this->debug("in serializeType: No namespace for type $type");
    $ns = '';
    $uqType = $type;
   if(!$typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)){
    $this->setError("$type ($uqType) is not a supported type.");
    $this->debug("in serializeType: $type ($uqType) is not a supported type.");
    return false;
   } else {
    $this->debug("in serializeType: found typeDef");
    $this->appendDebug('typeDef=' . $this->varDump($typeDef));
   $phpType = $typeDef['phpType'];
   $this->debug("in serializeType: uqType: $uqType, ns: $ns, phptype: $phpType, arrayType: " . (isset($typeDef['arrayType']) ? $typeDef['arrayType'] : '') ); 
   // if php type == struct, map value to the <all> element names
   if ($phpType == 'struct') {
    if (isset($typeDef['typeClass']) && $typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
     $elementName = $uqType;
     if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
      $elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
     } else {
      $elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
    } else {
     $elementName = $name;
     if ($unqualified) {
      $elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
     } else {
      $elementNS = '';
    if (is_null($value)) {
     if ($use == 'literal') {
      // TODO: depends on minOccurs
      $xml = "<$elementName$elementNS/>";
     } else {
      $xml = "<$elementName$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"/>";
     $this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
     return $xml;
    if (is_object($value)) {
     $value = get_object_vars($value);
    if (is_array($value)) {
     $elementAttrs = $this->serializeComplexTypeAttributes($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType);
     if ($use == 'literal') {
      if ($forceType) {
       $xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">";
      } else {
       $xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs>";
     } else {
      $xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>";
     $xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use, $encodingStyle);
     $xml .= "</$elementName>";
    } else {
     $this->debug("in serializeType: phpType is struct, but value is not an array");
     $this->setError("phpType is struct, but value is not an array: see debug output for details");
     $xml = '';
   } elseif ($phpType == 'array') {
    if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
     $elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
    } else {
     if ($unqualified) {
      $elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
     } else {
      $elementNS = '';
    if (is_null($value)) {
     if ($use == 'literal') {
      // TODO: depends on minOccurs
      $xml = "<$name$elementNS/>";
     } else {
      $xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" .
       $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('') .
       ":Array\" " .
       $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('') .
       ':arrayType="' .
       $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($typeDef['arrayType'])) .
       ':' .
     $this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
     return $xml;
    if (isset($typeDef['multidimensional'])) {
     $nv = array();
     foreach($value as $v) {
      $cols = ',' . sizeof($v);
      $nv = array_merge($nv, $v);
     $value = $nv;
    } else {
     $cols = '';
    if (is_array($value) && sizeof($value) >= 1) {
     $rows = sizeof($value);
     $contents = '';
     foreach($value as $k => $v) {
      $this->debug("serializing array element: $k, $v of type: $typeDef[arrayType]");
      //if (strpos($typeDef['arrayType'], ':') ) {
      if (!in_array($typeDef['arrayType'],$this->typemap[''])) {
          $contents .= $this->serializeType('item', $typeDef['arrayType'], $v, $use);
      } else {
          $contents .= $this->serialize_val($v, 'item', $typeDef['arrayType'], null, $this->XMLSchemaVersion, false, $use);
    } else {
     $rows = 0;
     $contents = null;
    // TODO: for now, an empty value will be serialized as a zero element
    // array.  Revisit this when coding the handling of null/nil values.
    if ($use == 'literal') {
     $xml = "<$name$elementNS>"
    } else {
     $xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"".$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('').':Array" '.
   } elseif ($phpType == 'scalar') {
    if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
     $elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
    } else {
     if ($unqualified) {
      $elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
     } else {
      $elementNS = '';
    if ($use == 'literal') {
     if ($forceType) {
      $xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">$value</$name>";
     } else {
      $xml = "<$name$elementNS>$value</$name>";
    } else {
     $xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value</$name>";
   $this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
   return $xml;
   * serializes the attributes for a complexType
   * @param array $typeDef our internal representation of an XML schema type (or element)
   * @param mixed $value a native PHP value (parameter value)
   * @param string $ns the namespace of the type
   * @param string $uqType the local part of the type
   * @return string value serialized as an XML string
   * @access private
  function serializeComplexTypeAttributes($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType) {
   $xml = '';
   if (isset($typeDef['attrs']) && is_array($typeDef['attrs'])) {
    $this->debug("serialize attributes for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
    if (is_array($value)) {
     $xvalue = $value;
    } elseif (is_object($value)) {
     $xvalue = get_object_vars($value);
    } else {
     $this->debug("value is neither an array nor an object for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
     $xvalue = array();
    foreach ($typeDef['attrs'] as $aName => $attrs) {
     if (isset($xvalue['!' . $aName])) {
      $xname = '!' . $aName;
      $this->debug("value provided for attribute $aName with key $xname");
     } elseif (isset($xvalue[$aName])) {
      $xname = $aName;
      $this->debug("value provided for attribute $aName with key $xname");
     } elseif (isset($attrs['default'])) {
      $xname = '!' . $aName;
      $xvalue[$xname] = $attrs['default'];
      $this->debug('use default value of ' . $xvalue[$aName] . ' for attribute ' . $aName);
     } else {
      $xname = '';
      $this->debug("no value provided for attribute $aName");
     if ($xname) {
      $xml .=  " $aName=\"" . $this->expandEntities($xvalue[$xname]) . "\"";
   } else {
    $this->debug("no attributes to serialize for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
   if (isset($typeDef['extensionBase'])) {
    $ns = $this->getPrefix($typeDef['extensionBase']);
    $uqType = $this->getLocalPart($typeDef['extensionBase']);
    if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
     $ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
    if ($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
     $this->debug("serialize attributes for extension base $ns:$uqType");
     $xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeAttributes($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType);
    } else {
     $this->debug("extension base $ns:$uqType is not a supported type");
   return $xml;
   * serializes the elements for a complexType
   * @param array $typeDef our internal representation of an XML schema type (or element)
   * @param mixed $value a native PHP value (parameter value)
   * @param string $ns the namespace of the type
   * @param string $uqType the local part of the type
   * @param string $use use for part (encoded|literal)
   * @param string $encodingStyle SOAP encoding style for the value (if different than the enclosing style)
   * @return string value serialized as an XML string
   * @access private
  function serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use='encoded', $encodingStyle=false) {
   $xml = '';
   if (isset($typeDef['elements']) && is_array($typeDef['elements'])) {
    $this->debug("in serializeComplexTypeElements, serialize elements for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
    if (is_array($value)) {
     $xvalue = $value;
    } elseif (is_object($value)) {
     $xvalue = get_object_vars($value);
    } else {
     $this->debug("value is neither an array nor an object for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
     $xvalue = array();
    // toggle whether all elements are present - ideally should validate against schema
    if (count($typeDef['elements']) != count($xvalue)){
     $optionals = true;
    foreach ($typeDef['elements'] as $eName => $attrs) {
     if (!isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
      if (isset($attrs['default'])) {
       $xvalue[$eName] = $attrs['default'];
       $this->debug('use default value of ' . $xvalue[$eName] . ' for element ' . $eName);
     // if user took advantage of a minOccurs=0, then only serialize named parameters
     if (isset($optionals)
         && (!isset($xvalue[$eName])) 
      && ( (!isset($attrs['nillable'])) || $attrs['nillable'] != 'true')
      if (isset($attrs['minOccurs']) && $attrs['minOccurs'] <> '0') {
       $this->debug("apparent error: no value provided for element $eName with minOccurs=" . $attrs['minOccurs']);
      // do nothing
      $this->debug("no value provided for complexType element $eName and element is not nillable, so serialize nothing");
     } else {
      // get value
      if (isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
          $v = $xvalue[$eName];
      } else {
          $v = null;
      if (isset($attrs['form'])) {
       $unqualified = ($attrs['form'] == 'unqualified');
      } else {
       $unqualified = false;
      if (isset($attrs['maxOccurs']) && ($attrs['maxOccurs'] == 'unbounded' || $attrs['maxOccurs'] > 1) && isset($v) && is_array($v) && $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($v) == 'arraySimple') {
       $vv = $v;
       foreach ($vv as $k => $v) {
        if (isset($attrs['type']) || isset($attrs['ref'])) {
         // serialize schema-defined type
            $xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, isset($attrs['type']) ? $attrs['type'] : $attrs['ref'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle, $unqualified);
        } else {
         // serialize generic type (can this ever really happen?)
            $this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use");
            $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
      } else {
       if (isset($attrs['type']) || isset($attrs['ref'])) {
        // serialize schema-defined type
           $xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, isset($attrs['type']) ? $attrs['type'] : $attrs['ref'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle, $unqualified);
       } else {
        // serialize generic type (can this ever really happen?)
           $this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use");
           $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
   } else {
    $this->debug("no elements to serialize for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
   if (isset($typeDef['extensionBase'])) {
    $ns = $this->getPrefix($typeDef['extensionBase']);
    $uqType = $this->getLocalPart($typeDef['extensionBase']);
    if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
     $ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
    if ($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
     $this->debug("serialize elements for extension base $ns:$uqType");
     $xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use, $encodingStyle);
    } else {
     $this->debug("extension base $ns:$uqType is not a supported type");
   return $xml;
  * adds an XML Schema complex type to the WSDL types
  * @param string name
  * @param string typeClass (complexType|simpleType|attribute)
  * @param string phpType: currently supported are array and struct (php assoc array)
  * @param string compositor (all|sequence|choice)
  * @param string restrictionBase namespace:name (
  * @param array elements = array ( name => array(name=>'',type=>'') )
  * @param array attrs =  array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType'=>'xsd:string[]'))
  * @param string arrayType: namespace:name (xsd:string)
  * @see xmlschema
  * @access public
  function addComplexType($name,$typeClass='complexType',$phpType='array',$compositor='',$restrictionBase='',$elements=array(),$attrs=array(),$arrayType='') {
   if (count($elements) > 0) {
       foreach($elements as $n => $e){
              // expand each element
              foreach ($e as $k => $v) {
               $k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
               $v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
               $ee[$k] = $v;
        $eElements[$n] = $ee;
       $elements = $eElements;
   if (count($attrs) > 0) {
       foreach($attrs as $n => $a){
              // expand each attribute
              foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
               $k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
               $v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
               $aa[$k] = $v;
        $eAttrs[$n] = $aa;
       $attrs = $eAttrs;
   $restrictionBase = strpos($restrictionBase,':') ? $this->expandQname($restrictionBase) : $restrictionBase;
   $arrayType = strpos($arrayType,':') ? $this->expandQname($arrayType) : $arrayType;
   $typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];
  * adds an XML Schema simple type to the WSDL types
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $restrictionBase namespace:name (
  * @param string $typeClass (should always be simpleType)
  * @param string $phpType (should always be scalar)
  * @param array $enumeration array of values
  * @see xmlschema
  * @access public
  function addSimpleType($name, $restrictionBase='', $typeClass='simpleType', $phpType='scalar', $enumeration=array()) {
   $restrictionBase = strpos($restrictionBase,':') ? $this->expandQname($restrictionBase) : $restrictionBase;
   $typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];
   $this->schemas[$typens][0]->addSimpleType($name, $restrictionBase, $typeClass, $phpType, $enumeration);
  * adds an element to the WSDL types
  * @param array $attrs attributes that must include name and type
  * @see xmlschema
  * @access public
  function addElement($attrs) {
   $typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];
  * register an operation with the server
  * @param string $name operation (method) name
  * @param array $in assoc array of input values: key = param name, value = param type
  * @param array $out assoc array of output values: key = param name, value = param type
  * @param string $namespace optional The namespace for the operation
  * @param string $soapaction optional The soapaction for the operation
  * @param string $style (rpc|document) optional The style for the operation Note: when 'document' is specified, parameter and return wrappers are created for you automatically
  * @param string $use (encoded|literal) optional The use for the parameters (cannot mix right now)
  * @param string $documentation optional The description to include in the WSDL
  * @param string $encodingStyle optional (usually '' for encoded)
  * @access public 
  function addOperation($name, $in = false, $out = false, $namespace = false, $soapaction = false, $style = 'rpc', $use = 'encoded', $documentation = '', $encodingStyle = ''){
   if ($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle == '') {
    $encodingStyle = '';
   if ($style == 'document') {
    $elements = array();
    foreach ($in as $n => $t) {
     $elements[$n] = array('name' => $n, 'type' => $t);
    $this->addComplexType($name . 'RequestType', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', $elements);
    $this->addElement(array('name' => $name, 'type' => $name . 'RequestType'));
    $in = array('parameters' => 'tns:' . $name);
    $elements = array();
    foreach ($out as $n => $t) {
     $elements[$n] = array('name' => $n, 'type' => $t);
    $this->addComplexType($name . 'ResponseType', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', $elements);
    $this->addElement(array('name' => $name . 'Response', 'type' => $name . 'ResponseType'));
    $out = array('parameters' => 'tns:' . $name . 'Response');
   // get binding
   $this->bindings[ $this->serviceName . 'Binding' ]['operations'][$name] =
   'name' => $name,
   'binding' => $this->serviceName . 'Binding',
   'endpoint' => $this->endpoint,
   'soapAction' => $soapaction,
   'style' => $style,
   'input' => array(
    'use' => $use,
    'namespace' => $namespace,
    'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle,
    'message' => $name . 'Request',
    'parts' => $in),
   'output' => array(
    'use' => $use,
    'namespace' => $namespace,
    'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle,
    'message' => $name . 'Response',
    'parts' => $out),
   'namespace' => $namespace,
   'transport' => '',
   'documentation' => $documentation); 
   // add portTypes
   // add messages
    foreach($in as $pName => $pType)
     if(strpos($pType,':')) {
      $pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType);
     $this->messages[$name.'Request'][$pName] = $pType;
   } else {
             $this->messages[$name.'Request']= '0';
    foreach($out as $pName => $pType)
     if(strpos($pType,':')) {
      $pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType);
     $this->messages[$name.'Response'][$pName] = $pType;
   } else {
             $this->messages[$name.'Response']= '0';
   return true;
 * soap_parser class parses SOAP XML messages into native PHP values
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access   public
 class soap_parser extends nusoap_base {
  var $xml = '';
  var $xml_encoding = '';
  var $method = '';
  var $root_struct = '';
  var $root_struct_name = '';
  var $root_struct_namespace = '';
  var $root_header = '';
     var $document = '';   // incoming SOAP body (text)
  // determines where in the message we are (envelope,header,body,method)
  var $status = '';
  var $position = 0;
  var $depth = 0;
  var $default_namespace = '';
  var $namespaces = array();
  var $message = array();
     var $parent = '';
  var $fault = false;
  var $fault_code = '';
  var $fault_str = '';
  var $fault_detail = '';
  var $depth_array = array();
  var $debug_flag = true;
  var $soapresponse = NULL;
  var $responseHeaders = ''; // incoming SOAP headers (text)
  var $body_position = 0;
  // for multiref parsing:
  // array of id => pos
  var $ids = array();
  // array of id => hrefs => pos
  var $multirefs = array();
  // toggle for auto-decoding element content
  var $decode_utf8 = true;
  * constructor that actually does the parsing
  * @param    string $xml SOAP message
  * @param    string $encoding character encoding scheme of message
  * @param    string $method method for which XML is parsed (unused?)
  * @param    string $decode_utf8 whether to decode UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1
  * @access   public
  function soap_parser($xml,$encoding='UTF-8',$method='',$decode_utf8=true){
   $this->xml = $xml;
   $this->xml_encoding = $encoding;
   $this->method = $method;
   $this->decode_utf8 = $decode_utf8;
   // Check whether content has been read.
    // Check XML encoding
    $pos_xml = strpos($xml, '<?xml');
    if ($pos_xml !== FALSE) {
     $xml_decl = substr($xml, $pos_xml, strpos($xml, '?>', $pos_xml + 2) - $pos_xml + 1);
     if (preg_match("/encoding=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"']/", $xml_decl, $res)) {
      $xml_encoding = $res[1];
      if (strtoupper($xml_encoding) != $encoding) {
       $err = "Charset from HTTP Content-Type '" . $encoding . "' does not match encoding from XML declaration '" . $xml_encoding . "'";
       if ($encoding != 'ISO-8859-1' || strtoupper($xml_encoding) != 'UTF-8') {
       // when HTTP says ISO-8859-1 (the default) and XML says UTF-8 (the typical), assume the other endpoint is just sloppy and proceed
      } else {
       $this->debug('Charset from HTTP Content-Type matches encoding from XML declaration');
     } else {
      $this->debug('No encoding specified in XML declaration');
    } else {
     $this->debug('No XML declaration');
    $this->debug('Entering soap_parser(), length='.strlen($xml).', encoding='.$encoding);
    // Create an XML parser - why not xml_parser_create_ns?
    $this->parser = xml_parser_create($this->xml_encoding);
    // Set the options for parsing the XML data.
    //xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
    xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
    xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $this->xml_encoding);
    // Set the object for the parser.
    xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
    // Set the element handlers for the parser.
    xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element','end_element');
    // Parse the XML file.
        // Display an error message.
        $err = sprintf('XML error parsing SOAP payload on line %d: %s',
     $this->debug("XML payload:\n" . $xml);
    } else {
     $this->debug('parsed successfully, found root struct: '.$this->root_struct.' of name '.$this->root_struct_name);
     // get final value
     $this->soapresponse = $this->message[$this->root_struct]['result'];
     // get header value: no, because this is documented as XML string
 //    if($this->root_header != '' && isset($this->message[$this->root_header]['result'])){
 //     $this->responseHeaders = $this->message[$this->root_header]['result'];
 //    }
     // resolve hrefs/ids
     if(sizeof($this->multirefs) > 0){
      foreach($this->multirefs as $id => $hrefs){
       $this->debug('resolving multirefs for id: '.$id);
       $idVal = $this->buildVal($this->ids[$id]);
       if (is_array($idVal) && isset($idVal['!id'])) {
       foreach($hrefs as $refPos => $ref){
        $this->debug('resolving href at pos '.$refPos);
        $this->multirefs[$id][$refPos] = $idVal;
   } else {
    $this->debug('xml was empty, didn\'t parse!');
    $this->setError('xml was empty, didn\'t parse!');
  * start-element handler
  * @param    resource $parser XML parser object
  * @param    string $name element name
  * @param    array $attrs associative array of attributes
  * @access   private
  function start_element($parser, $name, $attrs) {
   // position in a total number of elements, starting from 0
   // update class level pos
   $pos = $this->position++;
   // and set mine
   $this->message[$pos] = array('pos' => $pos,'children'=>'','cdata'=>'');
   // depth = how many levels removed from root?
   // set mine as current global depth and increment global depth value
   $this->message[$pos]['depth'] = $this->depth++;
   // else add self as child to whoever the current parent is
   if($pos != 0){
    $this->message[$this->parent]['children'] .= '|'.$pos;
   // set my parent
   $this->message[$pos]['parent'] = $this->parent;
   // set self as current parent
   $this->parent = $pos;
   // set self as current value for this depth
   $this->depth_array[$this->depth] = $pos;
   // get element prefix
    // get ns prefix
    $prefix = substr($name,0,strpos($name,':'));
    // get unqualified name
    $name = substr(strstr($name,':'),1);
   // set status
   if($name == 'Envelope'){
    $this->status = 'envelope';
   } elseif($name == 'Header'){
    $this->root_header = $pos;
    $this->status = 'header';
   } elseif($name == 'Body'){
    $this->status = 'body';
    $this->body_position = $pos;
   // set method
   } elseif($this->status == 'body' && $pos == ($this->body_position+1)){
    $this->status = 'method';
    $this->root_struct_name = $name;
    $this->root_struct = $pos;
    $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'struct';
    $this->debug("found root struct $this->root_struct_name, pos $this->root_struct");
   // set my status
   $this->message[$pos]['status'] = $this->status;
   // set name
   $this->message[$pos]['name'] = htmlspecialchars($name);
   // set attrs
   $this->message[$pos]['attrs'] = $attrs;
   // loop through atts, logging ns and type declarations
         $attstr = '';
   foreach($attrs as $key => $value){
          $key_prefix = $this->getPrefix($key);
    $key_localpart = $this->getLocalPart($key);
    // if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces
             if($key_prefix == 'xmlns'){
      $this->XMLSchemaVersion = $value;
      $this->namespaces['xsd'] = $this->XMLSchemaVersion;
      $this->namespaces['xsi'] = $this->XMLSchemaVersion.'-instance';
                 $this->namespaces[$key_localpart] = $value;
     // set method namespace
     if($name == $this->root_struct_name){
      $this->methodNamespace = $value;
    // if it's a type declaration, set type
             } elseif($key_localpart == 'type'){
              $value_prefix = $this->getPrefix($value);
                 $value_localpart = $this->getLocalPart($value);
     $this->message[$pos]['type'] = $value_localpart;
     $this->message[$pos]['typePrefix'] = $value_prefix;
                  $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] = $this->namespaces[$value_prefix];
                 } else if(isset($attrs['xmlns:'.$value_prefix])) {
      $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] = $attrs['xmlns:'.$value_prefix];
     // should do something here with the namespace of specified type?
    } elseif($key_localpart == 'arrayType'){
     $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'array';
     /* do arrayType ereg here
     [1]    arrayTypeValue    ::=    atype asize
     [2]    atype    ::=    QName rank*
     [3]    rank    ::=    '[' (',')* ']'
     [4]    asize    ::=    '[' length~ ']'
     [5]    length    ::=    nextDimension* Digit+
     [6]    nextDimension    ::=    Digit+ ','
     $expr = '([A-Za-z0-9_]+):([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_]+)\[([0-9]+),?([0-9]*)\]';
      $this->message[$pos]['typePrefix'] = $regs[1];
      $this->message[$pos]['arrayTypePrefix'] = $regs[1];
                  if (isset($this->namespaces[$regs[1]])) {
                   $this->message[$pos]['arrayTypeNamespace'] = $this->namespaces[$regs[1]];
                  } else if (isset($attrs['xmlns:'.$regs[1]])) {
       $this->message[$pos]['arrayTypeNamespace'] = $attrs['xmlns:'.$regs[1]];
      $this->message[$pos]['arrayType'] = $regs[2];
      $this->message[$pos]['arraySize'] = $regs[3];
      $this->message[$pos]['arrayCols'] = $regs[4];
    // specifies nil value (or not)
    } elseif ($key_localpart == 'nil'){
     $this->message[$pos]['nil'] = ($value == 'true' || $value == '1');
    // some other attribute
    } elseif ($key != 'href' && $key != 'xmlns' && $key_localpart != 'encodingStyle' && $key_localpart != 'root') {
     $this->message[$pos]['xattrs']['!' . $key] = $value;
    if ($key == 'xmlns') {
     $this->default_namespace = $value;
    // log id
    if($key == 'id'){
     $this->ids[$value] = $pos;
    // root
    if($key_localpart == 'root' && $value == 1){
     $this->status = 'method';
     $this->root_struct_name = $name;
     $this->root_struct = $pos;
     $this->debug("found root struct $this->root_struct_name, pos $pos");
             // for doclit
             $attstr .= " $key=\"$value\"";
         // get namespace - must be done after namespace atts are processed
    $this->message[$pos]['namespace'] = $this->namespaces[$prefix];
    $this->default_namespace = $this->namespaces[$prefix];
   } else {
    $this->message[$pos]['namespace'] = $this->default_namespace;
         if($this->status == 'header'){
          if ($this->root_header != $pos) {
           $this->responseHeaders .= "<" . (isset($prefix) ? $prefix . ':' : '') . "$name$attstr>";
         } elseif($this->root_struct_name != ''){
          $this->document .= "<" . (isset($prefix) ? $prefix . ':' : '') . "$name$attstr>";
  * end-element handler
  * @param    resource $parser XML parser object
  * @param    string $name element name
  * @access   private
  function end_element($parser, $name) {
   // position of current element is equal to the last value left in depth_array for my depth
   $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth--];
         // get element prefix
    // get ns prefix
    $prefix = substr($name,0,strpos($name,':'));
    // get unqualified name
    $name = substr(strstr($name,':'),1);
   // build to native type
   if(isset($this->body_position) && $pos > $this->body_position){
    // deal w/ multirefs
     // get id
     $id = substr($this->message[$pos]['attrs']['href'],1);
     // add placeholder to href array
     $this->multirefs[$id][$pos] = 'placeholder';
     // add set a reference to it as the result value
     $this->message[$pos]['result'] =& $this->multirefs[$id][$pos];
             // build complexType values
    } elseif($this->message[$pos]['children'] != ''){
     // if result has already been generated (struct/array)
      $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->buildVal($pos);
    // build complexType values of attributes and possibly simpleContent
    } elseif (isset($this->message[$pos]['xattrs'])) {
     if (isset($this->message[$pos]['nil']) && $this->message[$pos]['nil']) {
      $this->message[$pos]['xattrs']['!'] = null;
     } elseif (isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata']) && trim($this->message[$pos]['cdata']) != '') {
               if (isset($this->message[$pos]['type'])) {
       $this->message[$pos]['xattrs']['!'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$pos]['type'], isset($this->message[$pos]['type_namespace']) ? $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] : '');
      } else {
       $parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];
       if (isset($this->message[$parent]['type']) && ($this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'array') && isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayType'])) {
        $this->message[$pos]['xattrs']['!'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$parent]['arrayType'], isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace']) ? $this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace'] : '');
       } else {
        $this->message[$pos]['xattrs']['!'] = $this->message[$pos]['cdata'];
     $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->message[$pos]['xattrs'];
    // set value of simpleType (or nil complexType)
    } else {
              //$this->debug('adding data for scalar value '.$this->message[$pos]['name'].' of value '.$this->message[$pos]['cdata']);
     if (isset($this->message[$pos]['nil']) && $this->message[$pos]['nil']) {
      $this->message[$pos]['xattrs']['!'] = null;
     } elseif (isset($this->message[$pos]['type'])) {
      $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$pos]['type'], isset($this->message[$pos]['type_namespace']) ? $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] : '');
     } else {
      $parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];
      if (isset($this->message[$parent]['type']) && ($this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'array') && isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayType'])) {
       $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$parent]['arrayType'], isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace']) ? $this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace'] : '');
      } else {
       $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->message[$pos]['cdata'];
     /* add value to parent's result, if parent is struct/array
     $parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];
     if($this->message[$parent]['type'] != 'map'){
      if(strtolower($this->message[$parent]['type']) == 'array'){
       $this->message[$parent]['result'][] = $this->message[$pos]['result'];
      } else {
       $this->message[$parent]['result'][$this->message[$pos]['name']] = $this->message[$pos]['result'];
         // for doclit
         if($this->status == 'header'){
          if ($this->root_header != $pos) {
           $this->responseHeaders .= "</" . (isset($prefix) ? $prefix . ':' : '') . "$name>";
         } elseif($pos >= $this->root_struct){
          $this->document .= "</" . (isset($prefix) ? $prefix . ':' : '') . "$name>";
   // switch status
   if($pos == $this->root_struct){
    $this->status = 'body';
    $this->root_struct_namespace = $this->message[$pos]['namespace'];
   } elseif($name == 'Body'){
    $this->status = 'envelope';
    } elseif($name == 'Header'){
    $this->status = 'envelope';
   } elseif($name == 'Envelope'){
   // set parent back to my parent
   $this->parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];
  * element content handler
  * @param    resource $parser XML parser object
  * @param    string $data element content
  * @access   private
  function character_data($parser, $data){
   $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth];
   if ($this->xml_encoding=='UTF-8'){
    // TODO: add an option to disable this for folks who want
    // raw UTF-8 that, e.g., might not map to iso-8859-1
    // TODO: this can also be handled with xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1");
     $data = utf8_decode($data);
         $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data;
         // for doclit
         if($this->status == 'header'){
          $this->responseHeaders .= $data;
         } else {
          $this->document .= $data;
  * get the parsed message
  * @return mixed
  * @access   public
  function get_response(){
   return $this->soapresponse;
  * get the parsed headers
  * @return string XML or empty if no headers
  * @access   public
  function getHeaders(){
      return $this->responseHeaders;
  * decodes simple types into PHP variables
  * @param    string $value value to decode
  * @param    string $type XML type to decode
  * @param    string $typens XML type namespace to decode
  * @return mixed PHP value
  * @access   private
  function decodeSimple($value, $type, $typens) {
   // TODO: use the namespace!
   if ((!isset($type)) || $type == 'string' || $type == 'long' || $type == 'unsignedLong') {
    return (string) $value;
   if ($type == 'int' || $type == 'integer' || $type == 'short' || $type == 'byte') {
    return (int) $value;
   if ($type == 'float' || $type == 'double' || $type == 'decimal') {
    return (double) $value;
   if ($type == 'boolean') {
    if (strtolower($value) == 'false' || strtolower($value) == 'f') {
     return false;
    return (boolean) $value;
   if ($type == 'base64' || $type == 'base64Binary') {
    $this->debug('Decode base64 value');
    return base64_decode($value);
   // obscure numeric types
   if ($type == 'nonPositiveInteger' || $type == 'negativeInteger'
    || $type == 'nonNegativeInteger' || $type == 'positiveInteger'
    || $type == 'unsignedInt'
    || $type == 'unsignedShort' || $type == 'unsignedByte') {
    return (int) $value;
   // bogus: parser treats array with no elements as a simple type
   if ($type == 'array') {
    return array();
   // everything else
   return (string) $value;
  * builds response structures for compound values (arrays/structs)
  * and scalars
  * @param    integer $pos position in node tree
  * @return mixed PHP value
  * @access   private
  function buildVal($pos){
    $this->message[$pos]['type'] = '';
   $this->debug('in buildVal() for '.$this->message[$pos]['name']."(pos $pos) of type ".$this->message[$pos]['type']);
   // if there are children...
   if($this->message[$pos]['children'] != ''){
    $this->debug('in buildVal, there are children');
    $children = explode('|',$this->message[$pos]['children']);
    array_shift($children); // knock off empty
    // md array
    if(isset($this->message[$pos]['arrayCols']) && $this->message[$pos]['arrayCols'] != ''){
              $r=0; // rowcount
              $c=0; // colcount
              foreach($children as $child_pos){
      $this->debug("in buildVal, got an MD array element: $r, $c");
      $params[$r][] = $this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
         if($c == $this->message[$pos]['arrayCols']){
          $c = 0;
             // array
    } elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'array' || $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Array'){
                 $this->debug('in buildVal, adding array '.$this->message[$pos]['name']);
                 foreach($children as $child_pos){
                  $params[] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
             // apache Map type: java hashtable
             } elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Map' && $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] == ''){
                 $this->debug('in buildVal, Java Map '.$this->message[$pos]['name']);
                 foreach($children as $child_pos){
                  $kv = explode("|",$this->message[$child_pos]['children']);
                     $params[$this->message[$kv[1]]['result']] = &$this->message[$kv[2]]['result'];
             // generic compound type
             //} elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'SOAPStruct' || $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'struct') {
       } else {
        // Apache Vector type: treat as an array
                 $this->debug('in buildVal, adding Java Vector '.$this->message[$pos]['name']);
     if ($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Vector' && $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] == '') {
      $notstruct = 1;
     } else {
      $notstruct = 0;
              foreach($children as $child_pos){
                $params[] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
               } else {
                if (isset($params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']])) {
                 // de-serialize repeated element name into an array
                 if ((!is_array($params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']])) || (!isset($params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']][0]))) {
                  $params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']] = array($params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']]);
                 $params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']][] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
                } else {
           $params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
    if (isset($this->message[$pos]['xattrs'])) {
                 $this->debug('in buildVal, handling attributes');
     foreach ($this->message[$pos]['xattrs'] as $n => $v) {
      $params[$n] = $v;
    // handle simpleContent
    if (isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata']) && trim($this->message[$pos]['cdata']) != '') {
                 $this->debug('in buildVal, handling simpleContent');
              if (isset($this->message[$pos]['type'])) {
      $params['!'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$pos]['type'], isset($this->message[$pos]['type_namespace']) ? $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] : '');
     } else {
      $parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];
      if (isset($this->message[$parent]['type']) && ($this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'array') && isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayType'])) {
       $params['!'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$parent]['arrayType'], isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace']) ? $this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace'] : '');
      } else {
       $params['!'] = $this->message[$pos]['cdata'];
    return is_array($params) ? $params : array();
   } else {
          $this->debug('in buildVal, no children, building scalar');
    $cdata = isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata']) ? $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] : '';
          if (isset($this->message[$pos]['type'])) {
     return $this->decodeSimple($cdata, $this->message[$pos]['type'], isset($this->message[$pos]['type_namespace']) ? $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] : '');
    $parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];
    if (isset($this->message[$parent]['type']) && ($this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'array') && isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayType'])) {
     return $this->decodeSimple($cdata, $this->message[$parent]['arrayType'], isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace']) ? $this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace'] : '');
             return $this->message[$pos]['cdata'];
 * soapclient higher level class for easy usage.
 * usage:
 * // instantiate client with server info
 * $soapclient = new soapclient( string path [ ,boolean wsdl] );
 * // call method, get results
 * echo $soapclient->call( string methodname [ ,array parameters] );
 * // bye bye client
 * unset($soapclient);
 * @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@xxxxxxxxx>
 * @version  $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.94 2005/08/04 01:27:42 snichol Exp $
 * @access   public
 class soapclient extends nusoap_base  {
  var $username = '';
  var $password = '';
  var $authtype = '';
  var $certRequest = array();
  var $requestHeaders = false; // SOAP headers in request (text)
  var $responseHeaders = '';  // SOAP headers from response (incomplete namespace resolution) (text)
  var $document = '';    // SOAP body response portion (incomplete namespace resolution) (text)
  var $endpoint;
  var $forceEndpoint = '';  // overrides WSDL endpoint
     var $proxyhost = '';
     var $proxyport = '';
  var $proxyusername = '';
  var $proxypassword = '';
     var $xml_encoding = '';   // character set encoding of incoming (response) messages
  var $http_encoding = false;
  var $timeout = 0;    // HTTP connection timeout
  var $response_timeout = 30;  // HTTP response timeout
  var $endpointType = '';   // soap|wsdl, empty for WSDL initialization error
  var $persistentConnection = false;
  var $defaultRpcParams = false; // This is no longer used
  var $request = '';    // HTTP request
  var $response = '';    // HTTP response
  var $responseData = '';   // SOAP payload of response
  var $cookies = array();   // Cookies from response or for request
     var $decode_utf8 = true;  // toggles whether the parser decodes element content w/ utf8_decode()
  var $operations = array();  // WSDL operations, empty for WSDL initialization error
   * fault related variables
   * @var      fault
   * @access   public
  var $fault;
   * @var      faultcode
   * @access   public
  var $faultcode;
   * @var      faultstring
   * @access   public
  var $faultstring;
   * @var      faultdetail
   * @access   public
  var $faultdetail;
  * constructor
  * @param    mixed $endpoint SOAP server or WSDL URL (string), or wsdl instance (object)
  * @param    bool $wsdl optional, set to true if using WSDL
  * @param int $portName optional portName in WSDL document
  * @param    string $proxyhost
  * @param    string $proxyport
  * @param string $proxyusername
  * @param string $proxypassword
  * @param integer $timeout set the connection timeout
  * @param integer $response_timeout set the response timeout
  * @access   public
  function soapclient($endpoint,$wsdl = false,$proxyhost = false,$proxyport = false,$proxyusername = false, $proxypassword = false, $timeout = 0, $response_timeout = 30){
   $this->endpoint = $endpoint;
   $this->proxyhost = $proxyhost;
   $this->proxyport = $proxyport;
   $this->proxyusername = $proxyusername;
   $this->proxypassword = $proxypassword;
   $this->timeout = $timeout;
   $this->response_timeout = $response_timeout;
   // make values
    if (is_object($endpoint) && (get_class($endpoint) == 'wsdl')) {
     $this->wsdl = $endpoint;
     $this->endpoint = $this->wsdl->wsdl;
     $this->wsdlFile = $this->endpoint;
     $this->debug('existing wsdl instance created from ' . $this->endpoint);
    } else {
     $this->wsdlFile = $this->endpoint;
     // instantiate wsdl object and parse wsdl file
     $this->debug('instantiating wsdl class with doc: '.$endpoint);
     $this->wsdl =& new wsdl($this->wsdlFile,$this->proxyhost,$this->proxyport,$this->proxyusername,$this->proxypassword,$this->timeout,$this->response_timeout);
    // catch errors
    if($errstr = $this->wsdl->getError()){
     $this->debug('got wsdl error: '.$errstr);
     $this->setError('wsdl error: '.$errstr);
    } elseif($this->operations = $this->wsdl->getOperations()){
     $this->debug( 'got '.count($this->operations).' operations from wsdl '.$this->wsdlFile);
     $this->endpointType = 'wsdl';
    } else {
     $this->debug( 'getOperations returned false');
     $this->setError('no operations defined in the WSDL document!');
   } else {
    $this->debug("instantiate SOAP with endpoint at $endpoint");
    $this->endpointType = 'soap';
  * calls method, returns PHP native type
  * @param    string $method SOAP server URL or path
  * @param    mixed $params An array, associative or simple, of the parameters
  *                 for the method call, or a string that is the XML
  *                 for the call.  For rpc style, this call will
  *                 wrap the XML in a tag named after the method, as
  *                 well as the SOAP Envelope and Body.  For document
  *                 style, this will only wrap with the Envelope and Body.
  *                 IMPORTANT: when using an array with document style,
  *                 in which case there
  *                         is really one parameter, the root of the fragment
  *                         used in the call, which encloses what programmers
  *                         normally think of parameters.  A parameter array
  *                         *must* include the wrapper.
  * @param string $namespace optional method namespace (WSDL can override)
  * @param string $soapAction optional SOAPAction value (WSDL can override)
  * @param mixed $headers optional string of XML with SOAP header content, or array of soapval objects for SOAP headers
  * @param boolean $rpcParams optional (no longer used)
  * @param string $style optional (rpc|document) the style to use when serializing parameters (WSDL can override)
  * @param string $use optional (encoded|literal) the use when serializing parameters (WSDL can override)
  * @return mixed response from SOAP call
  * @access   public
  function call($operation,$params=array(),$namespace='',$soapAction='',$headers=false,$rpcParams=null,$style='rpc',$use='encoded'){
   $this->operation = $operation;
   $this->fault = false;
   $this->request = '';
   $this->response = '';
   $this->responseData = '';
   $this->faultstring = '';
   $this->faultcode = '';
   $this->opData = array();
   $this->debug("call: operation=$operation, namespace=$namespace, soapAction=$soapAction, rpcParams=$rpcParams, style=$style, use=$use, endpointType=$this->endpointType");
   $this->appendDebug('params=' . $this->varDump($params));
   $this->appendDebug('headers=' . $this->varDump($headers));
   if ($headers) {
    $this->requestHeaders = $headers;
   // serialize parameters
   if($this->endpointType == 'wsdl' && $opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)){
    // use WSDL for operation
    $this->opData = $opData;
    $this->debug("found operation");
    $this->appendDebug('opData=' . $this->varDump($opData));
    if (isset($opData['soapAction'])) {
     $soapAction = $opData['soapAction'];
    if (! $this->forceEndpoint) {
     $this->endpoint = $opData['endpoint'];
    } else {
     $this->endpoint = $this->forceEndpoint;
    $namespace = isset($opData['input']['namespace']) ? $opData['input']['namespace'] : $namespace;
    $style = $opData['style'];
    $use = $opData['input']['use'];
    // add ns to ns array
    if($namespace != '' && !isset($this->wsdl->namespaces[$namespace])){
     $nsPrefix = 'ns' . rand(1000, 9999);
     $this->wsdl->namespaces[$nsPrefix] = $namespace;
             $nsPrefix = $this->wsdl->getPrefixFromNamespace($namespace);
    // serialize payload
    if (is_string($params)) {
     $this->debug("serializing param string for WSDL operation $operation");
     $payload = $params;
    } elseif (is_array($params)) {
     $this->debug("serializing param array for WSDL operation $operation");
     $payload = $this->wsdl->serializeRPCParameters($operation,'input',$params);
    } else {
     $this->debug('params must be array or string');
     $this->setError('params must be array or string');
     return false;
             $usedNamespaces = $this->wsdl->usedNamespaces;
    if (isset($opData['input']['encodingStyle'])) {
     $encodingStyle = $opData['input']['encodingStyle'];
    } else {
     $encodingStyle = '';
    if ($errstr = $this->wsdl->getError()) {
     $this->debug('got wsdl error: '.$errstr);
     $this->setError('wsdl error: '.$errstr);
     return false;
   } elseif($this->endpointType == 'wsdl') {
    // operation not in WSDL
    $this->setError( 'operation '.$operation.' not present.');
    $this->debug("operation '$operation' not present.");
    return false;
   } else {
    // no WSDL
    //$this->namespaces['ns1'] = $namespace;
    $nsPrefix = 'ns' . rand(1000, 9999);
    // serialize 
    $payload = '';
    if (is_string($params)) {
     $this->debug("serializing param string for operation $operation");
     $payload = $params;
    } elseif (is_array($params)) {
     $this->debug("serializing param array for operation $operation");
     foreach($params as $k => $v){
      $payload .= $this->serialize_val($v,$k,false,false,false,false,$use);
    } else {
     $this->debug('params must be array or string');
     $this->setError('params must be array or string');
     return false;
    $usedNamespaces = array();
    if ($use == 'encoded') {
     $encodingStyle = '';
    } else {
     $encodingStyle = '';
   // wrap RPC calls with method element
   if ($style == 'rpc') {
    if ($use == 'literal') {
     $this->debug("wrapping RPC request with literal method element");
     if ($namespace) {
      $payload = "<$operation xmlns=\"$namespace\">" . $payload . "</$operation>";
     } else {
      $payload = "<$operation>" . $payload . "</$operation>";
    } else {
     $this->debug("wrapping RPC request with encoded method element");
     if ($namespace) {
      $payload = "<$nsPrefix:$operation xmlns:$nsPrefix=\"$namespace\">" .
         $payload .
     } else {
      $payload = "<$operation>" .
         $payload .
   // serialize envelope
   $soapmsg = $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->requestHeaders,$usedNamespaces,$style,$use,$encodingStyle);
   $this->debug("endpoint=$this->endpoint, soapAction=$soapAction, namespace=$namespace, style=$style, use=$use, encodingStyle=$encodingStyle");
   $this->debug('SOAP message length=' . strlen($soapmsg) . ' contents (max 1000 bytes)=' . substr($soapmsg, 0, 1000));
   // send
   $return = $this->send($this->getHTTPBody($soapmsg),$soapAction,$this->timeout,$this->response_timeout);
   if($errstr = $this->getError()){
    $this->debug('Error: '.$errstr);
    return false;
   } else {
    $this->return = $return;
    $this->debug('sent message successfully and got a(n) '.gettype($return));
             $this->appendDebug('return=' . $this->varDump($return));
    // fault?
    if(is_array($return) && isset($return['faultcode'])){
     $this->debug('got fault');
     $this->setError($return['faultcode'].': '.$return['faultstring']);
     $this->fault = true;
     foreach($return as $k => $v){
      $this->$k = $v;
      $this->debug("$k = $v<br>");
     return $return;
    } elseif ($style == 'document') {
     // NOTE: if the response is defined to have multiple parts (i.e. unwrapped),
     // we are only going to return the first part here...sorry about that
     return $return;
    } else {
     // array of return values
      // multiple 'out' parameters, which we return wrapped up
      // in the array
      if(sizeof($return) > 1){
       return $return;
      // single 'out' parameter (normally the return value)
      $return = array_shift($return);
      $this->debug('return shifted value: ');
               return $return;
     // nothing returned (ie, echoVoid)
     } else {
      return "";
  * get available data pertaining to an operation
  * @param    string $operation operation name
  * @return array array of data pertaining to the operation
  * @access   public
  function getOperationData($operation){
    return $this->operations[$operation];
   $this->debug("No data for operation: $operation");
     * send the SOAP message
     * Note: if the operation has multiple return values
     * the return value of this method will be an array
     * of those values.
  * @param    string $msg a SOAPx4 soapmsg object
  * @param    string $soapaction SOAPAction value
  * @param    integer $timeout set connection timeout in seconds
  * @param integer $response_timeout set response timeout in seconds
  * @return mixed native PHP types.
  * @access   private
  function send($msg, $soapaction = '', $timeout=0, $response_timeout=30) {
   // detect transport
    // http(s)
    case ereg('^http',$this->endpoint):
     $this->debug('transporting via HTTP');
     if($this->persistentConnection == true && is_object($this->persistentConnection)){
      $http =& $this->persistentConnection;
     } else {
      $http = new soap_transport_http($this->endpoint);
      if ($this->persistentConnection) {
     $http->setContentType($this->getHTTPContentType(), $this->getHTTPContentTypeCharset());
     if($this->proxyhost && $this->proxyport){
                 if($this->authtype != '') {
      $http->setCredentials($this->username, $this->password, $this->authtype, array(), $this->certRequest);
     if($this->http_encoding != ''){
     $this->debug('sending message, length='.strlen($msg));
      $this->responseData = $http->send($msg,$timeout,$response_timeout,$this->cookies);
     } elseif(ereg('^https',$this->endpoint)){
     //} elseif(strpos($this->endpoint,'https:')){
      //if(phpversion() == '4.3.0-dev'){
       //$response = $http->send($msg,$timeout,$response_timeout);
                      //$this->request = $http->outgoing_payload;
       //$this->response = $http->incoming_payload;
      //} else
      $this->responseData = $http->sendHTTPS($msg,$timeout,$response_timeout,$this->cookies);
     } else {
      $this->setError('no http/s in endpoint url');
     $this->request = $http->outgoing_payload;
     $this->response = $http->incoming_payload;
     // save transport object if using persistent connections
     if ($this->persistentConnection) {
      if (!is_object($this->persistentConnection)) {
       $this->persistentConnection = $http;
     if($err = $http->getError()){
      $this->setError('HTTP Error: '.$err);
      return false;
     } elseif($this->getError()){
      return false;
     } else {
      $this->debug('got response, length='. strlen($this->responseData).' type='.$http->incoming_headers['content-type']);
      return $this->parseResponse($http->incoming_headers, $this->responseData);
     $this->setError('no transport found, or selected transport is not yet supported!');
    return false;
  * processes SOAP message returned from server
  * @param array $headers The HTTP headers
  * @param string $data  unprocessed response data from server
  * @return mixed value of the message, decoded into a PHP type
  * @access   private
     function parseResponse($headers, $data) {
   $this->debug('Entering parseResponse() for data of length ' . strlen($data) . ' and type ' . $headers['content-type']);
   if (!strstr($headers['content-type'], 'text/xml')) {
    $this->setError('Response not of type text/xml');
    return false;
   if (strpos($headers['content-type'], '=')) {
    $enc = str_replace('"', '', substr(strstr($headers["content-type"], '='), 1));
    $this->debug('Got response encoding: ' . $enc);
     $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
    } else {
     $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
   } else {
    // should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
    $this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
   $this->debug('Use encoding: ' . $this->xml_encoding . ' when creating soap_parser');
   $parser = new soap_parser($data,$this->xml_encoding,$this->operation,$this->decode_utf8);
   // add parser debug data to our debug
   // if parse errors
   if($errstr = $parser->getError()){
    $this->setError( $errstr);
    // destroy the parser object
    return false;
   } else {
    // get SOAP headers
    $this->responseHeaders = $parser->getHeaders();
    // get decoded message
    $return = $parser->get_response();
             // add document for doclit support
             $this->document = $parser->document;
    // destroy the parser object
    // return decode message
    return $return;
  * sets the SOAP endpoint, which can override WSDL
  * @param $endpoint string The endpoint URL to use, or empty string or false to prevent override
  * @access   public
  function setEndpoint($endpoint) {
   $this->forceEndpoint = $endpoint;
  * set the SOAP headers
  * @param $headers mixed String of XML with SOAP header content, or array of soapval objects for SOAP headers
  * @access   public
  function setHeaders($headers){
   $this->requestHeaders = $headers;
  * get the SOAP response headers (namespace resolution incomplete)
  * @return string
  * @access   public
  function getHeaders(){
   return $this->responseHeaders;
  * set proxy info here
  * @param    string $proxyhost
  * @param    string $proxyport
  * @param string $proxyusername
  * @param string $proxypassword
  * @access   public
  function setHTTPProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername = '', $proxypassword = '') {
   $this->proxyhost = $proxyhost;
   $this->proxyport = $proxyport;
   $this->proxyusername = $proxyusername;
   $this->proxypassword = $proxypassword;
  * if authenticating, set user credentials here
  * @param    string $username
  * @param    string $password
  * @param string $authtype (basic|digest|certificate)
  * @param array $certRequest (keys must be cainfofile (optional), sslcertfile, sslkeyfile, passphrase, verifypeer (optional), verifyhost (optional): see corresponding options in cURL docs)
  * @access   public
  function setCredentials($username, $password, $authtype = 'basic', $certRequest = array()) {
   $this->username = $username;
   $this->password = $password;
   $this->authtype = $authtype;
   $this->certRequest = $certRequest;
  * use HTTP encoding
  * @param    string $enc
  * @access   public
  function setHTTPEncoding($enc='gzip, deflate'){
   $this->http_encoding = $enc;
  * use HTTP persistent connections if possible
  * @access   public
  function useHTTPPersistentConnection(){
   $this->persistentConnection = true;
  * gets the default RPC parameter setting.
  * If true, default is that call params are like RPC even for document style.
  * Each call() can override this value.
  * This is no longer used.
  * @return boolean
  * @access public
  * @deprecated
  function getDefaultRpcParams() {
   return $this->defaultRpcParams;
  * sets the default RPC parameter setting.
  * If true, default is that call params are like RPC even for document style
  * Each call() can override this value.
  * This is no longer used.
  * @param    boolean $rpcParams
  * @access public
  * @deprecated
  function setDefaultRpcParams($rpcParams) {
   $this->defaultRpcParams = $rpcParams;
  * dynamically creates an instance of a proxy class,
  * allowing user to directly call methods from wsdl
  * @return   object soap_proxy object
  * @access   public
  function getProxy(){
   $r = rand();
   $evalStr = $this->_getProxyClassCode($r);
   //$this->debug("proxy class: $evalStr";
   // eval the class
   // instantiate proxy object
   eval("\$proxy = new soap_proxy_$r('');");
   // transfer current wsdl data to the proxy thereby avoiding parsing the wsdl twice
   $proxy->endpointType = 'wsdl';
   $proxy->wsdlFile = $this->wsdlFile;
   $proxy->wsdl = $this->wsdl;
   $proxy->operations = $this->operations;
   $proxy->defaultRpcParams = $this->defaultRpcParams;
   // transfer other state
   $proxy->username = $this->username;
   $proxy->password = $this->password;
   $proxy->authtype = $this->authtype;
   $proxy->proxyhost = $this->proxyhost;
   $proxy->proxyport = $this->proxyport;
   $proxy->proxyusername = $this->proxyusername;
   $proxy->proxypassword = $this->proxypassword;
   $proxy->timeout = $this->timeout;
   $proxy->response_timeout = $this->response_timeout;
   $proxy->http_encoding = $this->http_encoding;
   $proxy->persistentConnection = $this->persistentConnection;
   $proxy->requestHeaders = $this->requestHeaders;
   $proxy->soap_defencoding = $this->soap_defencoding;
   $proxy->endpoint = $this->endpoint;
   $proxy->forceEndpoint = $this->forceEndpoint;
   return $proxy;
  * dynamically creates proxy class code
  * @return   string PHP/NuSOAP code for the proxy class
  * @access   private
  function _getProxyClassCode($r) {
   if ($this->endpointType != 'wsdl') {
    $evalStr = 'A proxy can only be created for a WSDL client';
    return $evalStr;
   $evalStr = '';
   foreach ($this->operations as $operation => $opData) {
    if ($operation != '') {
     // create param string and param comment string
     if (sizeof($opData['input']['parts']) > 0) {
      $paramStr = '';
      $paramArrayStr = '';
      $paramCommentStr = '';
      foreach ($opData['input']['parts'] as $name => $type) {
       $paramStr .= "\$$name, ";
       $paramArrayStr .= "'$name' => \$$name, ";
       $paramCommentStr .= "$type \$$name, ";
      $paramStr = substr($paramStr, 0, strlen($paramStr)-2);
      $paramArrayStr = substr($paramArrayStr, 0, strlen($paramArrayStr)-2);
      $paramCommentStr = substr($paramCommentStr, 0, strlen($paramCommentStr)-2);
     } else {
      $paramStr = '';
      $paramCommentStr = 'void';
     $opData['namespace'] = !isset($opData['namespace']) ? '' : $opData['namespace'];
     $evalStr .= "// $paramCommentStr
  function " . str_replace('.', '__', $operation) . "($paramStr) {
   \$params = array($paramArrayStr);
   return \$this->call('$operation', \$params, '".$opData['namespace']."', '".(isset($opData['soapAction']) ? $opData['soapAction'] : '')."');
   $evalStr = 'class soap_proxy_'.$r.' extends soapclient {
   return $evalStr;
  * dynamically creates proxy class code
  * @return   string PHP/NuSOAP code for the proxy class
  * @access   public
  function getProxyClassCode() {
   $r = rand();
   return $this->_getProxyClassCode($r);
  * gets the HTTP body for the current request.
  * @param string $soapmsg The SOAP payload
  * @return string The HTTP body, which includes the SOAP payload
  * @access private
  function getHTTPBody($soapmsg) {
   return $soapmsg;
  * gets the HTTP content type for the current request.
  * Note: getHTTPBody must be called before this.
  * @return string the HTTP content type for the current request.
  * @access private
  function getHTTPContentType() {
   return 'text/xml';
  * gets the HTTP content type charset for the current request.
  * returns false for non-text content types.
  * Note: getHTTPBody must be called before this.
  * @return string the HTTP content type charset for the current request.
  * @access private
  function getHTTPContentTypeCharset() {
   return $this->soap_defencoding;
  * whether or not parser should decode utf8 element content
     * @return   always returns true
     * @access   public
     function decodeUTF8($bool){
   $this->decode_utf8 = $bool;
   return true;
   * adds a new Cookie into $this->cookies array
   * @param string $name Cookie Name
   * @param string $value Cookie Value
   * @return if cookie-set was successful returns true, else false
   * @access public
  function setCookie($name, $value) {
   if (strlen($name) == 0) {
    return false;
   $this->cookies[] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $value);
   return true;
   * gets all Cookies
   * @return   array with all internal cookies
   * @access   public
  function getCookies() {
   return $this->cookies;
   * checks all Cookies and delete those which are expired
   * @return   always return true
   * @access   private
  function checkCookies() {
   if (sizeof($this->cookies) == 0) {
    return true;
   $this->debug('checkCookie: check ' . sizeof($this->cookies) . ' cookies');
   $curr_cookies = $this->cookies;
   $this->cookies = array();
   foreach ($curr_cookies as $cookie) {
    if (! is_array($cookie)) {
     $this->debug('Remove cookie that is not an array');
    if ((isset($cookie['expires'])) && (! empty($cookie['expires']))) {
     if (strtotime($cookie['expires']) > time()) {
      $this->cookies[] = $cookie;
     } else {
      $this->debug('Remove expired cookie ' . $cookie['name']);
    } else {
     $this->cookies[] = $cookie;
   $this->debug('checkCookie: '.sizeof($this->cookies).' cookies left in array');
   return true;
   * updates the current cookies with a new set
   * @param array $cookies new cookies with which to update current ones
   * @return always return true
   * @access private
  function UpdateCookies($cookies) {
   if (sizeof($this->cookies) == 0) {
    // no existing cookies: take whatever is new
    if (sizeof($cookies) > 0) {
     $this->debug('Setting new cookie(s)');
     $this->cookies = $cookies;
    return true;
   if (sizeof($cookies) == 0) {
    // no new cookies: keep what we've got
    return true;
   // merge
   foreach ($cookies as $newCookie) {
    if (!is_array($newCookie)) {
    if ((!isset($newCookie['name'])) || (!isset($newCookie['value']))) {
    $newName = $newCookie['name'];
    $found = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->cookies); $i++) {
     $cookie = $this->cookies[$i];
     if (!is_array($cookie)) {
     if (!isset($cookie['name'])) {
     if ($newName != $cookie['name']) {
     $newDomain = isset($newCookie['domain']) ? $newCookie['domain'] : 'NODOMAIN';
     $domain = isset($cookie['domain']) ? $cookie['domain'] : 'NODOMAIN';
     if ($newDomain != $domain) {
     $newPath = isset($newCookie['path']) ? $newCookie['path'] : 'NOPATH';
     $path = isset($cookie['path']) ? $cookie['path'] : 'NOPATH';
     if ($newPath != $path) {
     $this->cookies[$i] = $newCookie;
     $found = true;
     $this->debug('Update cookie ' . $newName . '=' . $newCookie['value']);
    if (! $found) {
     $this->debug('Add cookie ' . $newName . '=' . $newCookie['value']);
     $this->cookies[] = $newCookie;
   return true;
 $client=new soapclient($wsdl, 'wsdl'); 
 // Check for an error
 $err = $client->getError();
  if ($err) 
   // Display the error
   echo '<p><b>Constructor error: ' . $err . '</b></p>';
   // At this point, you know the call that follows will fail
 $parameters=array('txtFrom' => 'a.murade@xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
     'txtTo' => 'sangram.korade@xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
     'txtToCC' => 'a.ranjan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
     'txtToBCC' => 'nandkishor.berde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
     'txtSubject' => 'hello every body',
     'cmbType' => 'text/html',
     'txtBody' => 'hi this is first example through nusoap client-server'
 $param = array($parameters);
 echo "<pre>";
 echo "</pre>";
 $server = new soap_server();
 // Initialize WSDL support
 $server->configureWSDL('ws_multiplearray', 'urn:ws_multiplearray');
   'txtFrom' => array('name'=>'varString','type'=>'xsd:string'),
   'txtTo' => array('name'=>'varString','type'=>'xsd:string'),
   'txtToCC' => array('name'=>'varString','type'=>'xsd:string'),
   'txtToBCC' => array('name'=>'varString','type'=>'xsd:string'),
   'txtSubject' => array('name'=>'varString','type'=>'xsd:string'),
   'cmbType' => array('name'=>'varString','type'=>'xsd:string'),
   'txtBody' => array('name'=>'varString','type'=>'xsd:string')
 $server->register('passArray', array('inputStringArray'=>'tns:SOAPStruct'), array('return'=>'tns:SOAPStruct'), $ns);
 function passArray($parameters)
  //you can impliment your logic here return the data as per circumstances
  return $parameters;
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