Friends, I'm looking for a script or (ideally) a mysql query that could show the most popular keyword searched. The table below stores all the keywords searched from the website. Now the admin wants to see which keyword is "The Most Popular" being searched by users. Mr.Bean or Bean or Bean Joker should show 3 occurences with "The Most Popular" keyword. Plz Note: Admin will not query (or search) it using forms etc. He simply wants to see the table with top occurence. *tbl_keywordsearch* ** *search_id | keyword_searched* + = = = = = = = = = = = 1 | Mr. Bean 2 | Bean 3 | Bush 4 | George Bush 5 | Bean Joker + = = = = = = = = = = = Thanks, Quest [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]