I love adodb but all options are ok. Your answer is in php abstaction libraries. I asked linktaker "how can i encapsulate the data access in php?" and I got this answers. http://www.linktaker.com/grab.php?idQ=69 Hernán Mauricio Velásquez Ingeniero Sistemas y Computación Universidad de los Andes Santafé de Bogotá ----- Mensaje original ---- De: vanila2000 <vanila2000@xxxxxxxxx> Para: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enviado: martes, 14 de agosto, 2007 2:25:56 Asunto: Re: I need a universal connection You can also use PEAR DB Package which is by default available with PHP 5 and above. It is a set of abstraction library allowing you to connect to any database you want to connect. --- In php-objects@ yahoogroups. com, Krishna Srikanth <krishna.srikanth@ ...> wrote: > > Hi Anees, > > 1) For this, in your package, you need to package all kinds of libraries, > mysql, mssql, odbc, etc.. > 2) While installing, you can ask for the type of database the user wishes > to have and write it into some config file. > 3)While running your script (after installation is finished), based on the > config file value, include only that db library. > > Just wanted to tell you that, for sql server, using stored procedures is > an efficient way, instead of querying with big sql statements. MySQL can > bare the sqlquery transport, but SQL server itself is very heavy loaded, > and causes problems. So use stored procedures for your mssql > installations. > > Bye, > Manda Krishna Srikanth > http://www.krishnas rikanth.com > http://www.ksjourna l.info > > php-objects@ yahoogroups. com wrote on 08/08/2007 11:37:39 PM: > > > Hi, > > > > I am interested in developing a web application to which I can > > attach any of db like mysql,access, sql server,oracle ... as it is > > there in most of projects where during the installation we select > > any of optional db. > > > > > > how to write such a code which can work with all of databases. > > > =====-----== ===-----= ==== > Notice: The information contained in this e-mail > message and/or attachments to it may contain > confidential or privileged information. If you are > not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use, > review, distribution, printing or copying of the > information contained in this e-mail message > and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. 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