hi ppl, i have created a java program to serve as my chat server that connects to an url and using port 8080... then i created a client for the server in java then it worked....but i came accross a problem...i want a php client via a website...however i tried the php sockets and i have so many problems...i used php cli first to make it easier....then here is the code..: $fp = fsockopen( "localhost", 8080, $errno, $errstr, 30 ) ; if( !$fp ) { echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n" ; } else { fwrite( $fp, 'PHP' ) ; while( !feof( $fp ) ) { set_time_limit( 30 ) ; print fgets( $fp, 128 ) ; } fclose( $fp ) ; } it is working connecting and if another client is sending data it can read it, but the problem is i cannot send anything...or data to the server.... can anyone help me.... PHP Data object relational mapping generator http://www.metastorage.net/ Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/php-objects/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: php-objects-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/