Hi I recommend you a class from PHP-Classes .org it perfect for date calculations ... Take a look at the "public methods" and use the one which suit to you.. here's the class code: <?php /** * classe pour la gestion de date * date manipulation * some stuff comes from SPLIB (DateMath.php) * * @author lx barjon <lx-dateobj@xxxxxxxxx> * @version 0.1 * */ class dateObj { /** * Date de référence / current object date * @var string * @access private */ var $baseDate; /** * timestamp * @var int * @access private */ var $timestamp; /** * separateur date ('-' par défaut) / date separator * @var string * @access private */ var $dateSeparator; /** * separateur time (':' par défaut) / time separator * @var string * @access private */ var $timeSeparator; /** * separateur Datetime (' ' par défaut) / date/time separator * @var string * @access private */ var $dateTimeSeparator; /** * liste des jours en français (à modifier dans le constructeur pour une autre langue) * @var array * @access private */ var $lgueDays; /** * liste des mois en français (à modifier dans le constructeur pour une autre langue) * @var array * @access private */ var $lgueMonths; /** * ------------------------------------------------------- * METHODES PUBLIQUES / PUBLIC METHODS * ------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Constructeur / Constructor * * @param string $baseDate Date pour initialiser l'objet / date to init the object * @acces public */ function dateObj( $baseDate = '' ) { $this->dateSeparator = '-'; $this->timeSeparator = ':'; $this->dateTimeSeparator = ' '; if ( empty($baseDate) ) $this->baseDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); else $this->baseDate = $baseDate; $this->timestamp = $this->date_to_timestamp(); $this->lgueDays = array( 'Sunday'=>'domenica', 'Sun'=>'dom', 'Monday'=>'lunedì', 'Mon'=>'lun', 'Tuesday'=>'martedì', 'Tue'=>'mar', 'Wednesday'=>'mercoledì', 'Wed'=>'mer', 'Thursday'=>'giovedì', 'Thu'=>'gio', 'Friday'=>'venerdì', 'Fri'=>'ven', 'Saturday'=>'sabato', 'Sat'=>'sab' ); $this->lgueMonths = array( 'January'=>'gennaio', 'Jan'=>'gen', 'February'=>'febbraio', 'Feb'=>'feb', 'March'=>'marzo', 'Mar'=>'mar', 'April'=>'aprile', 'Apr'=>'apr', 'May'=>'maggio', 'June'=>'juin', 'Jun'=>'giugno', 'July'=>'luglio', 'Jul'=>'juil', 'August'=>'agosto', 'Aug'=>'aoû', 'September'=>'settembre', 'Sep'=>'sep', 'October'=>'ottobre', 'Oct'=>'oct', 'November'=>'novembre', 'Nov'=>'nov', 'December'=>'dicembre', 'Dec'=>'dic' ); } /** * set_date * * @desc change la date de l'objet / set date for the object * @param string Nouvelle date * @access public */ function set_date( $date ) { $this->baseDate = $date; $this->timestamp = $this->date_to_timestamp(); } /** * date_to_timestamp * * @desc retourne un timestamp de la date fournie ou de la date de l'objet si aucune date fournie / return $date timestamp or object date timestamp * @param string $date Date à traiter * @access public */ function date_to_timestamp( $date = '' ) { if ( empty($date) ) $date = $this->baseDate; ### recup date dans un tableau assoc $dateInfo = $this->date_to_array( $date ); return mktime( $dateInfo['H'], $dateInfo['i'], $dateInfo['s'], $dateInfo['m'], $dateInfo['d'], $dateInfo['Y']); } /** * date_add * * @desc ajoute $howMany à $toWhat sur la date de l'objet et retourne la date au format $format * @param int $howMany * @param string $toWhat Valeur possible / possible value Y m d H i s * @param string $format * @access public */ function date_add( $howMany, $toWhat, $format = "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) { $dateInfo = $this->date_to_array(); $dateInfo[$toWhat] += $howMany; $tmpDate = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime( $dateInfo['H'], $dateInfo['i'], $dateInfo['s'], $dateInfo['m'], $dateInfo['d'], $dateInfo['Y']) ); return $this->format( $format, $tmpDate ); } /** * date_sub * * @desc retire $howMany à $toWhat sur la date de l'objet et retourne la date au format $format * @param int $howMany * @param string $toWhat Valeur possible / possible value Y m d H i s * @param string $format * @access public */ function date_sub( $howMany, $toWhat, $format = "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) { $dateInfo = $this->date_to_array(); $dateInfo[$toWhat] -= $howMany; $tmpDate = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime( $dateInfo['H'], $dateInfo['i'], $dateInfo['s'], $dateInfo['m'], $dateInfo['d'], $dateInfo['Y']) ); return $this->format( $format, $tmpDate ); } /** * get_timestamp * * @desc retourne le timestamp de la date de l'objet * @access public */ function get_timestamp() { return $this->timestamp; } /** * date_to_array * * @desc retourne un tableau associatif avec les paramètres de la date fournie * @param string $date Date à traiter, si vide -> date de ref de l'objet * @return array */ function date_to_array( $dateTime = '' ) { if ( empty($dateTime) ) $dateTime = $this->baseDate; $arrayDate = array(); ### verif présence heure $timePos = strpos( $dateTime, $this->dateTimeSeparator ); if ( $timePos ) { $date = substr( $dateTime, 0, $timePos ); $time = substr( $dateTime, $timePos+strlen($this->timeSeparator), strlen($dateTime) ); } else $date = $dateTime; ### Traitement date # -- verif si date valide $dateIsValid = true; # *** date au format d m Y ? $pattern = "([0-9]{1,2})".$this->dateSeparator."([0-9]{1,2})".$this->dateSeparator."([0-9]{4})"; if ( ereg($pattern, $date, $regs) ) { $arrayDate['Y'] = intval($regs[3]); $arrayDate['m'] = intval($regs[2]); $arrayDate['d'] = intval($regs[1]); } else { # *** sinon date au format y m d ? $pattern = "([0-9]{4})".$this->dateSeparator."([0-9]{1,2})".$this->dateSeparator."([0-9]{1,2})"; if ( ereg($pattern, $date, $regs) ) { $arrayDate['Y'] = intval($regs[1]); $arrayDate['m'] = intval($regs[2]); $arrayDate['d'] = intval($regs[3]); # *** sinon date invalide } else $dateIsValid = false; } if ( !$dateIsValid ) { trigger_error( '<p>class dateObj::date_to_array($date) --> la date fournie est invalide!<br>Date fournie : '.$dateTime.'</p>', E_USER_ERROR ); } ### Traitement heure # -- heure existe ? if ( isset($time) ) { $hour = explode( $this->timeSeparator, $time ); $arrayDate['H'] = intval($hour[0]); $arrayDate['i'] = intval($hour[1]); $arrayDate['s'] = intval($hour[2]); # -- sinon 0 par défaut } else { $arrayDate['H'] = 0; $arrayDate['i'] = 0; $arrayDate['s'] = 0; } return $arrayDate; } /** * format * * @desc met la date $date au format $format (compatible fonction date();) * @param string $format Format désiré pour la date (ex: "le d-m-Y à H:i:s") * @param string $date Date à traiter, si false -> date de ref de l'objet * @return string */ function format( $format, $date = '' ) { if ( empty($date) ) $timestamp = $this->timestamp; else { $timestamp = $this->date_to_timestamp( $date ); } $mydate = date($format, $timestamp); $days = $this->_en_notations_list($this->lgueDays); if ( preg_match("(".$days.")", $mydate, $regs) ) { $mydate = str_replace( $regs[0], $this->lgueDays[$regs[0]], $mydate ); } $months = $this->_en_notations_list($this->lgueMonths); if ( preg_match("(".$months.")", $mydate, $regs) ) { $mydate = str_replace( $regs[0], $this->lgueMonths[$regs[0]], $mydate ); } return $mydate; } /** * diff * * @desc effectue this->timestamp - timestamp($date) * @param string $date Date à soustraire à la date de ref * @param string $retMode Mode pour l'info de retour valeur possible : jours, days, heures, hours, minutes, mins, all ou vide -> valeur par défaut = secondes * @param string $roundMode Fonction à utiliser pour l'arrondi des calculs -> none = pas d'arrondi */ function diff( $date, $retMode = '', $roundMode = 'ceil' ) { if ( empty($date) ) { trigger_error("class dateObj::diff($date) --> la date à soustraire n'est pas définie.", E_USER_ERROR ); } else { $diffSecondes = ( $this->timestamp - $this->date_to_timestamp($date) ); $diff = array(); switch ($retMode) { case 'all' : { $diffMinutes = bcdiv( $diffSecondes, 60, 2 ); $diffHours = bcdiv( $diffMinutes, 60, 2 ); $numHours = bcmod( $diffHours, 24 ); $numMinutes = bcmod( $diffMinutes, 60); $numSeconde = bcmod( $diffSecondes, 60 ); $diff['days'] = abs(bcdiv( $diffHours, 24 )); $diff['hours'] = abs($numHours); $diff['minutes'] = abs($numMinutes); $diff['secondes'] = abs($numSeconde); return $diff; break; } case 'annees' : case 'years' : case 'Y' : { $diffDays = bcdiv( $diffSecondes, 86400, 2 ); if ( $roundMode != 'none' ) eval( "\$diffYears = $roundMode( bcdiv( $diffDays, 365, 2 ) );" ); else $diffYears = bcdiv( $diffDays, 365, 2 ); return $diffYears; break; } case 'jours' : case 'days' : case 'd' : { if ( $roundMode != 'none' ) eval( "\$diffDays = $roundMode( bcdiv($diffSecondes, 86400, 2) );" ); else $diffDays = bcdiv($diffSecondes, 86400, 2); return $diffDays; break; } case 'heures' : case 'hours' : case 'H' : { if ( $roundMode != 'none' ) eval( "\$diffHours = $roundMode( bcdiv( $diffSecondes, 3600, 2 ) );" ); else $diffHours = bcdiv( $diffSecondes, 3600, 2 ); return $diffHours; break; } case 'minutes' : case 'mins' : case 'i' : { if ( $roundMode != 'none' ) eval( "\$diffMinutes = $roundMode( bcdiv( $diffSecondes, 60, 2 ) );" ); else $diffMinutes = bcdiv( $diffSecondes, 60, 2 ); return $diffMinutes; break; } default : { return $diffSecondes; break; } } } } /** * Les fonction qui suivent permettent de vérifier si la date courante : * some function to check if current date (object date) : * est égale à $date / is equal to $date -> is_eq * est plus grande que $date / is greater than $date -> is_gt * est plus grande ou égale à $date / is greater than or equal to $date -> is_gte * ... */ function is_eq( $date ) { $myTimestamp = $this->date_to_timestamp( $date ); if ( $this->timestamp == $myTimestamp ) return true; else return false; } function is_gt( $date ) { $myTimestamp = $this->date_to_timestamp( $date ); if ( $this->timestamp > $myTimestamp ) return true; else return false; } function is_gte( $date ) { $myTimestamp = $this->date_to_timestamp( $date ); if ( $this->timestamp >= $myTimestamp ) return true; else return false; } function is_lt( $date ) { $myTimestamp = $this->date_to_timestamp( $date ); if ( $this->timestamp < $myTimestamp ) return true; else return false; } function is_lte( $date ) { $myTimestamp = $this->date_to_timestamp( $date ); if ( $this->timestamp <= $myTimestamp ) return true; else return false; } ### useful stuff from DateMath.php # -- this one is modified to match my language function day_of_week( $numeric = false ) { if ( $numeric ) { return date('w', $this->timestamp); } else { return $this->lgueDays[date('l', $this->timestamp)]; } } function day_of_year() { return date('z', $this->timestamp); } function week_of_year() { return date('W', $this->timestamp); } function days_in_month() { return date('t', $this->timestamp); } function is_leap_year() { return date('L', $this->timestamp); } function first_day_in_month( $numeric = false ) { $firstDay = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m', $this->timestamp), 1, date('Y', $this->timestamp) ); if ( $numeric ) { return date('w', $firstDay); } else { return $this->lgueDays[date('l', $firstDay)]; } } /** * */ function _en_notations_list( $notationsType ) { $enNotations = array_keys( $notationsType ); return '('.implode( '|', $enNotations ).')'; } } ?> PHP Data object relational mapping generator - http://www.meta-language.net/ Yahoo! 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