Hi .. i'm new in here.. and this i my first email .. About displaying excel sheet using PHP .. Here's a code I generate for the same purpose: /* ~~~~~~~~~ Start of Reading Excel ~~~~~~~~~ */ $filename = "C:\apache\htdocs\SST\dal\d1.xls"; $excel_app = new COM("Excel.application") or Die ("Did not connect"); print "Application name: {$excel_app->Application->value}\n" ; print "Loaded version: {$excel_app->Application->version}\n"; $Workbook = $excel_app->Workbooks->Open("$filename") or Die("Did not open $filename $Workbook"); $Worksheet = $Workbook->Worksheets(1); $Worksheet->activate; //I made the loop starts from 2 becouse the fist row is the heards which I don't need to know. // for example I made it reads 11 rows only. for ( $i=2; $i<12; $i++) { if($i < 10) { $cella = str_pad('A', 2, $i); $cellb = str_pad('B', 2, $i); $cellc = str_pad('C', 2, $i); } else if ($i < 100) { $cella = str_pad('A', 3, $i); $cellb = str_pad('B', 3, $i); $cellc = str_pad('C', 3, $i); } else if($i <1000) { $cella = str_pad('A', 4, $i); $cellb = str_pad('B', 4, $i); $cellc = str_pad('C', 4, $i); } else if($i <10000) { $cella = str_pad('A', 5, $i); $cellb = str_pad('B', 5, $i); $cellc = str_pad('C', 5, $i); } $excel_cell = $Worksheet->Range($cella); $excel_cell->activate; $cellarray[$i-2]['id'] = $excel_cell->value; set_time_limit(1000); if ( $excel_cell->value == NULL) { $xlsnum = $i-2; break; } $excel_cell = $Worksheet->Range($cellb); $cellarray[$i-2]['name'] = $excel_cell->activate;; set_time_limit(1000); $excel_cell = $Worksheet->Range($cellc); $excel_cell->activate; $cellarray[$i-2]['st'] = $excel_cell->value; set_time_limit(1000); echo "<br>--$i--Done"; } echo "<br>~~~* Excel is Done *~~~<br>"; #To close all instances of excel: $Workbook->Close; unset($Worksheet); unset($Workbook); /* ~~~~~~~~~ End of Excel ~~~~~~~~~ */ Hope this helps u. Regards, dEllo. PHP Data object relational mapping generator - http://www.meta-language.net/ Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/php-objects/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: php-objects-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/