Just a correction to my prev msg (will not include it here): --- "Jesus M. Castagnetto" <jcastagnetto@yahoo.com> wrote: > Hi Fredrik, [... snip ..] > One option would be to use a database that support array/list/enumeration > fields. If the values for 'value2' are one of a possible set, you can use the > ENUM() in MySQL or check(ordertype in(...)) in PostgresSQL I misremembered the enumeration type in MySQL, I was confusing it w/ the SET() type. For PostgreSQL to emulate that you will use CREATE TYPE and related or the arrays mention afterwards in my prev msg. HTH and sorry for if I cause any confusion w/ the prev msg's info. ===== --- Jesus M. Castagnetto (jcastagnetto@yahoo.com) Research: http://metallo.scripps.edu/ Personal: http://www.castagnetto.org/ __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. http://mailplus.yahoo.com ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Flexible Keyboard is the ideal accessory for PDA users that are on the move. http://us.click.yahoo.com/dCBVZC/WnCFAA/sXBHAA/saFolB/TM ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Look here for Free PHP Classes of objects: http://phpclasses.UpperDesign.com/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: php-objects-unsubscribe@egroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/