i've got something in alpha stage over at https://said.by, available as sources through https://nicer.app and https://github.com/NicerEnterprises/NicerApp-WebOS and a still unfinished license (https://nicer.app/license) which is not totally free for startups, has discounts for big tech, etc, but i'm not asking for input on Dutch tax law yet, and will eventually find a reliable Dutch lawyer to help me finalize and also update my license when i am informed by the Dutch official municipal business bureau (https://kvk.nl) that it needs updating. :)
i think my pricing model is spot on reasonable if you ask me.
i think my pricing model is spot on reasonable if you ask me.
and could be Dutch tax compatible already ;)
Met vriendelijke groet,
Rene AJM Veerman
Rene AJM Veerman
Eigenaar + Algemeen, Technisch & Financieel directeur van https://nicer.app en gerelateerde websites.
With kind regards,
With kind regards,
Owner + CEO, CTO & CFO for https://nicer.app and related websites.
On Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 11:23 AM bruce <badouglas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Not a php dev issue, although might tum intone.I'm asking the list if anyone has seen any kind of free web app that allows you to post docs/content.User would access the site.site would display the doc/sections, with bullet points in a slide/caousel manner. There would be a section/subsection menu on the left side that would be highlighted as user walked through sections, or user could select a given item in the nenu to get to the "slide" in the carousel.sortof::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++menu |secs carousel/slidersubPages bullet point/contentbefore / next (actionBTNs)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++addition page/site content...I apologize for being off topic on this, but list is slow!oh, I did have a php issue, but it was getting my head aroud the closure implementation -- basically a typo!thanks