Re: laravel/bootstrap project! -- new experience

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Hey Bruce,

I can see you really are keen to get a Laravel app up and running. That’s great! 😁 

I really think this will be your best resource for figuring out Laravel -

You’re not going to find much help here as this is a general PHP mail list which deals mostly with issues that users find with PHP specific things they are trying.

When it comes to understanding a framework written in PHP (Laravel) you will need to try forums more directly related to it - like those on the Laracasts website:

That said - even then, you probably won’t get many responses to general queries such as those you have sent to this group.

All of what you have asked in this PHP mailing list can be answered by watching and following along (coding) with the videos in the “path” (A group of related video series in Laracasts nomenclature) in the link above.

Some of them may be paid - but there is more than enough free material on the site to become very efficient in Laravel - I know as I have done just that without paying. (Although if you can afford it I think it’s absolutely worth it).

People probably won’t have the time to offer general advice or teach basic Laravel concepts, especially when it is readily available.

If while going through said material you come across specifics that you then need help with you can ask in the Laracasts forums. Just make sure that you can show what you have tried so that those helping have some context and at least know that you’ve put in some effort to figure it out for yourself.

All the best with the Laravel.

On Mon, 03 Mar 2025 at 21:51, bruce <badouglas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Doing research/learning/getting an understand of laravel/php, how it kind of flows.

It appears that building something like an "invoiceninja" webApp is sort of like putting together the building blocks for a site, based on the look/feel, and the functions/features. I'm using invoiceninja as an example, as I'm looking to build a site, and a number of the "components" are similar to some in "invoiceninja".

Am I right in thinking that one can use existing sites as "guides" with regards to getting a feel for laravel?

My basic process for now:
 check out diff sites, get a top level feel for the ui/logic/tbls
 -check out the "code" -- html/views/routes/controllers/etc..
-build the rough structure/layout of the new site..
  -based on the initial sites/code..
   create the rough new laravel structure/frame
  get the basic "new" up/crawling..
  -start to add the additional pages/funcs/ui
   blade files.. yield/content sections/html
   get the logic down..

  for those familiar with laravel,
    am i missing something???


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