Re: laravel/route/php question?

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On 11/02/2025 19:20, bruce wrote:

I realize that this isn't a specific laravel channel, but -- here's the question.

New to laravel, trying to track down how/where a statement in a file within a test laravel works.

the test file
    the line..
      <a href="{{ route('properties') }}">PProperties</a>

 which then generates
      <a href="/">PProperties</a>

so in some function/method
       route('properties') ==>   "/"
   route:get "properties" gets xferred to "/"

but, so far, I can't seem to track down where this might happen, or the flow of the logic.

If anyone has any pointers, feel free to fire them to me!


The route() helper method is used to generate a URL to a named route. In your case, it's looking for a route called "properties". Do you have that defined in your routes/web.php file?

More information on creating named routes can be found in the Laravel documentation:

Ashley Sheridan
Web developer and accessibility advocate

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