On 18/01/2025 20:13, JEFFRY KILLEN wrote:
So it PHP caching form submissions"?
No. PHP does not cache requests / responses in this manner.
The most likely source of caching is the browser itself. There are
several ways you can avoid this:
1) Use POST or PUT submission method. In general, by default: GET
requests may be cached, POST and PUT (and DELETE) requests are not cached.
2) Append a random value to the query string, which changes with each
request. The current (unix) timestamp is a commonly used value since it
will always be unique (at least for submission not made in the same
second). eg: /form-endpoint?nocache=48738743593 (some client-side
libraries, such as JQuery have an option that does this).
The server-side doesn't need to do anything with this value, but the
fact that it's there makes the browser see each request as a different
one from any previous request.
3) Use appropriate HTTP headers (eg. Cache-Control - see links below)
Further reading:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Cacheable