I use FPDF for both the web site and command line to generate PDF files. Both locations use the same code and until I updated the O/S version on the server it all worked properly. Now the command line processing works as normal but the web site fails with error message "Uncaught Exception: FPDF error: Could not include font definition file: /usr/fpdf186/font/garamond-pro.php in /usr/fpdf186/fpdf.php:267". The script that is included in both the web server and the command line is: ----relevant part - the script fails at the line marked **--> $pdf = new PDF(); $pdf->aliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage('P','Letter'); **---here--> $pdf->AddFont('garamond','','Garamond Pro-Regular.php'); $pdf->SetFont('garamond','',18); $page_width = $pdf->GetPageWidth(); $page_centre = $page_width/2; ---------- The script file does exist and is where it says: ls -al /usr/fpdf186/font/garamond-pro.php -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 3738 Jan 2 22:04 /usr/fpdf186/font/garamond-pro.php Selinux is not involved since the same failure occurs in both "enforcing" and "permissive" modes. Since the script works in one place and not another I suspect that there is some difference between php-fpm and php on the command line but I haven't been able to find it yet. Any ideas where to look? Further info: Rocky 9.5, PHP 8.0.30 Thanks in advance.