PHP 8.3 Processes Diferently Than 7.4

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I have a script with an include file that contains a function called 'get_show_list' that has a referenced array which is causing PHP to abort the script. The following used to work in 7.4:

*** Code Snippet from the Include File ***

$base_dir = "/home/tgvpadmin/data/shows";
$content_dir = "/home/tgvpadmin/content/programs";
$archive_dir = "/home/tgvpadmin/content/archives";

// Return list of sorted shows, taking definite articles into account
function get_show_list () {
  global $base_dir;

  $base_dir_handle = @opendir ($base_dir);
  if (!$base_dir_handle)
    die ("Couldn't open directory $base_dir");

  while (($filename = readdir ($base_dir_handle)) !== false) {
    if (($filename != ".") and ($filename != "..") and (is_dir ("$base_dir/$filename"))
     and ($showname_handle = @fopen ("$base_dir/$filename/showname", "r"))) {
      $shows[$filename] = trim (fgets ($showname_handle));
      fclose ($showname_handle);
    } // end if a dir with a showname file
  } // end traversal of directory

  closedir ($base_dir_handle);

// Copy to another array for sorting purposes
  $sorted_shows = $shows;

// Make all show names lowercase for sorting and searching
  reset ($sorted_shows);
  while (list ($key, $value) = each ($sorted_shows))
    $sorted_shows[$key] = strtolower ($sorted_shows[$key]);
// Strip off "the" and "la" etc.
  reset ($sorted_shows);
  while (list ($key, $value) = each ($sorted_shows)) {
    if (strpos ($value, " ")) {
      $space_pos = strpos ($value, " ");
      $first_word = substr ($value, 0, $space_pos);
      switch ($first_word) {
        case "the":
        case "a":
        case "an":
        case "la":
        case "el":
          $sorted_shows[$key] = substr ($value, $space_pos + 1);
      } // end switch on first word
    } // end if more than one word in a show title
  } // end while list of shows

// Use asort to maintain keys
  asort ($sorted_shows);

// Generate sorted list with original show names
  reset ($sorted_shows);
  while (list ($key, $value) = each ($sorted_shows)) {
    $show_list[$key] = $shows[$key];
  } // end while list of shows

  return $show_list;
} // end get_show_list ()

*** End Code ***

There's a lot more I omitted for brevity and that I don't think it's involved, but here's the error I get when I run the calling script:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function each() in /home/tgvpadmin/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/tgvpadmin/domains/ get_show_list()
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home/tgvpadmin/domains/ on line 35

"each" is not a function. It's a list. What changed that affected the way this worked between 7.4 and 8.3? I looked through the manual sections on arrays and lists and didn't find anything that looked like it was the problem.


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