Re: laravel/php

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On 31 July 2024 02:07:17 BST, bruce <badouglas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Is the list ok to post basic laravel questions? Or only straight php?
>I'm doing some basic research on laravel, and other tech/stacks.
>For laravel, assume I download a test app from github, and install it in:
> /var/www/html/asciisd
> I do a
>  composer install
>The "install/setup" says I should do a
> >>composer require asciisd/referrals-laravel
> as well.
>Should this be done while within the " /var/www/html/asciisd" or in
>the parent dir " /var/www/html"
> doing this from the inner dir, gets an err
>    Root package 'asciisd/referrals-laravel' cannot require itself in
>its composer.json
>I'm currently looking over github code samples, as well as numerous vids..

It should be done in the same directory as the composer.json file. If you think about it, it makes sense, as that's the config for your composer install.

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