Yes and No. Migrate has several options you can use install, rollback, fresh, reset, refresh, and status. Migrations are tracked, hence why you can roll back, refresh, etc.
So yes it's the same as inserting the schema/tables into a db, different markup but there are tools to convert sql create, and alter commands.
Now if you use it but then go and do manual schema updates and don't make those changes within the migration files you are going to be in for a few headaches if you try and use migrate after.
Do you need to use it? No
Do all seasoned Laravel developers use it? No
Is it a useful tool? Yes
On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 1:39 PM bruce <badouglas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
the cmd
"php artisan migrate"
apparently publishes schema to the database
is this the same as inserting the schema/tables into a db/tbl within
the database -- mysql/postgres? Or is it something different?