Hello; I am writing a javascript module to set, read, edit, and delete cookies. In my localhost development section I have an html/php page with user controls used to apply arguments and conditions for processing. My application is saving internal records of cookies that have been created with it. These records include the domain, path, max-age, SameSite and secure attributes. The way to read cookies in javascript is in document.cookie. That only produces the name/value pairs or each cookie it has access to. When I revise a javascript source file or active html/php content I need to reload and the internal records are lost. That means that editing the cookie becomes limited to name/value. Why am I posting a query to this list? I am using async requests to hard code javascript code defining all the attributes assigned to a cookie into a javascript source file. This file will be reread when the page reloads, so the records will be present. So, php is processing the ajax request. I notice that the keys and values in the $_COOKIE array also only have the name/value pairs. Is there a way to access the other attributes that are being applied to a cookie? (they are available; in the browser via developer tools -> storage). Perhaps there are security concerns in answering this question. I understand Thank you for your time and attention JK