This is a long shot, but I figured I'd try here before PHP-Internals. I'm experimenting with PHP-FFI. 2 weeks ago, I had working code. The same code 2 weeks later is now not working. (I say "Same code" because I can confirm that via Git. It's not just me saying I didn't touch it.) The code in question is here: Running `make inline` (to test loading up the FFI logic inline) works. Running `make preload` (to load the library in a preload routine) fails. Specifically, the preloader.php script is called, and gives this error: PHP Warning: failed pre-loading '/home/crell/temp/php-ffi-test/points/points.h', cannot resolve C function 'distance' in preloader.php on line 6 Line 6 is: FFI::load(__DIR__ . "/points.h"); I do not understand how this worked before, but doesn't now. A friend suggested some library version or path changed, but I've no idea what. The "dummy" example (in a separate folder) works fine. It's straight out of the PHP manual. The main difference is it's linking against stdlib, whereas `points` has a tiny custom library. That's being problematic. Anyone have a recommendation here? I'm out of ideas. -- Larry Garfield larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx