I'm looking for support of the SQLite JSON1 extension [1]. It provides
JSON functions in SQLite SQL queries. This extension is already
available in the SQLite3 commandline client, the SQLiteStudio GUI app
and on my web server (PHP on Ubuntu 16.04). But unfortunately it is not
available in the XAMPP distribution for Windows.
I've already asked in their support forum and they say that XAMPP only
includes PHP's official Windows builds. I've looked around and found two
SQLite-related files: php_pdo_sqlite.dll and php_sqlite3.dll, both are
around 840 kB. There is no DLL named like json1.
Since the JSON1 extension is available in so many other environments,
I'm wondering why it isn't in the PHP builds for Windows. (I'm not sure
why it is available in Ubuntu's PHP build, I haven't installed anything
special there.)
Can somebody please explain to me what needs to be done to get this
SQLite extension running here? I guess I need a build of these two PHP
DLLs that includes that JSON1 extension, which seems to be part of the
official SQLite source code but needs to be enabled in the build.
I've got Visual Studio 2017 on my machine, but probably no C++ support
yet, if that helps. I'm not experienced with C/C++ builds so I'd be
happy about a ready binary for this.
[1] https://www.sqlite.org/json1.html