The issue here is that Name property has a space before it. So " Name" is what you are looking for and not "Name". Something like this would work:
print_r($data->data->lead2->{" Name"});
Thanks so much Aziz,That is very helpful.I see you had:<?php$data = "" {"riddleId":179849,"data":{"riddle":{"id":179849,"title":"test1","type":"quiz"},"lead2":{" Name":{"value":"ddddd","type":"text"},"Email":{"value":"b@xxxxx","type":"email"}},"answers":[{"question":"<p>q1<\/p>","answer":"a1","correct":true,"quest ionId":1,"answerId":1}],"result":1,"resultData":{"scoreNumber":1,"resultIndex":1,"scorePer centage":100,"scoreText":"Your score: 1\/1","resultId":2},"embed":{"parentLocation":"https:\/\/\/showcase\/179849 \/quiz"}}}';$data = "">print_r($data->data->riddle);---Sorry to say I still need one bit more help:I want to display the --- lead2 --- name:I tried:print_r($data->data->lead2);and this gives...stdClass Object ( [ Name] => stdClass Object ( [value] => ddddd [type] => text ) [Email] => stdClass Object ( [value] => b@xxxxx [type] => email ) )but when I try this:print_r($data->data->lead2->Name->value);orrint_r($data->data->lead2->Name);it comes back empty.Q: How do I display ...lead2... name?THANKS MUCHDaveOn Jan 26, 2019, at 2:31 PM, Aziz Saleh <azizsaleh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi Dave,That response looks like a valid JSON, json_decode should suffice to get any data:AzizHi all,
I could use a bit of help parsing json (from with php.
the php result page shows:
$riddledata = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true) . "\n";
file_put_contents('webhook-logs.log', $riddledata, FILE_APPEND);
and the $_REQUEST data looks like:
{"riddleId":179849,"data":{"riddle":{"id":179849,"title":"test1","type":"quiz"},"lead2":{" Name":{"value":"ddddd","type":"text"},"Email":{"value":"b@xxxxx","type":"email"}},"answers":[{"question":"<p>q1<\/p>","answer":"a1","correct":true,"quest ionId":1,"answerId":1}],"result":1,"resultData":{"scoreNumber":1,"resultIndex":1,"scorePer centage":100,"scoreText":"Your score: 1\/1","resultId":2},"embed":{"parentLocation":"https:\/\/\/showcase\/179849 \/quiz"}}}
or maybe this after print_r($_REQUEST, true) ???
[data] => {"riddleId":179849,"data":{"riddle":{"id":179849,"title":"test1","type":"quiz"},"lead2":{ "Name":{"value":"aaaaaa","type":"text"},"Email":{"value":"b@xxxxx","type":"email"}},"answers":[{"question":"<p>q1<\/p>","answer":"a1","correct":true,"quest ionId":1,"answerId":1}],"result":1,"resultData":{"scoreNumber":1,"resultIndex":1,"scorePer centage":100,"scoreText":"Your score: 1\/1","resultId":2},"embed":{"parentLocation":"https:\/\/\/showcase\/179849 \/quiz"}}}
--- I tried parsing like:
$form_data = json_decode($_REQUEST);
$riddleId = $form_data->riddleId[0];
--- also
$name = ' lead2 name '.$_REQUEST['data']['lead2']['Name']['value'];
but nothing is working yet.
Q: What's the best way to parse this out and get the varied fields showing with php?
Dave - DealTek
- References:
- help parsing json with php
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