var_dump(self::$_proc) before the function call, what do you get?
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 8:01 PM Jeffry Killen <jekillen@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello again;
I have solved this before. But it has been too long ago.
I don't remember what the fix was;
file with function definition:
$_funct = function(/*args*/){ // code}
class def:
private static $_proc = '';
__construct() requires file with $_funct definition
and assigns it to self::$_proc
require(/*file with funct definition*/)
self::$_proc = $_funct;
later in $_POST processing the function is called:
self::$_proc(/*args*/) // -> Function name must be a string
There are actually more steps to this, but it would require
a lot of code reproduced here for it to make sense. This abstraction
is about as simple as I can represent it.
In the processing the self::$_proc function is being called under
different circumstances. The error occurs on the first time it is
called. So It appears that it is not a case where one particular
line has a problem and the others don't.
This has been working elsewhere in testing in the same project.
I google the error and didn't get listings for the same type of issue.
Thanks for time and attention;
Jeff K