On September 2, 2018 at 3:15 PM Jeffry Killen <jekillen@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have been trying to get a better understanding of "singleton".
It is defined as a class that can only produce one instance of
In the online explanation, that is accomplished by a
private constructor function that produces an instance
of the class within its instance.
But in php I am of the understanding that a constructor
function has to be made public and can't return anything.
Here is the online reference I am looking at:
So, at some point it seems that the class instance has to
be exported via a return statement at some point, otherwise
how would it be used in other code?
Is there a part of the manual that addresses this?
I have a hard copy text* on PHP that addresses the singleton
and factory pattern, but I have not been able to completely
comprehend either of these.
*I don't have immediate access to the book and don't remember
the title, but the publisher is Friends of Ed / (Apress).
I have been further thrown off by the use of singleton
to refer to an object literal in _javascript_.
I realize that this in not about _javascript_ but the concept
and this use of the term has me confused.
More than one object literal can be created and subsequently
cloned by code, so how is it a singleton, in the general sense?
Thank you for time and attention.