Christoph M. Becker wrote:
On 05.05.2018 at 09:11, Per Jessen wrote:
Okay, so it still exists. I tried subscribing yesterday -
<pecl-dev+subscribe-nomail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>: host[]
said: 550 pecl-dev+subscribe-nomail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx is not a valid
address (in reply to RCPT TO command)
My mails to pecl-dev+subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx have not produced any
reponses at all.
Hmm, shouldn't that have been <pecl-dev-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>[1]?
Yes, you're right - I noticed a little later. I was thinking mlmmj, notr ezmlm :-(
I have resent to the correcte addresses, still no responses.
There may be a general subscription issue, though (there have been
several reports during the last months). Anyhow, it's not required to
have been subscribed to the mailing list to send a mail.
Ah, cool, thanks.
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