Ihave developed and operated a Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP service for several years.A new feature requires support for simple, user-defined functions, to returnvalues used by the service. Here, we’re talking about front-end users on theinternet, with some vetting, and typically with some software engineeringexperience. I’ve been thinking about security and support issues of course.Currentplans are to offer a subset of PHP for the user-defined functions: Submittedfunctions would be scanned, and only allowed functions and keywords would besupported. Variable functions would be disallowed, etc. Does anyone haveexperience or advice regarding this type of approach?Thanks,GeorgeSherwoodThesereferences describe the feature:http://testcover.com/pub/background/ecbecc.pdfhttp://testcover.com/pub/background/iwct2015.pdfhttp://testcover.com/pub/background/iwct2016.pdf ;