I use this: function DebugBackTraceHtml() // Returns an HTML string with calls and subcalls until the current execution. { $HtmlValue = ''; $HtmlValue = $HtmlValue.'<p>DEBUG backtrace:</p>'."\n"; $StepNr = 1; while (isset(debug_backtrace()[$StepNr])) { $HtmlValue = $HtmlValue.'<p>['.$StepNr.'] File '.debug_backtrace()[$StepNr]['file'].' at line '.debug_backtrace()[$StepNr]['line'].' executing: <strong>'.debug_backtrace()[$StepNr]['function'].'</strong></p>'."\n"; $StepNr = $StepNr + 1; } return $HtmlValue; } El 29/09/16 a les 05:32, Sam Hobbs ha escrit: > If I am using an editor such as Eclipse to analyze a large PHP system > and I want to find the file that a function is declared in then I can > search for it. I think that the (right-click) context menu for the > function sometimes has an item to open the declaration but that does > not always work. The same for an include statement; even if I don't > know what the path will be during execution and even if the source is > in multiple folders, I can search for the file. For large systems > however all that can take time (my time). > > Is there a tool that can process thousands (at least a couple > thousand) files and produce data of what file that a called function > exists in and where a function is called from? In other words, > caller/called data. I understand the technical challenges. In PHP > includes are processed during execution so I know it might not be > possible but I am asking if there is anything that can do it as much > as possible. > > I searched the mailing list for "caller called" and found nothing, I > apologize if this has been asked before. > > -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php