---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ashley Sheridan <ash@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 3:03 AM Subject: Re: feature request : gzip caching To: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@xxxxxxxxx> Please don't top-post. Nginx was probably suggested as a lightweight web server, instead of Apache. I can't say I've ever seen both used at the same time. Any developer who is serious about their career has an understanding of how web servers work and the server caching capabilities. If they don't, I think it's fair to say they're still pretty junior and ideally would be helped by a more senior developer. I struggle to understand why you're making PHP responsible for trying to cache js files that are only requested by the front end. It feels like you're overcomplicating things somewhat. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 3:24 AM Subject: Re: feature request : gzip caching To: Ashley Sheridan <ash@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> i'll top-post whenever i like.. don't tell other ppl how to format documentation / discussions, please. and to answer to your comment : i strongly disagree. it makes sense for those working on complicated webapps to limit the number of knowledge pools they must master and keep up to date.. hell, i dont even get into canvas and webgl because the knowledge domain is so large and different from *my domain*; HTML, JS, CSS, JSON.. seriously, you can not expect complicated beautiful apps to be written for browsers until you recognize that limitation on human ability..