Hi. https://github.com/seductiveapps/webappObfuscator I'd like to announce that my webappObfuscator is nearing completion, nearly able to fully encrypt all HTML, JS, JSON and CSS for my seductiveapps.com framework (which means it'll pretty much with any as complicated a site as you have / want, with minimal recoding efforts on you the user's part).. At the moment there are still some obstacles to overcome before it actually runs in the browser with encrypted sources for seductiveapps.com (done on a development machine with few updates to github), which is a bit of a complicated beast, but that does enhance the quality of the obfuscator.. But i expect to overcome these last hurdles within about 2 weeks.. Then there's some work to a lot of work to be done on the sample application and the documentation, but the thing is actually fairly well coded (if i may say so) and self-documented with plenty of debugging statements left commented out in the PHP.. If you have any comments about it or feature requests, that's one of the reasons i'm making this post here.. with regards, Rene Veerman CEO + CTO of seductiveapps.com