I am getting the warning below from this code:
// self::$_zipper is initialized in class constructor method.
if(self::$_zipper->extractTo($_dest) === false)
$_out['error'] = $_errHead." error: ".$_zip['name']." not
extracted: "
return $_out;
Not a directory in /<path>/dev_lab_current/php/lab_archiver.php</b>
on line 179
( + error string returned in $_out['error'])
But what actually happens is that the zip is partially extracted.
It is created by zipArchive::open and an initializer is added by
Then a series of files are added with a directory name prepended
( pattern: dirname/filename)
What is extracted is the initializer file only.
However, if I download the zip file to client desktop and unzip it (on
Mac OSX) the zip has been created
as intended.
How should I interpret the warning? What's "Not a directory"?
I had code to createEmptyDir and add the files to the empty dir, but
it was failing.
Thanks for time and attention:
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