Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC Proposal] var keyword deprecation/removal

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Greetings, "Tony Marston".
In reply to Your message dated Sunday, March 6, 2016, 11:43:50,

>>Others are of the opinion that all current PHP code is a mess and my
>>reaction to that is ... well use a different language then! ...

> I echo that thought. Millions of developers chose to use PHP because it gets 
> the job done, and once they have written coder that works they expect it to 
> keep working with future versions of the language. This is called 
> "longevity", and all organisations expect their investment in software to 
> last for a significant amount of time. If their application has to be 
> recoded every couple of years they will regard the language as being 
> "unstable" and move on to something else. I have worked with two other 
> languages for over a decade each, and as these languages were maintained by 
> "professionals" they could guarantee that code written on day 1 of the first 
> year would still be running ten years later.

You're confusing two points here.

Backward compatibility as a means to ensure reliability and backward
compatibility in an attempt to drag broken leg through the mud cave.

"Hey, I'm not using this feature. Nobody's using this feature. Why would
anybody be using this feature? Let's just remove it!" is not enough of a
reason to follow. It works as expected? Yes. It affects the execution in any
way? No. What is your issue with it, again? You don't like it? Bring it up
with your confessor.
- Padre, there's a thing that bothering me! But nobody want to hear about it!
- Next!

>>expecting the vast majority of users to rename every function ( on of
>>the proposals for PHP7 ) or switch to a strictly typed method of working
>>is simply not going to happen, so I have no problem with people adding
>>new extensions which allow these different sytles of working as long as
>>the underlying procedural style of working is maintained in as BC a way
>>as possible, so things like 'var' and a number of the 7.1 deprecation
>>proposals simply destroy BC with little gain to a pure OO based version
>>of PHP anyway.

> All those who want to work with a 100% pure OO language should stop using 
> PHP and switch to Java. Stop complaining about the quirks in PHP because 
> there are quirks in every language. Stop trying to make the language perfect 
> as your definition of "perfect" does not match that used by others who are 
> more than satisfied with "good enough".

While I see this as valid point in this specific case, generally the word you
are really looking for is "consistent". Not "perfect". And people are not
complaining about "quirks", they are complaining about consistency and
predictability of the language. Or lack thereof.
Please do make distinction between those cases. Just shoving people off is not
Renaming (or aliasing) every function is not productive.
Creating a whole new subclass of functionality, expanding upon Spl* set of
objects - I see nothing wrong with it.

Sincerely Yours, Andrey Repin <anrdaemon@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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