On Dec 9, 2015, at 5:35 PM, Ryan Pallas wrote:
On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 6:23 PM, Jeffry Killen <jekillen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello, again:
In the original post I was trying to apply anonymous code to a static
member array.
self::$_runList[$_what] = $_code;
$_out = self::$_runList[$_what]($_params); // >>> line
# 27
referred to in error message
What is now working is to use a locally declared array inside run()
$_runList = array()
$_runList[$_what] = $_code;
return $_runList[$_what]($_params);
Apparently, php doesn't like doing this with a static member array
Thanks to anyone who spent some time with the original post.
You appear to be using a 5.x version of PHP. This is an associativity
problem and can be resolved by upgrading to PHP7. Here is your
code, you can see it works in PHP7, and produces and notice followed
by a
fatal error in PHP<7 https://3v4l.org/Zu1jO For more information, see
I have also been testing out the use of non static member variable
array referenced via $this-> that is working.
The non static member array appears to be retaining the code that is
assigned to it, as I can call it again in a
subsequent call and it runs as expected, using the original array key
string assigned to it.
// yes, it is PHP Version 5.6.0 running under Apache 2.4x on FreeBSD
$_fileSelf = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if($_fileSelf == 'index.php')
$_fileSelf = './';
class _DEV
private static $_className = '';
private $_runList = array();
private static $_codeSaved = array();
public function __construct()
self::$_className = get_class($this);
public function run($_what, $_code, $_params)
$_errHead = self::$_className." -> ".__FUNCTION__;
$_out = array();
if($_code !== '')
self::$_codeSaved[$_what] = $_code;
$this->_runList[$_what] = $_code;
$_out = $this->_runList[$_what]($_params);
return $_out;
$_trial = new _DEV();
$_test_1 = function()
$_out = array();
$_out['1_passed'] = "Appears";
return $_out;
$_test_2 = function()
$_out = array();
$_out['2_passed'] = " to be ";
return $_out;
$_test_3 = function()
$_out = array();
$_out['3_passed'] = "working";
return $_out;
$_resArray = array();
$_resArray[0] = $_test_1;
$_resArray[1] = $_test_2;
$_resArray[2] = $_test_3;
$_display = '';
if($_GET['try'] == 'true')
for($_itr = 0; $_itr < 3; $_itr++)
$_out = '';
$_out = $_trial->run('try-'.($_itr + 1), $_resArray[$_itr], '');
$_display .= $_out[($_itr+1)."_passed"]."\n";
$_extra = array();
$_extra = $_trial->run('try-2', '', '');
$_display .= "\nextra: ".$_extra['2_passed'];
$_display prints:
to be
extra: to be
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