I am having trouble interpreting this error message
Fatal error: Function name must be a string in (path)/dev_lab_current/
lab_15/index.php on line 27
I have tried various variations such as
function test()
// etc...
This is just experimental.
Does this mean that anonymous function code cannot be assigned to an
associative array items?
Here is the code:
class _DEV
private static $_className = '';
private static $_runList = array();
public function __construct()
self::$_className = get_class($this);
public function run($_what, $_code, $_params)
$_errHead = self::$_className." -> ".__FUNCTION__;
$_out = array();
self::$_runList[$_what] = $_code;
$_out = self::$_runList[$_what]($_params); // >>> line
# 27 referred to in error message
return $_out;
$_trial = new _DEV();
$_test = function()
$_out = array();
$_out['passed'] = "Appears to be working";
return $_out;
$_result = $_trial->run('test', $_test, '');
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