On 02/05/15 07:29, Christoph Becker wrote:
Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On 2 May 2015 11:57:42 BST, Christoph Becker <cmbecker69@xxxxxx> wrote:
Ron Piggott wrote:
I have the following array:
[es-PR] => 2014-11-04 08:22:07
[en-US] => 2009-04-05 09:00:00
[es-MX] => 2014-11-08 02:25:40
How can I extract the oldest date from it? The language ISO order is
going to change randomly.
I suggest you sort() the array, and then access the first element:
$oldest = $array[0];
Sorting like this would put the earliest date first, and you can't access it by numeric index.
Ron is looking for the oldest date, what seems to be the same as the
earliest date. Anyhow, otherwise one could use rsort() instead of
sort(). Accessing by numeric index is possible after either sorting,
because both functions don't keep the keys (contrary to asort() and
arsort()): $array = [ 'es-PR' => '2014-11-04 08:22:07', 'en-US' =>
'2009-04-05 09:00:00', 'es-MX' => '2014-11-08 02:25:40' ]; sort($array);
In the end I've used
// sort newest to oldest translation
// extract oldest translation
Thank you very much for your help.