Sorry in advance if I am over working this list.....
I am attempting to get acquainted with the ZipArchive class
I have a page that self processes get and post vars.
In the following code an async get query is sent and processed
(this is all local with no access from public network or cats walking
on keyboards)
$_arch = new ZipArchive;
$_retStr = $_arch->open('test.zip', ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
if($_retStr === TRUE || $_retStr == ZIPARCHIVE::ER_EXISTS)
if($_arch->addFromString('test.txt', 'here is some nonsense
for the sake of an argument.'))
$_retStr = "good to go:\n".$_GET['test'];
$_retStr = "no bueno:\n".$_GET['test'];
$_retStr .= "Error Code: ".$_retVal."\n".$_GET['test'];
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
print $_retStr;
My question is: Where is the test.zip archive file located? (/tmp,
I would expect it to be in the same dir as the processing script, but
I don't see anything in the dir
by the name of test.zip.
I know this is not command line gzip but I seem to remember working
with gzip or bzip on the
command line and seeing a visible archive file.
Thanks for time and attention
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