On 02/17/2015 01:28 PM, Jeffry Killen wrote:
On Feb 17, 2015, at 7:17 AM, Jason Edgecombe wrote:
I'm saying proceed, then check the result. For example, you might use
this code if you want to write to a new file:
$file = 'people.txt';
// The new person to add to the file
$person = "John Smith\n";
// Write the contents to the file,
// using the FILE_APPEND flag to append the content to the end of the
// and the LOCK_EX flag to prevent anyone else writing to the file at
the same time
if (file_put_contents($file, $person, LOCK_EX)) {
echo "success\n";
} else {|
|| echo "failed\n";
If you are replacing the contents of a file, it's usually better to
copy/write to a new file, update the file, then rename() the new file
to the old file's name. This is the same as 'mv' in Linux/unix, which
makes things a little cleaner. I think that rename/mv is atomic, but
I could be wrong.
This is pretty much what I am doing.
public static function getOwner($_target)
$_astat = stat($_target);
$_owner = '';
foreach(posix_getpwuid ( $_astat['uid'] ) as
if($_sKey == 'name')
$_owner = $_value;
return $_owner;
And, as you suggest, write a file with code and run it through this to
get the owner user name.
I am trying to pre screen file related related function calls with this.
I am in the habit of using templates for flat file database files.
They produced php code
files like
$_someVar = someVal;
// add ->
So, if I want to add to this file, I just str_replace the target
string '// add ->'
with the new content and another instance of the target string.
So now I have a small php script file that was generated by writing a
file and using the above function (geOwner)
$_serName = "_www";
And all I have to do is include this file wherever I want to find out
if a user is the web server user.
The portability issue would be with the posix related functions, I
Thanks again
I don't think that we're on the same page. Why do you need to know the
owner of the file and the server? Why are you duplicating the
permissions checking of the filesytem?
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