I am having problems with sessions. We use PHP-FPM on Ubuntu 14.04 and every time a request is made PHP will generate a new session file and ID. Here is the test code: session_start(); echo session_id(); The session file is created with read/write access to the user the process is running as. Its pretty frustrating so if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. Here are the settings for the user 'saint' session.auto_start Off Off session.cache_expire 180 180 session.cache_limiter nocache nocache session.cookie_domain /no value/ /no value/ session.cookie_httponly Off Off session.cookie_lifetime 0 0 session.cookie_path / / session.cookie_secure Off Off session.entropy_file /dev/urandom /dev/urandom session.entropy_length 32 32 session.gc_divisor 1000 1000 session.gc_maxlifetime 1440 1440 session.gc_probability 0 0 session.hash_bits_per_character 5 5 session.hash_function 0 0 session.name PHPSESSID PHPSESSID session.referer_check /no value/ /no value/ session.save_handler files files session.save_path /var/lib/php-sessions/saint/ /var/lib/php-sessions/saint/ session.serialize_handler php php session.upload_progress.cleanup On On session.upload_progress.enabled On On session.upload_progress.freq 1% 1% session.upload_progress.min_freq 1 1 session.upload_progress.name PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS session.upload_progress.prefix upload_progress_ upload_progress_ session.use_cookies On On session.use_only_cookies On On session.use_strict_mode Off Off session.use_trans_sid 0 0 Cheers,