I have the following section of code that opens and reads a dir and
assembles the contents
into html table markup:
The question is: when this is run on my remote hosting service, the
list comes out in a random order, Why and what can I do
programatically to correct the order?
The remote system is running on a Linux platform, but that shouldn't
make a difference. I seem to remember somewhere in the
php manual that the sort order may be random and that there was a
function for producing a natural sort(?)
(while at home in local dev server: Apache running on Mac OSX, the
list comes out in the order it
appears in the directory)
Thank you for time and attention
the code:
@$_dr = opendir($_dir);
$_stat = '';
$_stat = 'not found';
else if(!is_readable($_dir))
$_stat = 'not readable';
$_out['error'] = "_CONSOLE->mkList() error: ".
$_dir." not opened for read: ".$_stat;
return $_out['error'];
$_itr = 0;
$_out['mrkUp'] = "<table><tr><td><span class=\"norm
\">Owner</span></td><td><span class=\"norm\">type and permissions</
span></td><td><span class=\"norm\">Octal value</span></td><td><span
while(false !== ($_x = readdir($_dr)))
$_owner = self::getOwner($_dir.$_x);
$_octPerms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($_dir.
$_x)), -4);
$_out['mrkUp'] .= "<tr><td><span class=\"norm\" id=
\"o_".$_itr."\">".$_owner."</span></td><td><span class=\"norm\" id=
class=\"norm\" id=\"r_".$_itr."\">".$_octPerms."</span></td><td><span
class=\"norm\" id=\"n_".$_itr."\">".basename($_x)."</span></td></tr>\n";
$_out['mrkUp'] .= "</table>";
return $_out;
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