On Sep 13, 2014, at 6:20 PM, Jim Giner wrote:
On 9/13/2014 9:11 PM, richard gray wrote:
Sorry for not being clear ...can you run shell commands from PHP --
would allow you to execute Ken's diagnostics suggestion below:-
>> mail -vvv -s "test mail" to_address_goes_here < /dev/null
I do not know of what you speak. I only have a hoster - no php on
my laptop.
I have some info that might be useful:
If you have a Mac OSX laptop, it has Apache with php pre-installed.
You have
to edit the http.conf file to turn on php. I believe you can also
install a php CLI (command line interface)
But the command above, I thing would be run from a shell. It can be
run if you
have a mail server installed and working, such as sendmail or Postfix
( I know
there are several other MTA's such as exim4 and others but I don't
have any
experience with them). So the 'mail' shell command would call the
resident MTA.
I don't have any experience with Windows platform but there are
Windows compatible
unix shell commands. I think you have to hunt them down and install them
Any Unix based platform should understand this on the command line
(assuming, like
I said, Sendmail or Postfix are present), including Mac OSX.
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