Sincerely Negin Nickparsa On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:25 AM, Christoph Becker <cmbecker69@xxxxxx> wrote: > Negin Nickparsa wrote: > > why ${0} is valid but ${0 is not valid? > > it means that curly braces evaluate what's inside them > > No, at least not in the general case. This notation is called "simple > syntax" in the PHP manual[1] and "Variable-Name Creation > Operator/Expression" in the current draft of the PHP language > specification[2]. > > > and that's why we > > cannot have ${0? > > > > variables shouldn't start from 0 so it means that it started from braces? > > if yes why I cannot have ${0? and what is the variable here finally? $0 > is > > what it interprets? > > Yes, indeed. However, the notation $0 would be a syntax error. > > > if yes so it is not a legal variable > > Well, actually it is a legal variable, but it might better be avoided to > use such variables. They are confusing, and I can't think of any > advantage in using such variables. Use $zero instead, or maybe an array. > > yes Christoph! all I was saying that I cannot understand it evaluates to 0 but it is legal to write it that way but it is not legal before interpretation.Thank you > > I am totally mixed up. > > [1] > < > > > > [2] > < > > > > > -- > Christoph M. Becker >