I am struggling with my code and I cannot figure out what I have done which it tells me Notice here is my server.php: <?php set_time_limit(0); $stock=array("hi"=>"hi","name"=>"negin","question"=>"answer"); $address=""; $port="127"; $sock= socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")); socket_bind($sock, $address,$port); socket_listen($sock); $client= socket_accept($sock); $input=socket_read($client, 1024); echo "you entered ".$input; if($stock[$input]!=NULL) { $answer=$stock[$input]; socket_write($sock,$answer, $port); } else{ echo socket_strerror(0); } socket_close($sock); ?> and here is my client.php: <?php $address=""; $port="127"; $sock= socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")); echo "enter your data:"; $input= fgets(STDIN); socket_connect($sock, $address,$port); socket_write($sock,$input ,strlen($input)); $dt=socket_read($sock, 1024); echo $dt; ?> I really cannot undrestand why the output is this on server side: c:\wamp\www\phpzend>php -f server.php you entered salam Notice: Undefined index: salam in C:\wamp\www\phpzend\server.php on line 12 Call Stack: 0.0010 232328 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\phpzend\server.php:0 The operation completed successfully. but it doesn't write on my client side so this notice completely is a big issue I var_dumped the $input and it is string I have no idea what's wrong here