On 1-2-2014 0:02, Érico wrote:
I am trying to access phpmyadmin
and I am getting the error :
Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in
/usr/share/php/gettext/gettext.inc on line 177
How can I enable mysqli in php and apache both compiled ?
Is there a step-through to solve this ?
Hi Érico,
phpmyadmin, although a very popular piece of code, is not something we
(as a group) provide support for. That's just not what this group is
for. We're here to help PHP developers / coders with their problems, not
users of already written software.
That said, your problem is not with MySQLi not being enabled, but rather
that you need the multibyte extension to be enabled (hence the mb_*
functions not found). Ask your host about this.
Unless you are your own host: in that case, alter the php.ini file to
enable the multibye extension. The mb extension is compiled-in by
default, so unless you explicitly stated --without-mb during
compilation, changing the php.ini file a bit is the only thing you have
to do.
As for MySQLi, the same thing goes for this. Enable it in the php.ini file.
This page explains php.ini file changes:
The PHP Documentation has a *lot* of information about this, try
searching there.
- Tul
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