Re: Newbie Question - Parse XML with PHP...

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On Apr 19, 2013, at 3:32 PM, tamouse mailing lists <tamouse.lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> page1.php is sending out to credit card company - getting processed - then coming back to the *same page1.php* with the XML data listed below...
> Please expand what you mean by "sending out" and "coming back" - is
> this a REST or SOAP API call? In that case, the response body is
> likely to be the XML.
>> - so I'm not going to some other page to get it - it is coming to me to the same page I am on..........
>> so - after the XML result comes in - I need to assign the php to the XML somehow...
> How do you recognize the "XML result com(ing) in" ?

Hi tamouse,

with my untrained eye - it appears that this  is what is 'sending out'

 $data = sendXMLviaCurl($xmlRequest,$gatewayURL);

and this might be what is 'responding back' on the same page

    $gwResponse = @new SimpleXMLElement((string)$data);

you can see these lines towards the bottom at - // Process Step Three...


the page code is long - so i cut out some extra lines - but this is

all page code - with edits...


// API Setup Parameters

$gatewayURL = '';

$APIKey = 'xxxxxxx';

// If there is no POST data or a token-id, print the initial shopping cart form to get ready for Step One.

if (empty($_POST['DO_STEP_1'])&& empty($_GET['token-id'])) {

    print '  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "";>';

    print '



        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

        <title>Collect non-sensitive Customer Info </title>



      <p><h2>Step One: Collect non-sensitive payment information.<br /></h2></p>

      <h3> Customer Information</h3>

      <h4> Billing Details</h4>

        <form action="" method="post">


          <tr><td>Company</td><td><input type="text" name="billing-address-company" value="Acme, Inc."></td></tr>

		 --- more

		  <tr><td><h4><br /> Shipping Details</h4>


          <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>

	      <tr><td colspan="2" align=center>Total Amount $12.00 </td></tr>

          <tr><td colspan="2" align=center><input type="submit" value="Submit Step One"><input type="hidden" name ="DO_STEP_1" value="true"></td></tr>






}else if (!empty($_POST['DO_STEP_1'])) {

    // Initiate Step One: Now that we've collected the non-sensitive payment information, we can combine other order information and build the XML format.

    $xmlRequest = new DOMDocument('1.0','UTF-8');

    $xmlRequest->formatOutput = true;

    $xmlSale = $xmlRequest->createElement('sale');

    // Amount, authentication, and Redirect-URL are typically the bare mininum.



    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'amount', '12.00');

    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'ip-address', $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);

    //appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'processor-id' , 'processora');

    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'currency', 'USD');

    //appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'dup-seconds' , '2');

    // Some additonal fields may have been previously decided by user

    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'order-id', '1234');

    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'order-description', 'Small Order');

    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'merchant-defined-field-1' , 'Red');

    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'merchant-defined-field-2', 'Medium');

    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'tax-amount' , '2.00');

    appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'shipping-amount' , '0.00');

    /*if(!empty($_POST['customer-vault-id'])) {

        appendXmlNode($xmlSale, 'customer-vault-id' , $_POST['customer-vault-id']);

    }else {

         $xmlAdd = $xmlRequest->createElement('add-customer');

         appendXmlNode($xmlAdd, 'customer-vault-id' ,411);



    // Set the Billing & Shipping from what was collected on initial shopping cart form

    $xmlBillingAddress = $xmlRequest->createElement('billing');

    appendXmlNode($xmlBillingAddress,'first-name', $_POST['billing-address-first-name']);


    appendXmlNode($xmlBillingAddress,'country', $_POST['billing-address-country']);

    appendXmlNode($xmlBillingAddress,'email', $_POST['billing-address-email']);



    $xmlShippingAddress = $xmlRequest->createElement('shipping');

    appendXmlNode($xmlShippingAddress,'first-name', $_POST['shipping-address-first-name']);

    appendXmlNode($xmlShippingAddress,'last-name', $_POST['shipping-address-last-name']);

    // more

    appendXmlNode($xmlShippingAddress,'fax', $_POST['shipping-address-fax']);


    // Products already chosen by user

    $xmlProduct = $xmlRequest->createElement('product');

    appendXmlNode($xmlProduct,'product-code' , 'SKU-123456');

   // more

    appendXmlNode($xmlProduct,'alternate-tax-id' , '12345');


    $xmlProduct = $xmlRequest->createElement('product');

    appendXmlNode($xmlProduct,'product-code' , 'SKU-123456');

    appendXmlNode($xmlProduct,'description' , 'test 2 product description');


    appendXmlNode($xmlProduct,'alternate-tax-id' , '12345');



	// Process Step One: Submit all transaction details to the Payment Gateway except the customer's sensitive payment information.

	// The Payment Gateway will return a variable form-url.

    $data = sendXMLviaCurl($xmlRequest,$gatewayURL);

	// Parse Step One's XML response

    $gwResponse = @new SimpleXMLElement($data);

    if ((string)$gwResponse->result ==1 ) {

        // The form url for used in Step Two below

        $formURL = $gwResponse->{'form-url'};

    } else {

        throw New Exception(print " Error, received " . $data);


	// Initiate Step Two: Create an HTML form that collects the customer's sensitive payment information

	// and use the form-url that the Payment Gateway returns as the submit action in that form.

    print '  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "";>';

    print '



            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

			<title>Collect sensitive Customer Info </title>



	// Uncomment the line below if you would like to print Step One's response

	// print '<pre>' . (htmlentities($data)) . '</pre>';

	print '

        <p><h2>Step Two:<br /></h2></p>

        <form action="'.$formURL. '" method="POST">

		<h3> Payment Information</h3>


                <tr><td>Credit Card Number</td><td><INPUT type ="text" name="billing-cc-number" value="1111xxx"> </td></tr>

                <tr><td>Expiration Date</td><td><INPUT type ="text" name="billing-cc-exp" value="0118"> </td></tr>

                <tr><td>CVV</td><td><INPUT type ="text" name="cvv" > </td></tr>

                <tr><Td colspan="2" align=center><INPUT type ="submit" value="Submit Step Two"></td> </tr>






} elseif (!empty($_GET['token-id'])) {

	// Step Three: Once the browser has been redirected, we can obtain the token-id and complete

	// the transaction through another XML HTTPS POST including the token-id which abstracts the

	// sensitive payment information that was previously collected by the Payment Gateway.

    $tokenId = $_GET['token-id'];

    $xmlRequest = new DOMDocument('1.0','UTF-8');

    $xmlRequest->formatOutput = true;

    $xmlCompleteTransaction = $xmlRequest->createElement('complete-action');




	// Process Step Three

    $data = sendXMLviaCurl($xmlRequest,$gatewayURL);

    $gwResponse = @new SimpleXMLElement((string)$data);

    print '  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "";>';

    print '



        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

        <title>Step Three - Complete Transaciton</title>



	print "

        <p><h2>Step Three: Script automatically completes the transaction <br /></h2></p>";

    if ((string)$gwResponse->result == 1 ) {

        print " <p><h3> Transaction was Approved, XML response was:</h3></p>\n";

		print '<pre>' . (htmlentities($data)) . '</pre>';

    } elseif((string)$gwResponse->result == 2)  {

        print " <p><h3> Transaction was Declined.</h3>\n";

        print " Decline Description : " . (string)$gwResponse->{'result-text'} ." </p>";

		print " <p><h3>XML response was:</h3></p>\n";

		print '<pre>' . (htmlentities($data)) . '</pre>';

    } else {

        print " <p><h3> Transaction caused an Error.</h3>\n";

        print " Error Description: " . (string)$gwResponse->{'result-text'} ." </p>";

        print " <p><h3>XML response was:</h3></p>\n";

		print '<pre>' . (htmlentities($data)) . '</pre>';


    print "</body></html>";

} else {

  print "ERROR IN SCRIPT<BR>";


  function sendXMLviaCurl($xmlRequest,$gatewayURL) {

   // helper function demonstrating how to send the xml with curl

    $ch = curl_init(); // Initialize curl handle

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $gatewayURL); // Set POST URL

    $headers = array();

    $headers[] = "Content-type: text/xml";

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); // Add http headers to let it know we're sending XML

    $xmlString = $xmlRequest->saveXML();

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); // Fail on errors

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // Allow redirects

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Return into a variable

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT, 443); // Set the port number

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); // Times out after 15s

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xmlString); // Add XML directly in POST

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);

    // This should be unset in production use. With it on, it forces the ssl cert to be valid

    // before sending info.

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

    if (!($data = curl_exec($ch))) {

        print  "curl error =>" .curl_error($ch) ."\n";

        throw New Exception(" CURL ERROR :" . curl_error($ch));



    return $data;


  // Helper function to make building xml dom easier

  function appendXmlNode($parentNode,$name, $value) {

        $tempNode = new DOMElement($name,$value);




Dave - DealTek

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