On 3/27/2013 8:43 PM, Daniel Fenn wrote:
I think ";magic_quotes_gpc = Off" should be "magic_quotes_gpc = Off"
Then restart apache/php or whatever it is your running
Daniel Fenn
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Madan Thapa <madan.feedback@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I installed php 5.3.23 recently on a CentOS sever and magic_quotes_gpc
stays on even when disabled in php.ini
root@server [~]# grep magic_quo /usr/local/php5.3/lib/php.ini
; magic_quotes_gpc
;magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off
root@server [~]#
php info results:
Is anyone aware of such issues for php 5.3.23 ? or any where i might look
at in troubleshooting this?
Please advise.
Thank you
could also be that there is another ini file conflicting with your
settings. That happened to me.
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