Thanks for all the help folks, PHP-light-PDO-Class ok well I found this... But it does not seem to recognize the port - I put the port as 8889 but keeps saying can't connect port 3306 Warning: PDO::__construct() [pdo.--construct]: [2002] Connection refused (trying to connect via tcp:// in /Users/revdave/Sites/php-fool/pdo3/PHP-light-PDO-Class-master/class.lpdo.php on line 33 Connection failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused BTW: I tried to add the port a few places but it didn't work...... How do we fix this? ------ config.php <?php $config = array(); $config['Database'] = array(); $config['Database']['dbtype'] = 'mysql'; $config['Database']['dbname'] = 'tester'; $config['Database']['host'] = ''; $config['Database']['port'] = 8889; $config['Database']['username'] = 'root'; $config['Database']['password'] = 'root'; $config['Database']['charset'] = 'utf8'; ?> =============== class.lpdo.php <?php /** * * @Author : Poplax [Email:linjiang9999@xxxxxxxxx]; * @Date : Fri Jun 03 10:17:17 2011; * @Filename class.lpdo.php; */ /** * class lpdo PDO * one table support only */ class lpdo extends PDO { public $sql = ''; public $tail = ''; private $charset = 'UTF8'; private $options; /** * * @Function : __construct; * @Param $ : $options Array DB config ; * @Return Void ; */ public function __construct($options) { $this->options = $options; $dsn = $this->createdsn($options); $attrs = empty($options['charset']) ? array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES " . $this->charset) : array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES " . $options['charset']); try { parent::__construct($dsn, $options['username'], $options['password'], $attrs); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage(); } } /** * * @Function : createdsn; * @Param $ : $options Array; * @Return String ; */ private function createdsn($options) { return $options['dbtype'] . ':host=' . $options['host'] . ';dbname=' . $options['dbname']; } /** * * @Function : get_fields; * @Param $ : $data Array; * @Return String ; */ private function get_fields($data) { $fields = array(); if (is_int(key($data))) { $fields = implode(',', $data); } else if (!empty($data)) { $fields = implode(',', array_keys($data)); } else { $fields = '*'; } return $fields; } /** * * @Function : get_condition; * @Param $ : $condition Array, $oper String, $logc String; * @Return String ; */ private function get_condition($condition, $oper = '=', $logc = 'AND') { $cdts = ''; if (empty($condition)) { return $cdts = ''; } else if (is_array($condition)) { $_cdta = array(); foreach($condition as $k => $v) { if (!is_array($v)) { if (strtolower($oper) == 'like') { $v = '\'%' . $v . '%\''; } else if (is_string($v)) { $v = '\'' . $v . '\''; } $_cdta[] = ' ' . $k . ' ' . $oper . ' ' . $v . ' ' ; } else if (is_array($v)) { $_cdta[] = $this->split_condition($k, $v); } } $cdts .= implode($logc, $_cdta); } return $cdts; } /** * * @Function : split_condition; * @Param $ : $field String, $cdt Array; * @Return String ; */ private function split_condition($field, $cdt) { $cdts = array(); $oper = empty($cdt[1]) ? '=' : $cdt[1]; $logc = empty($cdt[2]) ? 'AND' : $cdt[2]; if (!is_array($cdt[0])) { $cdt[0] = is_string($cdt[0]) ? "'$cdt[0]'" : $cdt[0]; } else if (is_array($cdt[0]) || strtoupper(trim($cdt[1])) == 'IN') { $cdt[0] = '(' . implode(',', $cdt[0]) . ')'; } $cdta[] = " $field $oper {$cdt[0]} "; if (!empty($cdt[3])) { $cdta[] = $this->get_condition($cdt[3]); } $cdts = ' ( ' . implode($logc, $cdta) . ' ) '; return $cdts; } /** * * @Function : get_fields_datas; * @Param $ : $data Array; * @Return Array ; */ private function get_fields_datas($data) { $arrf = $arrd = array(); foreach($data as $f => $d) { $arrf[] = '`' . $f . '`'; $arrd[] = is_string($d) ? '\'' . $d . '\'' : $d; } $res = array(implode(',', $arrf), implode(',', $arrd)); return $res; } /** * * @Function : get_rows; * @Param $ : $table String, $getRes Boolean, $condition Array, $column Array; * @Return Array |Object; */ public function get_rows($table, $condition = array(), $getRes = false, $column = array()) { $fields = $this->get_fields($column); $cdts = $this->get_condition($condition); $where = empty($condition) ? '' : ' where ' . $cdts; $this->sql = 'select ' . $fields . ' from ' . $table . $where; try { $this->sql .= $this->tail; $rs = parent::query($this->sql); } catch(PDOException $e) { trigger_error("get_rows: ", E_USER_ERROR); echo $e->getMessage() . "<br/>\n"; } $rs = $getRes ? $rs : $rs->fetchAll(parent::FETCH_ASSOC); return $rs; } /** * * @Function : get_all; * @Param $ : $table String, $condition Array, $getRes Boolean; * @Return Array |Object; */ public function get_all($table, $getRes = false, $condition = array()) { return $this->get_rows($table, $condition, $getRes); } /** * * @Function : get_one; * @Param $ : $table String, $condition Array, $getRes Boolean, $column Array; * @Return Array ; */ public function get_one($table, $condition = array(), $column = array()) { $rs = $this->get_rows($table, $condition, true, $column); $rs = $rs ? $rs->fetch(parent::FETCH_ASSOC) : $rs; return $rs; } /** * * @Function : insert; * @Param $ : $table String, $data Array; * @Return Int ; */ public function insert($table, $data) { list($strf, $strd) = $this->get_fields_datas($data); $this->sql = 'insert into `' . $table . '` (' . $strf . ') values (' . $strd . '); '; return $this->exec($this->sql, __METHOD__); } /** * * @Function : update; * @Param $ : $table String, $data Array, $condition Array; * @Return Int ; */ public function update($table, $data, $condition) { $cdt = $this->get_condition($condition); $arrd = array(); foreach($data as $f => $d) { $arrd[] = "`$f` = '$d'"; } $strd = implode(',', $arrd); $this->sql = 'update ' . $table . ' set ' . $strd . ' where ' . $cdt; return $this->exec($this->sql, __METHOD__); } /** * * @Function : save; * @Param $ : $table String, $data Array, $condition Array; * @Return Int ; */ public function save($table, $data, $condition = array()) { $cdt = $this->get_condition($condition); list($strf, $strd) = $this->get_fields_datas($data); $has1 = $this->get_one($table, $condition); if (!$has1) { $enum = $this->insert($table, $data); } else { $enum = $this->update($table, $data, $condition); } return $enum; } /** * * @Function : delete; * @Param $ : $table String, $condition Array; * @Return Int ; */ public function delete($table, $condition) { $cdt = $this->get_condition($condition); $this->sql = 'delete from ' . $table . ' where ' . $cdt; return $this->exec($this->sql, __METHOD__); } /** * * @Function : exec; * @Param $ : $sql, $method; * @Return Int ; */ public function exec($sql, $method = '') { try { $this->sql = $sql . $this->tail; $efnum = parent::exec($this->sql); } catch(PDOException $e) { echo 'PDO ' . $method . ' Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } return intval($efnum); } /** * * @Function : setLimit; * @Param $ : $start, $length; * @Return ; */ public function set_limit($start = 0, $length = 20) { $this->tail = ' limit ' . $start . ', ' . $length; } } ?> -- Thanks, Dave - DealTek dealtek@xxxxxxxxx [db-3] -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: